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Neighbor's second hand smoke is driving me nuts.

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27 minutes ago, Andre0720 said:

Just to put a bit of humor in this hehe.

A German couple used to go at the same restaurant as me and my friend.

One day, I get to the entrance, and the woman was smoking, one of those stinky ones. So I wait patiently for her to finish her cigarette.

When she did finish, I moved in and sat at a table. At which time she lit up again. So i made it clear to her that this was real annoying to me. But I think that this couple already knew that. So the reason why the old lady lit up again.

So I also started telling her that I did wait for her to finish her cigarette before I came in, and asked her why she did not just wait also for me to finish my meal before she lit up again.

The husband, who did not smoke, answered that that there was no sign on the walls indicating that people could not smoke here.

I stood up, walked to their table, pointed at the wall against their table and said; :"There is no sign here that says that I cannot <deleted> on your table, but I have enough education to not to do so".

Well, they were not pleased, to say the least.

So it is a matter of education. If one has a filthy stinky habit, this person should do the utmost to keep it contained..

Gotten Himmel!????????

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1 minute ago, Andre0720 said:

Illegal to smoke in restaurants in Phuket.

Those who who have the filthy stinky habit should eat at home   

But it obviously was tolerated by the owner. If you don't like it, get lost. The world does not need such self entitled deputy sheriffs.

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I'm with the OP.   My nose is excellent and this would drive me crazy.  Go talk to the guy.  Find out how long he will be there.  Tell him it bothers you so much something will need to happen ASAP. 

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24 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

I feel for you and agree, there is nothing worse. I went through this years ago back in my country, sorry that I can't help you here, but for what it's worth, the tenant downstairs moved in and was a chain smoker, both he and his wife and they had two kids, who I felt very sorry for having to endure their parents cigarette smoke.


I spoke to their agent who said nothing they can do, I spoke to the tenant, met me with a volley of abuse and told me to move if I didn't like it, and I assured him as the owner of the unit above him, it would be him moving before me.


I sent a letter to the owner advising him that I would be suing him if his tenants smoke caused me or my family ill health, he said he told his agent he didn't want a smoker and would speak to the agent, nothing happened, so I called a meeting with the Owners Corporation and they said they could do nothing, so I wrote to the CTTT, The Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal about the problem and they wrote back to me and to the Owners Corporation advising that the occupier of that lot was in breach of his lease and the Strata Titles Act, under section 2 nuisance: 

Smoking is not banned in all strata schemes. However, occupants must not create a nuisance or hazard or stop others enjoying the strata complex. If smoking is offending someone, the smoker could be taken to the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal and penalised.   


The Owners Corporation were put on notice that they had 7 days to comply and provide the occupier of that lot to stop smoking as it was creating a nuisance to another lot occupier, me, and that failure to comply would result in a fine of $5,000 per day, you should have seen them get into action. I also went further and looked at the strata plan and noted that the balconies were common property, even though we all had exclusive use of them, the tenant could not even smoke on his balcony as smoking wasn't allowed on common property and they would have to walk outside the block on the footpath to smoke, what made me feel even better was the chairman of the Owners Corporation who is a smoker and laughed when I told him in the beginning that he had to stop the tenant smoking, ended up joining his smoking friend whenever he wanted to smoke......lol


Like I said, can't help you, understand your frustration, however if there is a similar body, legislation, it would be a start, as for enforcement here in Thailand, good luck with that.


Note: Recently when we were on holiday in a 5 star, we had a room which had a door adjoining to the other room, didn't bother us, however I did notice cigarette smoke coming through that door, so I went down to reception and asked if this was a non smoking hotel, yes sir it is, well can you tell the person next door to us to stop smoking as we can smell it in our room, would you like to move rooms sir, NO, I said in a firm way, she then looked at the computer screen and said sir, the person in the room next to you is checking out at 12 today, good I said, I hope you point out to them that this is a non smoking hotel, that said, as I said enforcement here in Thailand is another matter.


Good luck though. 

You should have just <deleted> ted him one!???? 

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2 hours ago, Bruno123 said:

What I found most remarkable about this, is that they haven't even bothered to contact the neighbour ????

and what ?     tell him he can't smoke on HIS BALCONY anymore .....      Lol   ...... some here don't understand common sense.

