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And you thought Thai willies are short

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5 hours ago, RandiRona said:


Understood if not speak I guess :).....

I somehow doubt the Sun cares what languages anybody can speak/read/understand. And doubt whether they checked/care how the survey was taken and whether it was checked. 



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What one's fellow citizens are packing has no affect on one's own junk, so such lists are for amusement only.


Let's say 'a friend' always thought he was just pretty average when that thing came into its own. His only means of comparison---as he is not gay so never actually saw another man in flagrante delicto---was looking at porn. "Same as me" he thought; thus, pretty average.


It was only when he finally entered the field of battle that he was told in no uncertain terms that his was closer to a Saturn 5 rocket than a SAM-7.


This, so 'my friend' says, is not necessary an advantage. In fact, it can be just the opposite. Some women are quite robust and can accommodate most anything, especially women in the West. In the East, Japanese women seem most capable. "My friend" has found women of the Rising Sun to be, on balance, rather voluptuous in their nether regions, with an extensive external door frame leading to a sizeable interior. "Kimochi !", as they say. Their Slot B can take all comers' Tab A, domestic or foreign.


Thailand is a different story. Many Thai women are rather slight, and better suited to slip a dinner roll into their breadbasket than a country loaf. That they can squeeze out a baby is immaterial, as the dilatory hormones present during childbirth are not present during the act that can lead to motherhood. Also, even women who have given birth, often have had an extra post natal stitch or two sewn into their goodness by the doctor, so even if the room inside is spacious, the door is not. One's Johnson, or John Thomas, or whatever the vernacular happens to be, is an object of curiosity, sometimes admired, but also sometimes feared, like a sword of Damocles, albeit not over the head.


As 'my friend' says, "Be careful what you wish for".

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11 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

I am told (by experienced sources!) they are actually substantial, compared to others in SE Asia and especially compared to Japan, Korea, and China. 

Purely anecdotal but I understand that some ladies refer to certain Asian nationals as: "ha, ha, ha!"


5 cm 

5 minutes

5 thousand Baht.


Didn't understand it myself...








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One of my friends has a theory ????that the length of the males' willies is in direct proportion to the size of that culture's females' posteriors.

Eg. African ladies, large. African males large. Chinese ladies small/flat. Chinese males smaller. It is simply mechanics. Before the missionaries got there.

Edited by VocalNeal
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