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Life threatening risk of repeatedly wearing same face mask confirmed


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2 minutes ago, realfunster said:
2 hours ago, Moonlover said:

It's my opinion that masks and all the other disposable PPE will cause more damage to the environment and hence to us than will the virus itself.


3 minutes ago, realfunster said:

Ya reckon ? :coffee1:


Yes I do. The virus will eventually fade away or at least become no more of a nuisance to us as with flu. But the millions of tons of disposed plastics from PPE, syringes and all the other paraphernalia will be in our environment for thousands of years to come.


And just to put your graph in perspective, around 60 million people die per year and most of 6 million Covid deaths were among the frail and elderly who were due to depart this world soon anyway.

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32 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

And just to put your graph in perspective, around 60 million people die per year and most of 6 million Covid deaths were among the frail and elderly who were due to depart this world soon anyway.

So there will be 54 million depths (6 million fewer) next year ???



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Just now, Reigntax said:

No. Just find a discarded one on the side of the road and wash it

Thats disgusting, no thanks.


Will check down the back of the lounge and under the cushions, always find used tissues hidden so might strike gold with a new (secondhand) mask.

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1 hour ago, theonetrueaussie said:

It literally costs 40thb for a box of 50.....so less then 10USD for a years worth.....

"a years worth"
you were them for a week at a time ?


they literally should be worn for a few minutes at a time then discarded
once bacteria is on them
the bacteria continues to grow/multiply whether you continue to wear it or not.

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1 minute ago, patman30 said:

"a years worth"
you were them for a week at a time ?


they literally should be worn for a few minutes at a time then discarded
once bacteria is on them
the bacteria continues to grow/multiply whether you continue to wear it or not.

My current one is 7 months old, I reckon I can get another 3 months from it.


Box of 50 is a lifetime supply !!

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59 minutes ago, NatureFilm said:

I worry, that soon we will read:


"Thailand’s Anti-Fake News Centre has confirmed that - more people have died from wearing face masks than from Covid infections - and cited data from the Health Department of the Public Health Ministry."



The news, the fake news, the anti fake news or the fake anti fake news. Hard to know who not to believe

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1 hour ago, poohy said:

Hang my cloth one on motorbike handlebar it gets aired washed sanitized by sun its not doing too bad for 2 years old really

When outside walking, riding bicycle, or motorbike I always have a K95 hanging and airing on a 'leash' around my neck and have never been challenged. I put it on as required entering crowded outside and inside spaces, or when close to others. When it gets grubby (after about 5 days) I soak it overnight  in washing powder solution with a little bleach which will kill everything harmful. Wash, rinse and hang it in sunshine next day and its ready to wear again. I bought 10 originally at the start of the pandemic but still have 6 in wrappers. Ive worn 4 which I rotate. If people did this, or daily after every prolonged wearing of any mask, all this needless environmental waste could be avoided or minimised.

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5 hours ago, JAFO said:

You wear a mask on your bike ride?  I dumped that idea a long time back. No one around, social distancing requirements met. I carry it with me, toss on when I get near people or enter a business or store.. 

I ride through the village, easier for others to deflect any accusations or conjecture about the spread of covid and no real hassle, only a few minutes of 'good publicity' ????

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The bacteria are multiplying on the mask. I get that.

What I don't get is the only source of bacteria on the inside of the mask comes from ME.

Some credible data on the number of bacterial infections caused by masks would be useful.

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9 hours ago, KhunLA said:

I wear the same one, usually, as only have 2.  Cosmetic only and don't do much except make my face sweat.  I could probably blow out candles with mine. ????


What idiot would wash a surgical mask anyway ?  Silly news-blip as don't think anyone is that stupid.  People here must love reading themselves being quoted.


A side thought to all this silliness.  At Pizza Co last night for our NY pizza fix, and noticed the 'sanitized' packaging of fork, knife & napkin being placed in plastic for dine in customers.


Being done on front counter, strangely, in lull of highest traffic area, by employee wearing his chin diaper.  Each napkin handled by him (no gloves), knives & forks in a basket standing up, so he had to grasp the non handle part of each, yes, the part you use or stick in your mouth, and place handle first in the plastic bag.  Newer, sanitized world is not better, and more plastic for the landfills and sea.


Personally I don't care, as long as he washed his hands after using toilet.  I've worked in enough kitchens, knowing if I was the least bit paranoid, I'd never eat in a restaurant.  Thought that was so anti sanitizing, and in public view was the surprising part.  Guess no where to do it in the back, though plenty of tables empty.  