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1 hour ago, steven100 said:

and what ?     tell him he can't smoke on HIS BALCONY anymore .....      Lol   ...... some here don't understand common sense.

The "some here" would appear to be you.


When I had a similar issue with my next door neighbour, I spoke to him about it and he organised a fan to blow the smoke in another direction. Didn't always work, but he made an effort. In the end, he had to move.

So who here doesn't have any common sense? 

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5 hours ago, connda said:

If true, then the OP would have cause to file a complaint with the police.  So OP!  There ya go!  But I think I'd want Hummin to supply the link to the Thai law before heading to the cop-shop in case that statement, "smoking on balconies is illegal in Thailand by law!", isn't necessarily true.  Best to have a written copy of the law in your hand before proceeding down that route. 

Also take a brown envelope or several. Be careful however, as things can escalate quickly and seriously in Thailand.

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51 minutes ago, Meat Pie 47 said:

Well I used to smoke most of my life but I gave up years ago but I am not a reformed smoker I don't mind if some one smokes next to me

I quit smoking back in 1970 but I don't have a problem with people who do smoke unless they are deliberately blowing the smoke at me.


We live in a detached house and my wife smokes, but not in the main house. She smokes outside and uses the MIL old house and uses the toilet there. Several of our neighbours also smoke but again only outside.

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5 hours ago, Hummin said:

I already did post the link in a previous post

To be fair, that article did not say it was prohibited but the intention was there would be a ministerial announcement put into effect in the next 4 months from the (unknown) date of the article itself.  We don't know if it actually happened.

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11 hours ago, roo860 said:

You should have just <deleted> ted him one!???? 

That would have been a lot easier, but resorting to violence would have brought me beneath his level.


I sit with a bunch of lads a couple of times a week to have a few drinks and 3 out of 4 of them are smokers, it doesn't really bother me as we are outdoors, but when you have a new-born and smoke not only enters through your balcony door into the living room and your bedroom window at night when your enjoying the summer nights cooler breeze, but through the bath tile vents on the side of the bathtub when your Mrs is giving the baby a wash, that takes the cake.


Was very disheartened at the lack of support from other owners in the small development, but have learnt one thing for sure, when people lack education, they think they can do anything, however if you have laws and hefty fines that will be enforced, those uneducated people will toe the line, not going to Thai bash, I just keep away from people, that makes things simpler, I hear, I see and I duck and weave as I am only a guest here in an entirely different world which isn't too bad, otherwise I wouldn't be here.

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A good reminder for everyone who thinking about buying a condo. 


If you easy irritated by other people's habits, or have habits other people dislike, buy a house, even better build a house without neighbours. 





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9 hours ago, Boyn said:

TBH i would not want to live in a place so controlled that you cannot even smoke on your own balcony

You will be telling me what time to go to bed next!


That is not the point. The point is that you both have to live there. Would you prefer to live with an angry neighbour who hates you and is out to get you or a placated neighbour who appreciates the effort you have made in trying to mitigate the effects on his quality of life?


Human rights applies to the other person involved too. Be nice and reap the rewards. Be nasty and keep looking over your shoulder.

Too many fools in this world who think money buys everything. 

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If I were the OP I would talk to my neighbor politely or, as recommended already, buy a fan to blow the smoke away from me.

Why make a war out of it? It's not worth the time and anger.

But it seems there are people who can't live without fighting about nothing.

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8 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

I think it a good bet that the same guys that worry about second hand smoke are also terrified of covid.

Are you attempting to insult fellow members with that comment or do you have some scientific basis for your totally off-topic comment?

Seriously one of the most pointless and nonsensical posts I have seen in a while.

\I don't like smoke in my apartment, second hand or otherwise. Even from cooking. Ready for that good bet? Why you would write such a silly thing is only beknowst to yourself. Perhaps you can share your insights.




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28 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

I think it a good bet that the same guys that worry about second hand smoke are also terrified of covid.

It is all about common sense, nothing else.


If there is a non smoking condomenium, dont smoke, if thats the rule, and in Thailand you can not smoke on your balcony. Easy as that

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