Not complaining.
Just making Observation. 😘
Trump usually writes in big, blocky letters. According to Lowe, this is a sign of a person who has a strong need for security and control. Lowe remarks, "He has a strong need to be looked up to," suggesting that Trump's need to establish his authority may be reflected in the scale of the writing. The letters' lack of connection also points to unresolved emotional issues. “He was unable to assimilate the difficulties he experienced in childhood,” Lowe states, “which leaves him open to life’s various adversities.”
I wonder why preventing such 'offences' is such a big priority for the powers that be? From my point of view, there are far more pressing matters for the Police to spend everyone's tax dollars on if they are to actually perform the role of serving and protecting people.
I'm guessing somebody far up the food chain who is so far removed from reality that they actualy think they are protecting the image and morals of the Kingdom.
After the higher ups had the audacity to pronounce Pataya free of prostitution after a staged walk down the street a couple of years ago, I doubt they have any idea of how ridiculous this kind rhetoric sounds.
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