Just go to the mall, most of those with kitchen gear walk right by the faucets or put two fingers under Tao and wipe on pants 

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2 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

Will be hard and emotional for thais saying goodbye to their unhealthy face masks. ????

I think its going to be more fun on this forum as we read stories of some foreigner or poster getting into an argument because they’ve told another to put their mask on when they are in their condo elevator or on the BTS etc...  :whistling:



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I hate wearing masks.  I wear it but I hate it.  Where I go and what I do is,  in part, dictated by whether I am going to have to wear a mask.  


I was in Thailand at the beginning of the pandemic when there wasn't a lot of information about the virus.  Most of Asia was masked up, meanwhile the US was not and the WHO and CDC were not recommending masks.  I thought that seemed rather odd, but when I traveled to the US, I removed the mask, for the most part.   It became apparent that masks did drastically slow the spread of the virus.


The thinking at the time in not recommending masks was based on the idea that it was spread by droplets, not aerosols.  That was not exactly correct.  The US also faced the problem of simply not having a stockpile of masks so it was a matter of either medical personnel having masks or ordinary citizens, but not both.  


I stayed in an area of the US with no mask mandate, but this was not adhered to by some places -- particularly some schools.  The ones that had masks also had a low rate of transmission, those that did not ended up closed most of the time.  


I think much of the world could have been spared a huge amount of misery if masks were worn.  It would have greatly slowed the spread and prevented untold misery especially for the medical facilities.  It's just a very simple way of preventing the spread (it also requires social distancing to be effective). 


As another poster mentioned, we didn't get a lot of education on mask wearing, so what we saw was a lot of people who weren't wearing them correctly.  I remember at the height of the fear over Covid, I was in a grocery store when one of the workers quickly removed his mask and sneezed.  It wasn't just a little sneeze, it was one of those nuclear type sneezes that could be heard from one end of the store to the other.  He then put his mask back on and continued working.  


My cloth mask was washed weekly (but I usually only wore it for a matter of minutes each day).  A little longer when grocery shopping, but otherwise it went on when I went into a convenience store, then off the second I was outside.  


Omicron appears to aersolize better than the original and variants.  That means the higher quality masks are needed for adequate protection. 


Cleanliness and sanitary conditions for masks is important, but unless you are in a lot of places with exposure to unwanted bacteria and viruses and take care of your mask, it should provide the protection you need. 

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I began to appreciate masks during the SARS business twenty years ago.  People who never heard of the concept of covering the mouth and nose when they cough or sneeze wearing masks?  I'm all for it!  Biggest inconvenience of it is it makes it difficult for them to pick their noses in public.



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7 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

I think its going to be more fun on this forum as we read stories of some foreigner or poster getting into an argument because they’ve told another to put their mask on when they are in their condo elevator or on the BTS etc...  :whistling:



I wear a mask because it is mandated, and also polite to do so. I have had three COVID vaccinations, and have had COVID as well. The logic of wearing a mask after all that does escape me. Unless I have the above information tattooed on my forehead, or I carry a sign, a mask is part and parcel of living here, illogical as it may be.

I can't be bothered taking someone to task who chooses not to wear a mask, life is too short. If they get fined as a result, no sympathy from me.

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14 hours ago, NatureFilm said:

I worry, that soon we will read:


"Thailand’s Anti-Fake News Centre has confirmed that - more people have died from wearing face masks than from Covid infections - and cited data from the Health Department of the Public Health Ministry."



We of course just did. Quite an underhand way to spread the fake, and unsubstantiated, rumours. 


I find it ironic that the locals, who seem quite good at the mask wearing regime, are of course, like all their trash, not good at disposal of them. 

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9 hours ago, Kalasin Jo said:

Well???? I've managed, by accident, to wash one or two that got in to the laundry basket then in to the machine. Came out just fine and dandy actually

Hmm ... one would think they fall apart.  Maybe they suggest not reusing, simply to boost sales.  Sort of like expiration dates on most meds, as few actually lose much potency after exp. date.


It's all about the $$$$$

Edited by KhunLA
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On 3/22/2022 at 12:22 PM, JAFO said:

You wear a mask on your bike ride?  I dumped that idea a long time back. No one around, social distancing requirements met. I carry it with me, toss on when I get near people or enter a business or store.. 

Exactly the same with me. About to go out on my Forza , I will not be wearing a mask until I get to the coffee place.  My wife says I am not to ride my push bike through the rice fields till the virus has gone . She thinks it is blowing around in the rice fields.  If I come out of Lotus I make a show of ripping the mask off

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