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Can Thailand really afford to stop exporting to Russia?


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all depends on if cars are seen as that they have strategic technology

many technology is seen as strategic and can be banned for export the same with knowledge.

How one can paid for the export to a country.

How does one pay the country that one import from.

The above makes the options a country has when it trades. 



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1 hour ago, desert dueller said:

Education definitely 3rd World. Roads, law enforcement, human rights, political system also. Only Paragon is 1st World. A wafer thin veneer.

that's not what is meant by "third world" especially now - Third world means un-aligned with East or West.

What you are describing is a "developing" country - except Thailand doesn't really fit that anymore


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6 hours ago, sanuk711 said:

Thailand--doesn't own those export figures does it.


Your talking about exporting of cars and Vehicular parts, I know the cars are made (assembled) in Thailand, but there Honda's --Toyota's etc. If that had to stop then there would possibly be a cut back on the work force, but the profit from those type of exports are not Thailand's gain.

Thailand has the 10th largest motor industry in the world with well over half exported. They account for over 12% of GDP.

Edited by Thunglom
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10 hours ago, IamNoone88 said:

Russia has got oil - lots of oil. Iran and Iraq never stopped selling the stuff in $$ throughout the wars .... and at $100++ per barrel now, Russia is making lots of money. There are always buyers of oil.

Russia will do just fine.  All of this sanction nonsense from the EU will come to an abrupt halt leading into winter next year when the tap of the heating gas pipeline from Russia is still turned off.

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10 hours ago, blazes said:

The supply of oil globally is tight (hence the high price), but of course Biden has not exactly helped by cutting the Keystone pipeline (from its friendly neighbour Canada) and the moronic Green New Deal has cut off the supplies of the fracking industry.  Thank you, Joe.


U.S. oil producers ramp up fracking in sign of stronger output gains


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If Thailand becomes a sanctions buster in this particular case it will become a pariah overnight. I think even if they try it they'll do a reverse ferret at the speed of light (they can afford the loss of Russia, but not the US).

Christ even Erdogan's closing the Bosporus to Russian warships!

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I thought all cars made in Thailand were made under lisence for Japanese companies, surely therefore if Japan have sanctions and a no export to Russia policy then Thailand cannot export these vehicles, same goes for Tyres and other parts. I would have thought the parent companies country of origin would set any embargoes . Personally I really hope it all comes to an end ASAP but doubt it will as Putin has no respect for any kind of sovereignty.

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3 hours ago, Adumbration said:

Russia will do just fine.  All of this sanction nonsense from the EU will come to an abrupt halt leading into winter next year when the tap of the heating gas pipeline from Russia is still turned off.

if the current sanctions, never mind any increase in sanctions which is very likely, the russian economy will be in tatters by next winter.

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20 minutes ago, it is what it is said:

if the current sanctions, never mind any increase in sanctions which is very likely, the russian economy will be in tatters by next winter.

The Russian people have great resilience.  If they could resist the onslaught of Hitler at the Battle of Stalingrad in 1942 (which was the most significant event in beginning the defeat of Hitler) and if they could survive all the privations of the Soviet economy, and if they could re-build their economy after the chaos and economic collapse of the Yeltsin years, then a mini-collapse as a result of some delicate sanctions (not including oil to US or gas to Europe!!!) seems survivable. 


(Oh, I forgot: little Trudeau has just ordered the banning of Russian oil imports to Canada, the fourth largest oil supplier in the world.  That should make a difference.)


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1 hour ago, it is what it is said:

if the current sanctions, never mind any increase in sanctions which is very likely, the russian economy will be in tatters by next winter.

There will be pain but this has obviously been planned and sanctions taken into account. I imagine that Putin thought this was going to be a quick occupation after which things would quickly return to normal. That hasn't quite worked out, in the short term things will be manageable but the long term will be a different matter, not just for Putin, the pain will be felt in the West as well especially in Europe as far as energy is concerned, it will be a case of who blinks first.

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4 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

There will be pain but this has obviously been planned and sanctions taken into account. I imagine that Putin thought this was going to be a quick occupation after which things would quickly return to normal. That hasn't quite worked out, in the short term things will be manageable but the long term will be a different matter, not just for Putin, the pain will be felt in the West as well especially in Europe as far as energy is concerned, it will be a case of who blinks first.

No, Europe is well aware of the knock on effects it will also have due to sanctions, you'll not finding them blinking first.

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14 hours ago, Tony125 said:

What posters seem to not understand is yes Thailand might be trading with North Korea, China, Myanmar but the world and US did not put restrictions/sanctions on that. Now the EU/US  are odering other countries not to trade with Russia or face sanctions themselves.

