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Shabu shop hits back with defamation threat against complaining customer


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21 hours ago, rott said:

Thai Criminal Code Section 330 (Defamation):-

In a private matter the truth is not a defence. 

 What exactly is a private matter? I assume it is something between two people which is nothing to do with a business.

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20 hours ago, phetphet said:

Gf took 9 y.o. daughter to one of these places. Normally half price for a child when they go. This time they charged for two adults. When asked why,?  Staff said, "She is too tall."

If that was me I would just have paid the half price. It's not as if you have to pay upfront. It would not be the first time I went into a restaurant then noticed the small print on the menu which said said something like plus taxes.

I just refused to pay these taxes, and when the waiter pointed to the small print, I put on a pair of reading glasses and said "sorry I don't have any more money with me, so it serves the restaurant right for making the print so small I did not notice it".

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4 hours ago, Grumbles said:

Simple solution: You get fined for raw meat, therefore a). Don't overload your plate. b). Put it in the pot, cook it and then leave the cooked meat on the plate. Too easy!! 


You are still wasting the food that you have ordered and not eaten.


IMHO you should also be fined as you didn't eat all of your food.


What is really easy is to take small portions and return for another small portion if you are still hungry.

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3 hours ago, LosLobo said:

Actually to the well-informed it's more, it's 2.20462 lbs.


But only in those 3 countries that didn't metricate, the third world countries of Liberia and Myanmar and of course the USA!


2 and 2.20462

are almost the same, right?

Like within about 10-11%.

Who could tell by looking.?

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19 hours ago, Lemsta69 said:

how can you live in Thailand and have never gone to a shabu joint? it's pretty much compulsory ????

I have lived in Thailand for 15 years and have never heard of a Shabu joint.

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On 3/29/2022 at 9:52 AM, Will B Good said:

Wife just explained......it was an all you can eat buffet.


The morons pile all the food up on their plates, but don't or can't eat it all.....so it goes to waste....hence the fine.


Seems fair to me.

How are they 'morons'?


Everyone, except a few here know the rules about paying for excess. 


Personally, I stick it in a doggy bag. 

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55 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

 What exactly is a private matter? I assume it is something between two people which is nothing to do with a business.

Possibly depends on how many Thais are involved. 

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7 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

How are they 'morons'?


Everyone, except a few here know the rules about paying for excess. 


Personally, I stick it in a doggy bag. 

Pig ignorant, greedy gits. 

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17 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

I have lived in Thailand for 15 years and have never heard of a Shabu joint.

This is twice I have more or less agreed with you P. I've seen some about but never been in one. 

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3 minutes ago, rott said:

This is twice I have more or less agreed with you P. I've seen some about but never been in one. 

"This is twice I have more or less agreed with you P." That's very unusual, my likes easily outnumber the saddo's.
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1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

How are they 'morons'?


Everyone, except a few here know the rules about paying for excess. 


Personally, I stick it in a doggy bag. 

If you stick it in a doggy bag, you're stealing. (Just like I was, with our meat-in-a-Cup-of-Coke, story above.) 


At a Buffet/Shabu, the money you pay ONLY pays for the food you eat on-site, however much that might be. Any food you don't eat belongs to them, not you..........  even if it's just to be thrown away!


In a way, it's just like the fish sauce and chilli flakes and sugar on the table. They are there for you to use with your meal. That doesn't mean that if you fail to use it all up, you get to put the rest in a bag and take it home with you!


And would you ever even consider doing such a thing? Slipping any unused chilli flakes and sugar into a "doggy bag" to take home? Maybe pinch what's left of the fish sauce? Probably not! 555


But somehow you imagine taking uneaten food from an "All You Can Eat" restaurant........ is somehow different? 


(For 50+ years, I've watched customers stuff bunches of sugar packets and jellies/jams......... and wads of napkins......... into their pockets and handbags......... and I've always thought.......... "thief!" Those are there for you to use with your meal. They are NOT there for you to stock-up at home!) 


Simply put.......... 


If you are walking out of an All-You-Can-Eat Establishment with food in any kind of container other than your belly.......... you're stealing!  ????????????


Harsh, but true! 



Edited by KanchanaburiGuy
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8 hours ago, KanchanaburiGuy said:

If you stick it in a doggy bag, you're stealing.

I see what you mean but I disagree. 

I suffer from an eating disorder when sometimes food sticks in my Oesophagus. if I pay for the whole family, who eat little(esp compared to the fat guys) and only eat a little myself(putting just what's on my plate in a bag) it is just the same as if I had eaten it. 

