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Omicron panic decimates Thai tourism "high season" - foreign tourists cancel, events scrapped, flights stopped, insurance woes


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5 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

It depends oj how likely they are to have contact with highly vulnerable people. In the case of hospital staff they are very likely to have such contact.

Yes that is something I had not taken into consideration however it doesn't explain why everyone who gets Omicron and  is asymptomatic is required to isolate, not just hospital staff who come into contact with patients but transport, shop and other workers.  It's the "one-size for all" approach that is (IMO) damaging.

Edited by VBF
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1 hour ago, Mr Derek said:

We're talking about omicron, right? People with omicron reportedly have no need for ICU. For example: https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/delhi-doctor-gives-insight-into-health-of-omicron-patients-oxygen-and-icu-need-101640017278499.html. 

Only those with underlying health conditions need hospital attention: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10346119/First-Australian-Omicron-study-shows-ICU-unvaccinated-Delta-strain.html.


There's enough evidence now. We need to let omicron spread both to generate natural immunity and to supplant Delta and the possibility of worse variants in future (though I don't believe there will be any worse variants). Ordinary influenza is already being supplanted so with omicron we could actually come out of this ahead. Reported symptoms of omicron actually sound a lot less severe than for ordinary influenza. Those people should indeed be kept out of hospitals.

Continued fearmongering is female thinking. There, I've said it. We all need to strap on a pair and live with it. Omicron is the best news possible.

Mmm? Maybe re-think this one. 

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5 hours ago, Cherrytreeview said:

People aren't stupid.

We had the story of the Danish family yesterday, with the daughter being taken off to hospital for failing a test.

Area 39, a very popular bar near Treetown, Soi Bukahow, Pattaya has started ATK testing to get into the premises. They are not accepting proof of vaccination apparently.

Editor of the Pattaya News confirmed that if you fail that ATK test, an ambulance will be called and you will be taken to hospital.

Who in their right mind is going to travel 6,000 miles to put up with heads you win, tails your taken to hospital.



Anecdotal but covid is already circulating in Pattaya . A lot of it going under the radar.

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6 hours ago, RubbaJohnny said:

They'll be flying in in drops and dropping like flies, if this variant is as deadly as Delta. Even if people recover those who take up ICU's block others and regardless of beds in streets as we saw in the last wave there is a finite number of trained staff and some of them may succumb, sick , die or be forced to quarantine.


Severe Chinese style lockdowns my  be the sole solution, we'll soon know 13 million in Xian is the Petri dish. I don't think this regime  has the will cojones or discipline to really herd these pussy cats, all we can do is get vaxxed, mask up and hide, yet I foresee a New Year superspread.


You obviously don't read much news,It has already been widely publicised,that although Omicron is more transmissable,it is less severe than previous variants,so your post is a non starter,and waste of time.

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Looking like those Chinese vaccines are ineffective against Omicron too! How much money have certain foreign governments wasted, (and laundered for their own families' benefit), in their haste to suckle up to Beijing, I wonder?


But yes, Omicron looking low risk fromall the stats, however what kind of variant could it morph into next? Highly transmissable and deadly would be the nightmare!


Though in UK, USA etc they're all reporting 75% plus of fatalities from covid are those people who are unvaccinated!



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21 minutes ago, Sunderland said:

If the numbers are going to be cooked anyway, it's likely Phuket.


Before the tourist invasion in November/December, I would guess 50% of foreigners wore masks. Now, around 10%.


Gotta feel sorry for all the Thais working in the tourist industry who are duty bound to wear masks 24-7 while their foreign customers shout, yell and cough in their faces. 


Masks may well do very little against the spread of Omicron, but it would be nice if everyone were allowed to enjoy the benefits of fresh air and not just arrogant tourists.

It is recomended to wear more efficient protection such as N95 , KN94 , or surgical mask with cloth mask over it.

we have  3D masks in Thailand that fit face very well.




The Reason Health Experts Urge People to Ditch Cloth Masks in the Fight Against Omicron





Omicron is 'not the same disease' as previous Covid variants, Oxford University scientist says


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5 hours ago, Sydneydave said:

The dreaded omicron variant!

1 person has died from it in the world. As Covid mutates into weaker and weaker strains, the remaining predominant variant will be the weakest of all.


So, what does the Thai government do? Has a highly predictable knee-jerk over reaction to it and gives the countries economy the knock out blow!


Tourists are cancelling because of the government's dictatorial reaction, not because of omicron!


Look at South Africa: A 90% reduction in Covid hospitalisations since omicron became the dominant variant. Trust the data. That's science!