I'm not sure where you read that, but it seems to me no countries "are being ordered not to trade with Russia or face sanctions themselves". All of the articles I have read concerns NATO and other European countries voluntarily tightening the financial noose on Russia and offering up assistance to the Ukraine in one form or another, but there are still levels of trade going on, and no one is giving "either/or ultimatums".  

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11 hours ago, friendofthai said:

Can't see any sense in these efforts. Our president, Vlad, has a lot of friends in China. They will happy to sell everything we need. And what if not? In this case we will happy to help to return Taiwan. Submarines for rent? OK ????


... really, well, your motherlovin' president vladboi the short has already been kinda rebuffed by his squarefaced 'friends' eh? Boo-f'n-hoo ...


So they will sell you everything you need? Sure, sure ... if they got it, 555.

And if NOT you're happy to help 'return' Taiwan ... interesting relationship, whose the biatch of whom here exactly ...?


(rethorical questions only, nobody really gives the slightest of faqs ... OK?!)


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7 hours ago, Thunglom said:

Thailand has the 10th largest motor industry in the world with well over half exported. They account for over 12% of GDP.

I understand the figure Thunglom--- my point is Thailand doesn't own them. Mexico is now the #3 global leader in automotive manufacturing. Sends cars all over the world---but it doesn't own all the Fords/Chevrolet/Honda's that it exports does it?

Just like Thailand --the profit will go back to Japan/China/USA.


Thailand gets a the spin off---some smaller industries making parts /use their rubber for the tires/Jobs etc.

One Day Thailand may make their own car---Australia did when there was only 7 million people living there.

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9 hours ago, Molly Malone said:

Wake up you idiots. Putin wants to take over Europe, he is failing badly. China wants to take over the WORLD!

Put a cap on your GREED for Bahts and do the right thing. STOP everything with Russia, in and out FULLSTOP!.

Please stop with the propaganda.

Edited by userabcd
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9 hours ago, Thunglom said:
14 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

You think that Russia's central bank does not have access to USD?  Which world do you live in?

they have loads, they just can't use them anymore

Yes, they can, central bank to central bank, for instance.  How about cash?   Is USD no longer legal tender?  Remember when OBama sent pallets groaning with USD cash to Iran?

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18 hours ago, hotchilli said:

Thailand will do what it always does, sit on the fence say nothing and do nothing, it will continue to trade as normal, and allow Russians into Thailand on holiday.

But it may find itself in a sticky situation when it goes back to the EU and other large nations expecting a trade fair deal.

Politicians have a habit of remembering who's in or outside of the club.

But how many proper politicians are part of the Thai government?

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I am sure Thailand cares very little  what Russia does in the Ukraine, most Tais did not even know that such a country exists, 

So given the reassure from the west  can Thailand afford not to stop exporting to Russia ?

Personally I don't know what the Stick  or Carrot the US will use , if any, and as such impossible to answer the OP question.  

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1 hour ago, Henryford said:

Have you not seen the sanctions the West are taking. What sanctions is Thailand taking? None.

It isn't in their backyard is it. Wait and see how long these sanctions last, compassion usually ends at the wallet.

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21 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

Yes, they can, central bank to central bank, for instance.  How about cash?   Is USD no longer legal tender?  Remember when OBama sent pallets groaning with USD cash to Iran?

U.S. escalates sanctions with a freeze on Russian central bank assets.

The Treasury Department on Monday moved to further cut off Russia from the global economy, announcing that it would immobilize Russian central bank assets that are held in the United States and impose sanctions on the Russian Direct Investment Fund, a sovereign wealth fund that is run by a close ally of President Vladimir V. Putin.

The moves are meant to curb Russia’s ability to use its war chest of international reserves to blunt the impact of sanctions that the United States and European allies have enacted in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“The unprecedented action we are taking today will significantly limit Russia’s ability to use assets to finance its destabilizing activities, and target the funds Putin and his inner circle depend on to enable his invasion of Ukraine,” Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen said in a statement.


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3 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

It isn't in their backyard is it. Wait and see how long these sanctions last, compassion usually ends at the wallet.

Its not in Singapore's back yard either, or Australia, South Korea, Japan, New Zealand who have all instigated sanctions against Russia

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9 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Its not in Singapore's back yard either, or Australia, South Korea, Japan, New Zealand who have all instigated sanctions against Russia

That is good so if they can easily afford it, remember all situations are temporary, nothing lasts, and when the dust settles, as it will, it may be advantageous to have been seen walking a tightrope between fences, especially if you are little.

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