If I want to stick it down my throat or up my backside, it all the same.

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7 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

I see what you mean but I disagree. 

I suffer from an eating disorder when sometimes food sticks in my Oesophagus. if I pay for the whole family, who eat little(esp compared to the fat guys) and only eat a little myself(putting just what's on my plate in a bag) it is just the same as if I had eaten it. 

If I want to stick it down my throat or up my backside, it all the same.

No, the buffet fee is for what you eat whilst inside the restaurant , you cannot take food away from the buffet  restaurant .

   Those are the rules 

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8 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

No, the buffet fee is for what you eat whilst inside the restaurant , you cannot take food away from the buffet  restaurant .

   Those are the rules 

You can ask for a takeaway at most of them. 

This is Thailand, there are no rules. 

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10 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

You can ask for a takeaway at most of them. 

This is Thailand, there are no rules. 

Yes, you can get a take-away option if you pay for it . 

There are rules in Thailand and people generally adhere to the rules . 

If you want to break the rules and steal things , then up to you . 

Just dont start shouting and causing a fuss when the buffet owner pulls you up about the theft 

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I used to cook for Whole Foods as the Hot bar cook--very $$$  organic market---I would constantly catch RICH people steaing--one guy had a Mercedes....would steal food always---others steal prepared foods--eat in bathroom---steak roses and resell them to me outside thinking i was a tourist......"graze" on salad bar and my hot bar--use salad dressing cups and dip them in food and RE DIP ---aka now trash....shop and eat BEFORE paying for it--it became my mission to catch these ppl===I had one guy say he spends enough to be able to eat whatever he likes---I disagreed---Ive had them curse at me--get violent with catering orders and just be outright nasty


the entitled ones are the worst and i enjoyed catching each one of them.....jerks

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On 3/29/2022 at 9:50 AM, Denim said:

Having seen greedy people in these places , piling their plates with ridiculous amounts of food then walking away with a lot of it uneaten , I actually sympathize  with the restaurant. 

not if it was a reg. restaurant but buffets heck yeah seen a video of greedy chineses all you can eat where a group of like 5-7 stacked shrimp high then more plates fill on top of each other for a total of 7 plates high (dumb pigs) and of coarse his buddies werent any better also none finised the food

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On 3/29/2022 at 10:43 AM, JoePai said:

Now understand thank you - and I agree, fine them

I do not understand. they pay one price. If they eat all the food its OK. but if they do not eat all the food then they are fined?, its utter nonsense.

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On 3/29/2022 at 11:47 AM, mtls2005 said:

As long as these are clearly stated before, then you are free to eat elsewhere if you find them onerous.

Or I can still eat there if I know that these terms and conditions aren't legal, regardless whether they've been clearly stated or not. Freedom of contract doesn't necessarily mean you can put whatever terms and conditions you like; contract and commercial laws may forbid certain practices.

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On 3/29/2022 at 11:44 AM, robblok said:

Maybe you don't understand the concept. So you think you could go into an all you can eat shop and then stuff it in bags and take it home. Of course not there are rules like not taking food home. As long as rules are not crazy then they can be enforced in a court of law.


When you enter a shop you agree to their terms and only totally unfair terms can be fought in court.

You can fight any terms in a court. And freedom of contract doesn't necessarily mean you can put whatever terms and conditions you like; contract and commercial laws may forbid certain practices.




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On 3/29/2022 at 11:44 AM, ThailandRyan said:

You best read the small print at the bottom of the menus, many places do have them, just like for using a CC an extra charge is also added to the use.  

Freedom of contract doesn't necessarily mean you can put whatever terms and conditions you like; contract and commercial laws may forbid certain practices.


On 3/29/2022 at 11:44 AM, ThailandRyan said:


Refund after you have eaten over half of the food, ordered more and then decided it was not good enough.  Sounds like your the type that orders a Pizza eats it all and then storms back to the shop saying you want a refund because the pizza did not taste good.....

I suggest you read more carefully before throwing a tantrum.


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9 hours ago, Seismic said:

I do not understand. they pay one price. If they eat all the food its OK. but if they do not eat all the food then they are fined?, its utter nonsense.

Not at all, in fact it should be encouraged – it cuts down on food waste which is disgusting.

By all means eat what you want, and be a pig if you so wish, BUT do not throw food away – and that also means anywhere else including your own home

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