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Putin issues list of nations that are not friendly - Thailand is not included


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4 minutes ago, Lizzy Duang said:

At least 20 Thais applied to fight for the Ukraine. How many out of those "unfriendly" countries did?

Looking for a photo opportunity no doubt,  then changing their minds after realising it would actually involve doing some work and they would not be able to look at a smart phone all day

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17 minutes ago, deemaak said:

I said: Well, You don’t even trust your own husband, how can you expect Russia to trust Ukraine? Me sleeping with a knife is like Ukraine joining the Nato.

The problem with that analogy is you are likely to cut yourself before your wife gets cut, as Putin is finding out.

IIRC, Putin signed an agreement which guaranteed the sovereignty of Ukraine. You signed an agreement to love and honor, or spoke the words. Perhaps your wife is right not to trust you, if you are taking a knife to bed.

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4 hours ago, Thailand said:

Declaration of neutrality is not such a stretch as it is unlikely they will become NATO members anytime soon.

The other requirements suggest putting it to a vote or something similar for the Ukranian people to try to stop the fighting.

The fact that these options are on the table probably means Russia realise that they made a bad decision.


A compromise or similar would be a better solution than even more deaths and potential escalation of the current crisis?

Complicated … another sell out by the democracies as took place with Germany’s taking of the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia? Correlations are real.

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35 minutes ago, Neeranam said:


Perhaps a better way would be to explain to her the reasons why Russia doesn't want Ukraine to be part of NATO. As it happens, Russia opposes membership of the EU as well, for very similar reasons.


That is what I did for my Thai wife and thus avoiding the knife trick!

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4 minutes ago, MrJ2U said:

It's scary how much Russia is controlling the board.


Besides invading a NATO country. he's acting without impunity.


It's like Germany during the World Wars.


dont know what planet u are on but Ukraine is NOT a NATO country.

it the most bloody and pointless war ever

Russia could be on putin's list very soon.

Thailands stance has no significance on the the world stage.


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3 hours ago, TropicalGuy said:

Far Faster to make List of Friendly Countries. About six, all nasty tyrannies or anti- west or dependent on Russian weapons/ minerals. Huge surprise is India who should know better….  

Many reasons, a lot of them historical, for India to abstain from voting against Russia. I could write a detailed note. Ukraine has voted against India in the UNSC, supplied Pakistan with T-80 tanks, and has actively asked for UN intervention in Kashmir. Russia or rather USSR has many times vetoed US and UK sponsored resolutions in the UNSC. In 1971, when Pakistan's army was pillaging, raping and murdering their East Pakistani brethren (now Bangladeshis), Nixon sent the Seventh Fleet to the Bay of Bengal to scare India, even the HMS Eagle was despatched to the Arabian Sea. Russia helped India then. Also, India is still dependent on them for a fair bit of military hardware, even though India and US have cozied up in the past few years. But Russia and China are buddies, so India can't afford to antagonise Russia. Plus, Pakistan has been making overtures to Russia ever since the US started pushing them away, as a pariah state.

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6 minutes ago, tomyami said:

dont know what planet u are on but Ukraine is NOT a NATO country.

it the most bloody and pointless war ever

Russia could be on putin's list very soon.

Thailands stance has no significance on the the world stage.


He has been misinformed apparently. Thank uou for correcting him.

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14 minutes ago, captpkapoor said:

Many reasons, a lot of them historical, for India to abstain from voting against Russia. I could write a detailed note. Ukraine has voted against India in the UNSC, supplied Pakistan with T-80 tanks, and has actively asked for UN intervention in Kashmir. Russia or rather USSR has many times vetoed US and UK sponsored resolutions in the UNSC. In 1971, when Pakistan's army was pillaging, raping and murdering their East Pakistani brethren (now Bangladeshis), Nixon sent the Seventh Fleet to the Bay of Bengal to scare India, even the HMS Eagle was despatched to the Arabian Sea. Russia helped India then. Also, India is still dependent on them for a fair bit of military hardware, even though India and US have cozied up in the past few years. But Russia and China are buddies, so India can't afford to antagonise Russia. Plus, Pakistan has been making overtures to Russia ever since the US started pushing them away, as a pariah state.

