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‘Democracy leads to inequality,’ says government textbook, sparking public outrage over potential propaganda


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Color me shocked that someone actually read this "book".


Yeah, this is a feature of the thai edumacation system, which while failing students is meant to keep the commoners in line.


It's all about that great toothpaste spill of 1932. Nearly all cleaned up.



That page isn't so bad, the Advantages column is reasonable, and there are disadvantages, particularly how it can be corrupted by those in power. But someone struggled to come up with Disadvantages conducive to the messages one often hears about "thai-style democrazy".


As those in power here often utter, thais just can't handle too much democracy. 













Edited by mtls2005
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3 hours ago, candide said:

The good side of it is that, the Thai education system being inefficient, pupils will likely not learn that either.

Yes. The system relies almost exclusively on multiple choice examinations. Pupils are taught the correct answers by rote, within a few days of delivering those answers they are forgotten.


The education and examination system which I and most westerners went through taught and examined an ability to learn facts yes, but then also required, at least at M4 - M6 level (A level in the UK) an ability to marshal those facts and use them to form and support an argument ( an essay). That simply does not feature in the Thai education system, certainly at secondary schools. It may at university, I don't know.


This does happen in "social media". It seems to be consumed voraciously by Thai youth, and so I suspect that brainwashing teenagers has limited effect.


As so often, once the cat is out of the bag...

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1 hour ago, RichardColeman said:

Excellent, another page for me to provide to the courts for my 5 year old daughter to claim asylum in the UK !

One definition of "asylum"


"an institution offering shelter and support to people who are mentally ill"



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1 hour ago, wwest5829 said:

Pondering … I am thinking that on reflection there is an appeal for far too many in being supplied with a government which provides peace and security … steadiness, known societal rules. I made the observation, not too long age, concerning the outlook of John Locke versus Thomas Hobbes. In a nut shell … Hobbes thought that mankind, living in a state of nature must have found life to be short, nasty and brutish. Thus, mankind gave up their “natural rights” in return for a government supplying the peace and security (as long as this was provided you had no right to rebel). Locke on the other hand felt life in the original state of nature was probably OK, because people are good at base level. Still, humankind found that their natural rights could be better extended through working together through a government form (we kept our natural rights and had the right to institute new government). I maintain the argument is very much still with us. China’s government model holds a certain appeal in peace and security (for most westerners, at too great a cost to individual freedoms). On the other hand the current US model is most certainly coming up short in providing a societal balance for its citizens … I hasten to point out that the western model is more successfully in evidence where a better societal balance is observed. The other concern I have is the increasing government control over the individual even in many western “democracies” … again, perhaps a pointing toward the Chinese model appeal for the future. Never happen in the US? Does not need to be a Chinese one party system … could be the corporate model. Your thoughts?

Refreshing thoughts. Personally I viewed the social democracy system score well in terms of participation and narrowing the income inequality. 

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6 hours ago, NanaSomchai said:

I'm exhausted of being right every single time;


If you've read me on several other topics across these forums, I made it very clear that Thai pupils attending schools were being brainwashed by very selective training at hating foreigners by creating a false sense of superiority, denouncing human rights, rejecting democracy, promoting nepotism again and again.


If you all still needed a proof, there you have it.


I'd hate to say it again, yet here we are again; "Told you so".


Thailand brainwashing it's children, one generation at a time.


This Kingdom is going backwards.

Of course the question is, how far back can they go? 

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