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CCSA to Consider Proposal to Suspend Test & Go and Thailand Pass


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The rumour of a post-Songkran relaxation for foreign tourists has been doing the rounds for a few weeks at work, information supplied by Thai colleagues with friends in ministries. Of course, the squabbling between ministries is legendary, so we will see what transpires…


I suppose it looks like unusual timing, what with daily deaths reaching a yearly high recently but:


- Like all things, a balanced approach is needed.  ‘Risk management’ not ‘risk elimination’.

- Tourism/hospitality/aviation sectors need CPR. These are not taps that can be turned on and off, it takes time to re-recruit former employees and if necessary, recruit and train new ones. Look at some of the issues in Europe during their re-opening. Chatting to an employee at a Bangkok hotel recently, they are currently ‘fully occupied’ but only because they are running at 15% staff levels and can’t find people to work. They are turning away bookings.

- I doubt there will be a sudden influx of millions of tourists (until at least China re-opens) but hopefully, we could expect a modest gradual increase over coming months with restrictions relaxed and start building up towards something approaching a high-season at year-end.

- I expect the requirement for all tourists to be vaccinated & insured will remain, so the risk to them and local populace is lowered. In fact, doesn’t having all tourists vaccinated actually help our local herd immunity?




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RE - With the lifting of these restrictions, tourists will be able to enter the country using vaccine passports


* It doesn't help those who are unvaccinated much, but it moves in the right direction so the next will be to suspend the vacination passport requirement something that will come together with the phase transformation from pandemic to endemic. Countries will enter an endemic phase at different times, due to incompatible vaccination rates and other variables so it may take a while ....

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2 minutes ago, Dukeleto said:

Yes but did you expect Thailand to do anything else. I certainly didn’t. They are right on track.

I am not sure where he gets his 99% number from, I think it is BS. There are still quite  a few countries operating controls on entry. Call it a pass or not, insurance, arrival or departure test, etc... all are restrictions. Japan recently announced easing, but when one looked closely, it was not particularly good for the tourist market... China, and HK still locked up. Thailand will get there, one has to be here to see that the local people still worry about Covid. They are in an environment of rising deaths yet and people can get suspended from work. Many have travelled for Songkran, and that will have an impact... but I assure you normal Songkran celebrations did not really happen. My Mrs reports how that is in her village, I took a ride around my village yesterday, nobody out throwing water... that is not usual. 

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