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Drinking on a Buddhist Holiday

Edward Abbott

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16 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

You are talking about getting drunk rather than drinking alcohol, right?



17 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

How could you say it isn't 'fun or worthwhile' to have a glass of good wine with a meal or a glass of fine brandy / whisky in the evening while relaxing watching the sunset or a good film?  

Because it isn't and I don't require alcohol to enjoy those things.


18 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

Drinking alcohol is not just downing beers at a bar and getting legless then waking up the next morning with a hangover. 

I know what drinking alcohol is.


18 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

 People can actually enjoy alcohol sensibly, it does not have to be all or nothing.  

Where did I say people couldn't? What others do is none of my concern, I simply pointed out my decision, something you seem to have taken umbrage with for reasons I really don't see.

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12 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Ah, yes, but the saying (in American) .... 


"Definition of 'couldn't care less could care less'

couldn't care less could care less

or could care less


If you say that you couldn't care less about someone or something, you are emphasizing that you are not interested in them or worried about them. In American English, you can also say that you could care less, with the same meaning."


Next time, think before posting ... just a suggestion. ????

Bob's your Uncle



There's only one English. Unfortunately, even 85% of British can't use it properly...

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15 hours ago, Edward Abbott said:

Although nowhere will (officially) sell booze today, there are places I know I can buy it of course.


Besides the risk of getting nicked, are the locals generally cool with farangs having a beer on their holy day? 

You're so going to hell!! I mean... getting reincarnated... No Nirvana for you, Sir!

Edited by tomazbodner
Just kidding
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"I could care less." Try thinking outside the box a little as to what can be implied rather than the literal word for word meaning. Ranking all the things I care about from highest to lowest, this particular item may not be the absolute lowest, but it's close. So I COULD care less about it, there is that possibility, but not very probable, because it's way way down there towards the bottom. In that light, it means pretty much the same as "I couldn't care less", which is the absolute bottom. Not a huge difference, it still implies that it is not a high priority of importance. If you don't agree, I really "couldn't give a rat's A$$".

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7 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

None of us are 'trying to change things around', as you put it. We just talk about how silly and pointless the rules are. You know and I know and so does every foreigner know that we can't change anything. Doesn't mean we can't complain about stupid and hypocrisy.


So I think it is more that we question stupid rules. Thais have been taught from a very early age to obey without question, so they do. It's deeply ingrained. Then we come along and ask why do people bow to Buddhist belief that alcohol should not be consumed, but only on a few days of the year. Other days, no problem. If drinking alcohol is a Buddhist no-no on the 16th, why is it okay on the 15th and 17th? Of course it makes no sense and stinks of religious hypocrisy.


No-alcohol days are also pointless as it's yet another unenforceable law, something that is so much a fixture of Thailand. All it does is stop large stores selling on one day and deny certain businesses a day of trade. All to no real purpose.


well written comment, though dont you think actually what you are saying is trying to change the things. with your words 'a stupid rule' is a rule and many thai people respect and do. not trying to be offensive but i dont think it is our place to complain or call it 'a stupid rule' while living in another country... this is my opinion. 'a stupid thing' might be not 'a stupid thing' for another person. maybe you are right or not, but must respect. i remember my british father (he is an idiot) keep complaining about the things where i was born (my mother's country) and to be honest i hated that every time he was complaining. he also keep calling things 'stupid'. 

I think there are things we can make comments and talk on it, but there are things we just need to shut up and respect. We all know there are many rules here are funny, example is immigration things. 

All im trying to say is we must stop calling things 'stupid' unless its against our rights or others and respect and act properly, thats all. 1 day not drinking beer will not kill you. if it is... then you dont need a beer but a therapist. Like i said in my first years in thailand i was also like why i cannot buy, im not buddhist.. but later i have learned to respect. this is not a thing or rule will affect my life.. actually i like the thing, it shows us actually not to drink, rest your body, do something good for your health and so on.. 

there are things you really need to respect and one of them is religion. you practise or not, you believe or not but again i think we cannot make negative comments about it 'Of course it makes no sense and stinks of religious hypocrisy'.

lets not forget we are living in a buddhist country. doing this rule is showing a respect to people and the religion. It doesnt matter others are doing or not.. doesnt matter thais are doing or not. Many thai people throw garbage outside, are you doing that just because thais are doing it? Do you know how they feel and respect you when you stand up with them when the national anthem is playing? isnt it funny that everytime you must do that at the cinema? so what?! i can do that, i live here. the moment i entered to this country i accepted ALL. with goods and bads. 

im pretty sure you will reply my post with many things. and again this is my opinion. and i think how it must be, thats all. i know you cannot stop yourself and will give an answer to me, but it wont change my idea. so whatever you write next, i will not reply because obviously there is no end to this topic and probably we are both correct in some points.


thank you

Edited by problemfarang
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20 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Good for you. 

Me, I don’t require it. 

It's a good thing when folks who have a problem are finally able to dry out and quit for good.  I applaud them! 
Then there are the vast majority who just want a social drink with their meal and find out that they can't get one due to a religious holiday that isn't part their own religious up-bringing.
Imho, all tourist should be able to get a beer or wine regardless of what day it is and at anytime they want one.
But that's just me.

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22 minutes ago, connda said:

It's a good thing when folks who have a problem are finally able to dry out and quit for good.  I applaud them! 
Then there are the vast majority who just want a social drink with their meal and find out that they can't get one due to a religious holiday that isn't part their own religious up-bringing.
Imho, all tourist should be able to get a beer or wine regardless of what day it is and at anytime they want one.
But that's just me.

Never had a drinking problem, just decided, social or otherwise, it just wasn't for me anymore.

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22 hours ago, Bluespunk said:




Because it isn't and I don't require alcohol to enjoy those things.


I know what drinking alcohol is.


Where did I say people couldn't? What others do is none of my concern, I simply pointed out my decision, something you seem to have taken umbrage with for reasons I really don't see.

Ok.  I appreciate your personal decision, even if I can not relate to your views. 


I was not saying you needed wine or brandy etc in order to enjoy meals or relaxation.  Rather, my meaning was that it added to enjoyment of these things.  


It might get help you relax and chill out a bit to have one glass of sherry or port perhaps....as, I am not sure if you meant to or not, your responses to my post come across like you are angry and annoyed and have some hang up about the subject of alcohol. 


I could understand that if you have had a bad experience with it or it affected your life from being an alcoholic or having parents / partner who was alcoholic.  I am sorry if that was the case for you.





Edited by jak2002003
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