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4 hours ago, sezze said:



The new variant does seem to be a lot less dangerous , from all reports so far , and also the report of Thai specialist is also confirmed as Omicron does affect more upper area rather then the lungs . This with the vaccination and booster does not scare many people from traveling anymore . We are as good protected as we can be against the heaviest form of Covid . What does scare people is : quarantines , hospital admissions when not needed , huge bills , being stuck in a country which is about to be locked it for unknown time ( many people still need to go work after their holiday ) .

We will see how it turns out , but with the low vaccination number in Thailand , i can imagine it still can create a lot of havoc , in all of the regards i just said  . It is a very big gamble to go Thailand right now ( or in the coming 2-3 months ) , for different reason then before but with exactly the same result .

Exactly my sentiment, if I am coming to Thailand for 3 weeks I don't want to take the risk of been incarcerated for two weeks at mine or my insurers expense.

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Thailand is still chasing the cheap charlie tourist, whilst muttering high-quality. Then surprised about cancellations when the pandemic evolves to this.


An opportunity was wasted to be the first Asian country to lean into it and have remote workers set up here to see it all out.

Those people are here for the medium long term, are more comfortable with the risk profile of travel and would just dump foreign cash to the local economy.


But, let's still keep on worrying about the short term tourist numbers and putting lipstick on a pig.

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3 hours ago, BusyB said:

I suspect most haven't even noticed how many flights the airlines have had to cancel because of staff off sick.

But the staff are not 'sick' are they. They have tested positive for a seemingly mild Coronavirus, and the vast majority are asymptomatic.

We'd have had staff shortages every year if we were testing and isolating for all Coronaviruses. 

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2 hours ago, bougnat said:

So if the hospital system should explode, and it explodes, it might be a good thing if this virus is benign. While most are infected and treated with the effective antibiotics available and which have worked very well for decades. Then the population will be immunized with real natural anti-bodies which will prevail in the organism, unlike these pseudo-vaccines, none of which really bear the name. A little courage and common sense, and a lot of pedagogy and Thailand will have made a big step forward. Enough of these retreats, of renouncements, of these leaders who panic like college girls, incapable of the slightest daring decision as they are so preoccupied by their re-election.

Antibiotics do jack **** against a virus. If they did then covid would not have been a problem for the world.

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54 minutes ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

My dive shop in Phuket is the busiest it's been since the Sandbox opening in July...will see if things hold up in January. 

In view that they have had 20,000-30,000 Scandanavian cancellations that is unlikely.

People aren't interested in the Test-Wait-Maybe-Go-Hospital program.

Certainly not interested in Phuket when the monsoon season leaves it looking like a desolate damp squib for a large part of the year.

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7 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

Actually USA deaths are now trending back up.. and the speed of the recent rises means your likely 2 plus weeks away from the current infections presenting in mortality figures. Omicron is milder but the infection rates are way way higher to compensate somewhat. 

The other issues are more economic.. People isolating on mass means lack of staff for services, a breakdown of these can lead to all kinds of economic chaos even with a mild virus. 


Don't worry about the US. Brandon said he's gonna "shut the virus down and cure cancer" so they're gonna be fine.

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1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

It depends oj how likely they are to have contact with highly vulnerable people. In the case of hospital staff they are very likely to have such contact.

That's a fair point, but firstly I keep hearing that a good percentage of patients in hospitals with Covid actually caught Covid while in the hospital. So it seems almost impossible to stop the spread inside hospitals.

And secondly, hospital staff dealing with vulnerable patients will presumably be wearing medical grade masks, shields etc., as they would to stop any type of contamination. 

But I appreciate it would be a big call to start treating Omicron like any other transmissible disease at this stage. 

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I remember when Thai govt was calling farangs dirty and “only 10% of the economy”

I think they are realising the trickle down effect of tourism and it has gone from 10-15-20% of the economy.

living here for many years and seeing the downturn it feels like a lot more.

As I type this on the beach in Hua Hin near front of Hilton @ 7pm all deck chairs from food vendors are being put away. Things ain’t good!

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7 hours ago, ozfarang said:

But hospital admissions are not increasing dramatically.

Australian cases nearly doubled over night but hospital admissions only up slightly and ICU and ventilator case were down marginally.

If Thailand follows a trajectory similar to Australia then their health system will cope

but the huge number of asymptomatic "cases" of infection make much better panic news, so that is what we must concentrate on.....

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Thai business media reported that the tourist "high season" was in tatters in Thailand because of the Omicron variant.

It is in Tatters because of the ineptitude demonstrated by the Administration of Fools who have told the travelling world " we are great" one day "we have the Virus under control" the next day. "All come all welcome" . "No Quaranteen". Yes Quaranteen.

People out there all over the world read the utter <deleted> that you load your statements with and made the only decision a sane person could make, "Don't go to Thailand, it is not safe. 

Wake up you clowns and quit while you are ahead, the good and suffering people of Thailand do not deserve what you are consigning them to.

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