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Why would I want to move my family from a poor country to a rich country?


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3 hours ago, sezze said:

Idk about US , but from Thailand to the western world , in general you do get more quality in just about everything .

That's true.  Little things don't tend to break as much, but labor is cheaper in Thailand, so just fix it again SomChai and don't worry, be happy.


I generally fix my own stuff in America around the house, but here I don't have to lift a finger. ????

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Guest Isaanlife
1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

We are in the US right now, and if you have anything related to customer service, the wait times are 10-90 minutes. Never seen it this bad. And prices on nearly everything are skyrocketing. They claim it is due to a labor shortage. Doubt it. Likely more about corporate gouging. Covid is merely an opportunity to these cretins.


Don't consider a move back here unless you have buckets full of cash. 

Please explain what prices are skyrocketing and on which products?


You seem to have a habit of making the entire world about yourself?


You have a bitterness about the US and it all leads back to your comments how you cannot afford it unless you are a millionaire.


Do you really want to move back to the USA that bad that every little financial thing bothers you?


Because something happened to you, the entire world must be going to hell right?


All customer service must suck because it happened to you?


Never seen it this bad?


How long have you been in the US? For a week? Or you comparing this to 20+ years ago when you could afford to live there?


When was the last time you saw McDonalds offering $13 to $15 per hour to start work with no experience?


Walmart $15/hr with free college tuition.


Or Hobby Lobby offering $18 an hour?


This is due to the FACT they cannot find workers.


I just saw a Taco Bell in the US hosting a party with free give-a ways trying to find some workers.


Come on Mike. Try telling the truth for a change.

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1 hour ago, sirineou said:

Even those in  "POVERTY"  drive BMWs and Teslas. Not too bad if you ask me 

Not exactly.  They drive expensive luxury cars to pretend they're rich.  Which they're not. 


That's why they're delivery drivers, because they can't afford their lifestyle.????

Edited by SiSePuede419
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54 minutes ago, Andre0720 said:

While I like my life here in Thailand as an adult, I would not want to raise a child here.

All about culture.

How could I teach a child here about being responsible, for his or her actions, for his or her son or daughter, for learning about science and arts?

How could I teach a child that there are laws and regulations when driving on these roads, when everything around teaches the opposite?

How could I teach a child that people should be able to enjoy peace and quietness in their own home, when everything around teaches the opposite?

How could I teach a child that tobacco is a slow poison, while most believe that it is just a prerequisite to being an adult??

How could I teach a child that sugar is a slow poison, when it is just impossible to find a meal that does not contain sugar.

How could I teach a child that garbage belongs in a garbage bin, when it is so easier to just drop it on the ground?

And so on...


A poor parent will be a poor parent irrespective of their culture.

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21 minutes ago, Smithson said:

I've never been to the US, luckily, as it seems violent and without compassion.

Yeah cities are filled with trash so avoid those but I didn't lock the doors in my house at night where I grew up in Colorado. Sadly though crime is rising now but it's their own fault for coddling criminals.

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16 minutes ago, SiSePuede419 said:

Not exactly.  They drive expensive luxury cars to pretend they're rich.  Which they're not. 


That's why they're delivery drivers, because they can't afford their lifestyle.????

As opposed to Thailand where they drive cheaper cars to mask their wealth?

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Guest Isaanlife
10 minutes ago, SiSePuede419 said:

Do you live in an ocean front mansion in Thailand? I didn't think so.


No, but I lived right across the street from the beach in SoCal with a 35 mile view of Santa Monica bay.


Don't believe you live on the beach in Thailand. Maybe several blocks away.



 Do you live in a Penthouse Condo in downtown Bangkok? I didn't think so.


No, I've lived in Manhattan,a much, much superior city.  I even lived in a house in NYC with a backyard for $300/month because the owner wanted to support struggling artists, something even rich people in NYC can't afford.



Do you think your quality of life is better than all the rich people have it around the entire world? Of course not.


I never said that. Strawman argument.




There a millions of people around the world in every country that have a quality of life you will NEVER EVER reach. Fact!


Who cares? Most of those so-called rich people inherited their wealth. That's not an accomplishment. ????



You have a better quality of life in Thailand because it is all you can afford. 




I have a cabin in the Rocky Mountains with a 180° mountain view. You can't afford that. ????



Quality of life is ALL dependent upon money




The happiest people in the world are often the poorest. You sound jealous. ????



Millionaires have a hell of lot better quality of life than you will ever have; no matter there they live.


Most millionaires inherited their money and they in fear of losing it. ????



You certainly didn't end up in Thailand because your rich, but understand one thing? Whether Thailand or not, rich people will always have a better quality life than you.




I've stayed with rich people in America who had a town named after them. They ate spaghetti and a cheap salad for dinner.


Because they're cheap <deleted>. ????



Are you jetting off to Aspen this winter? 


I live in one of the WORLDS best ski resort, Bubba. Give me a break with your dumb cliches.


 Beverly Hills?


Yes, I've eaten many times in BH at one of the world's best chefs. God, you're not very bright. ????



 Lots of Thai families with their own businesses, driving a Benz…


Benz? That's for stupid people who want you to think they're rich. Bill Gates drives a Ford Focus. Most rich people drive Toyota or Hondas.


Because rich people focus on making money not spending it.



I even lived in a house in NYC with a backyard for $300/month because the owner wanted to support struggling artists


Now that makes sense. I can see where your quality of life now might be better now.


