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Thailand should stop publicizing Covid numbers by April


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On 1/17/2022 at 1:27 PM, phukettrader said:


You need to be in USA. The stepdaughter had the original covid back in 2020, fully vaxed after that and now has it again. The problem is she works in an aged care facility where she is tested every day. They gave her leave because of the second covid but have now called her back to work because too many staff have taken leave because of it.


Ordered back to work, with Covid, in an aged care facility. Is this the system you want?

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4 hours ago, BlackJack said:

your story interests me as that latest covid statistic was an 80+ year old woman with dementia. This raises a few legal questions in that she was vaxed according the the hospital. How can a patient in hospital with dementia be competent enough to agree to informed consent in order to get the experimental jabs?

Also an 80 year old hospitalized with dementia is dying as most deaths occur with at least 4.1 comorbidities and so what else did she have?


Last for many years now the figures/data has been wrong. If you look at the data it shows that less that 1% of deaths are from covid. As this is CDC based data then by all meant stop advertising misleading data


A wellknown country in the middle of Europe counts you as "died with Covid" if you die (because of whatever) max. 3 weeks after a positiv PCR.
Would you call this advertising misleading datas too ?

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If this story has been accurately reported I don't think focusing on deaths is the correct way to go about this. We already know Omicron is less severe particularly for the vaccinated but there are still many people who are have to be in hospital despite the fact they may well not die. It's these numbers and the possible overwhelming of hospitals that are one of the biggest issues. I'm not saying we still need the numbers but fatality numbers aren't the important figures. Also it's now January how can they predict what will happen by April? If the numbers are low enough to stop the reporting then just stop. 


If this is right then why is there another story saying Test and Go will be suspended until mid year?




If they can predict that far ahead from January to April why did they start Test and Go when they must have known they were going to cancel it

Edited by kimamey
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1 hour ago, BangkokReady said:

Yes.  Local covid is OK, foreign covid is very dangerous and needs to be kept out.

It sure could be. There are variants being incubated all over the world. 

Do you not think the ccp should have stopped their infected citizens travelling as soon as they had an idea just how bad and contagious covid19 was? I doubt it would have been possible to contain it but they definitely could have slowed it's spread.

Also are you happy to be cooped up on a plane with 300 people from many countries who have not been tested?

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1 hour ago, GreasyFingers said:

The is no natural immunity. Look at the numbers of people that have had it more than once and still spread it.

Like the vaccines it is a temporary immunisation. Having had covid or had vaccines doesn't stop you getting covid. This has never been claimed yet anti vaxxers are quick to repeat this. Get vaccinated and just like the flu vaccines, get it boosted when needed. You can still get covid but are far less likely to end up in intensive care. 

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Such wannabes. Pretending they have everything under control. Rather they’ve realized they can’t do anything about it so let’s pretend there is no issue. Dropping the ball has the only advantage of spreading it like wildfire possibly reaching herd immunity with a few casualties along the way. Will it be as bad as road injuries and deaths? Time will tell. 

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7 hours ago, phukettrader said:

Great. Now open everything up so that people can earn a living, stop mandating people to wear useless face nappies and order the media to stop scaring people all day every day.

They are called face masks not face nappies. Unless you have a strange anatomy of course. The fact you have to use childish insults suggests you don't have much that is useful to say. Also all the evidence I've seen says that masks reduce the risk of someone spreading infection and are an advantage although to a lesser extent on being infected. That's not really surprising since anything in front of your mouth and nose will reduce spread to some extent. Even just breathing on your hand with and without a mask will show that the force of air that would spread any infection is reduced although it won't stop it completely.


I agree that opening up as much as possible is needed as soon as possible but if taking minor measures such as where possible wearing a mask in indoor settings allows this to happen then I see that as positive for the economy and Thailand in general. As I've mentioned elsewhere this story seems to contradict an earlier one suggesting Test and Go wouldn't return until at least mid year.

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If the numbers of fatal cases are comparable to Dengue and Influenza then there's not much cause for alarm. Just have to accept it's become an endemic virus because the world as a whole failed to mount a unified effort to eradicate it. Maybe we can eradicate it one day if/when enough people get vaccinated like we did with Smallpox and Polio.

Keeping track and publishing numbers can have a negative effect on people's mental health, especially in those already suffering from anxieties.


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11 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Kanyarat says if the government were to set a target to stop publicizing numbers by April, then it would signal to the country that there is an end date to the public health crisis and that it was not a “forever war.”


Nothing to see here.


"It's April, the war has been won."



Will the Emergency Decree, which conveys unchecked power - as if they need another document to justify their rule - also be terminated?




"Mission accomplished!!!'

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"Trusted Thailand" should stop reporting numbers. No one believes them anyway.

Stop ASQ

Stop Sandbox

Stop Test and Go

Stop any kind of quarantine restrictions.


In the very beginning of 2020, Bangkok had 55000 tourists from Wuhan in just one week

Later they reported the very first case outside of China

That was the very last time there was any truth in the numbers

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On 1/17/2022 at 1:54 PM, Jimbo2014 said:

Be like China's CCP - they stopped publishing real figures in December 2019,

105,000 official cases in a country with 1,4 billion people....


Baron Von Münchhausen would be proud.

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On 1/17/2022 at 8:07 PM, Morpheus42 said:


Your freethinking people don't think. They are the sheeple who lap up anything said on youtube without questioning it at all. If you started asking questions then you will soon see none of them have any proof. They get hold of a fact or theory and extrapolate it until it becomes complete baseless nonsense. Freethinking is leading people to believe all sorts of rubbish so why not try critical thinking? Don't be a sheeple - challenge what these youtube muppets are saying.

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