To simplify : India / Russia geopolitically counters Pakistan/ China.

Still insufficient reason for democratic India to side with Tyranny, sole democracy to do that …….a really dumb despised look at UN / World stage. (Off Topic!). Blind hatred of Pakistan rules over reason.
New Evil Axis

Russia / China / Iran / Syria/Venezuela / N. Korea  / Burma/ Pakistan. 
Again, secular democratic Pakistan should NOT be in that Tyrant Club.

Conclusion: IND & PAK have massive irrational hatred for each other, especially from PAK side…..


neither should have been permitted nuclear weapons which clearly they will use only against each other obviously resulting in PAK obliteration. For religious death cult reasons maybe they want that ……..then the 200 million Indian Muslims could form New Pakistan and start the whole thing off again ….. 

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34 minutes ago, Teddy3943 said:

How friendly is Putin to the already thousands of women, children an other citizens he slaughtered last 10 days by firing misiles on apartment buildings? Is Thailand friendly towards these war crimes...?

Whilst I agree with you and applaud members of Ukraine's civillian population who have taken up arms to defend their country - that just gives Putin the perfect excuse for aiming at apartment blocks.  He will simply say that his forces were being fired upon from those buildings.  In his mind, anyone left in Ukraine now is a target. What Putin is doing in Ukraine is exactly the same as he did in Aleppo, Syria - surround a city, cut off all its supplies and bomb it into submission.


He's a total liar, this is not about Ukraine's wish to join NATO - Russia already has 2 Nato countries on its borders. If he takes Ukraine, there will be more.  Lunatics and liars often slip up and say more than they really should - on more than one occasion he's admitted he simply wants Ukraine back within Russia's control. He doesn't believe it has any right to exist, never mind any rights to sovereignty.  However, he knows he will never conquer the minds of the Ukrainian people - that's clear from the 2013/14 revolution. Perhaps that's why he has no problems slaughtering them now?


To my mind, and I know this is not a widely held viewpoint - I'd rather defend Ukraine and risk WW3 than let this bully keep on slaughtering people for no good reason.  We've put up with enough from him, its time he was stopped - at the moment the West is letting Ukraine fight its war for them. Ukraine is being thrown to to wolves in the hope that it ends there.  A foolish attitude in my opinion - the free world is going to have to fight Putin at some point - I'm convinced of that.


Then Thailand will probably have no choice on who it aligns with because they have to consider China's position.  Its entirely possible that at some point in the (maybe not too far distant) future, that those of you living in Thailand may either have to leave or face a whole new regime. After WW2 there was a big world shake up, borders were re-drawn and alliances formed.  If, heaven forbid, we are facing WW3 and there's anything left afterwards, the same thing will happen again.  China's intentions are clear, they want all of Asia within their control or at the very least, their sphere of influence. Thailand is close enough and has a large coast - I believe it will be one of the areas they will want to control.


Pleasing to see Singapore start imposing sactions yesterday.

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1 hour ago, keithkarmann said:

Not sure but I think NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. Think Think Thailand is in the Southern Hemisphere.

Overthinking there - Thailand is not in the southern hemisphere but then, neither is it anywhere near the north Atlantic.

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36 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

Thankfully it seems that the post you reacted to has been deleted.  I support free speech to a point and that point is when someone is either trolling or has views that are outlandish and vile.  Not sure which category Mr Henk Langeweg falls into - possibly both but it seems the moderators won't tolerate his views - well done them.

Other Putin troll poster casually mentioning Russia potentially nuking western cities in response to western “ provocation “ i.e. ignoring Putin evil threats. These trolls  are clearly certifiable.

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