What makes NO sense is the fact you claim to have done everything on a list I just made up.


1. You stayed in the backyard for $300. Struggling artist?


2. You stayed with rich people with a town named after them. But no house of your own? How do you compare your quality of life now to staying in someone's house?


3. You live in one of the world's best ski resorts, yet you claim to live in Thailand??????? Where is the evidence? Pretty sure you don't live in Aspen.


4. You live right across the street from the Beach in SoCal? Was this in another backyard? Where is the evidence of your house? Renting a backyard or apartment?


5. Most of those so-called rich people inherited their wealth. What does this have to do with YOUR quality of life?


6. The happiest people in the world are often the poorest. I am pretty sure I could find 100 folks in Isaan right now that would dispute this fallacy. 


7. Most millionaires inherited their money and they in fear of losing it? Did a bunch of millionaires tell you this personally? I don't think so, stop making things up.


8. They ate spaghetti and a cheap salad for dinner. Is there a guide that states rich people can only eat certain foods? Donald Trump eats McDonalds, so what?


9. Give me a break with your dumb cliches. Is it odd, you claim to have done everyone of these dumb cliches?


10. Yes, I've eaten many times in BH at one of the world's best chefs. God, you're not very bright. If you ate a chef, you are not the bright one! What does this have to do with quality of life is better in Thailand?


11. Benz? That's for stupid people who want you to think they're rich? You told you this? Do you have any factual evidence? 


12. Most rich people drive Toyota or Hondas. You claim to have eaten in Beverly Hills. Did you see the rich, elite driving Toyota's and Honda's or Ferrari's, Bugatti's and cars you cannot even pronounce?


Your whole excuse is shot to h*ll


Instead of telling tales you have done all these DUMB CLICHES, maybe you should have posted exactly HOW the quality of your life is better in Thailand and how exactly your life is day to day?


PS How is the food at LaScala in Bangkok? I know you said spaghetti is poor man's food, but at 3,800 baht at LaScala, I would like your recommendation it is good enough for poor people like me? You seem to have done everything else in the world, so this would be nothing special?


Or maybe a recommendation at a rich person's restaurant, (since you look down on spaghetti and salad) like Le Normandie by Alain Roux. @$215 US dollars?


Is your quality of life up to par with eating at Le Normandie by Alain Roux, or street food?






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4 hours ago, SiSePuede419 said:

but my 2 year old is not going to qualify for many jobs at the moment.  He likes to turn light switches on and off, but there's not much need for that on the employment market.

I absolutely love this line and the image of a two year old running round pressing every light switch he can reach is going to stay with me all day.

For this on its own you get a thumbs up from me.

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Guest Isaanlife
32 minutes ago, SiSePuede419 said:

Teaching someone how to learn is better than teaching rote facts.


That's what I intend to do in Thailand.


While my son goes to primary school, I will teach him how to be a scientist at home.


He can get a Masters Degree in Physics at Papa University and doesn't have to be a wage slave for up to 30 years to pay back the outrageous student loans in America.


Thanks for reminding me...


Outrageous prices for Higher education in America.  POVERTY.

He won't get a masters in anything from you. Are you really that delusional?


Most parents I know, including me, saved up the money working to send their kid to college with no student loans.


If you start now and have a good income, you can save plenty for your kids college in the next 16 years.


Of course, if you are full of hot air and have no money or reasonable income, then of course he will not be a benefactor of a free education.


I can just image you must not have ever worked as a professional in the first world?


Do you think kids just march into a company and are handed a job (hired) with no test scores, no grades, no transcripts, no GPA, nothing? 


Get real man.


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Guest Isaanlife
48 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I've known plenty of rich people in the UK and a few in Thailand.

All had earned their own money (including me), but they were mostly miserable.

It's easy to be miserable when events leading up to loosing it all can drag on and on for years before it finally implodes.

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Guest Isaanlife
57 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

My Thai daughter graduated earlier this year and her starting wage is 18kbht/month.

No loan required, the fees and expenses were easily affordable.


Not as much as she wanted, but in these days of COVID, it's not so bad.

How many graduates in the UK earn enough to buy a home a year after finishing university?

She earns enough to make payments (finance) on a house for the next 30 years. The bank will own it until then.

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Guest Isaanlife
6 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

The people that make most money usually work for themselves.

No qualifications required, just drive and ambition.

You must not understand the 1% rule?

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3 hours ago, Jerno said:

USA world leader in Education?  Sorry my friend, that ain't so. Almost every Western country has better Education and better educated citizenry.

Wrong.  Rich people from all around the world send their kids to Harvard, Yale and Caltech.


Why would they do that if Som Chai University better? ????

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26 minutes ago, Isaanlife said:

Donald Trump eats McDonalds, so what

You just outted yourself as an uneducated, ignorant fool. 


You're right, you made up that entire list. ????


You ain't rich, just a wannabe.


You don't have to be rich to live a "rich" life like I have, only smart.  Most rich people are stupid, not smart.  Most rich people inherited their wealth.



God, you're a pathetic excuse for a human being. ????

Edited by SiSePuede419
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2 hours ago, ezzra said:

Make it only good health, if you have good health, everything else will follow, and it goes specially for the not so young anymore among us...

Money, love, health.


If you ain't got health, you can't enjoy the prior.


You don't need money to find true love. 


Homeless people in America have girlfriends. 


Good God, I once employed a toothless meth head who had a girlfriend. ????

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