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Face masks to be still needed in Thailand even after the emergency said Minster Anutin this week


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6 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

Masking will be expected in most Asian countries for many years.

Considering where most of those infectious diseases had their origin  ????????  over the past decades and centuries, it's perhaps even the best, as the Chinese tourist hordes will return to other Asian countries eventually. - Having been to China, I'm not surprised about it either, seeing many people there spitting and peeing wherever they please...

Edited by StayinThailand2much
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Why can't they adopt a sensible policy , like Portugal !    Outdoors - no mask ,   Indoors or shops etc - Mask required .

Then leave it up to the individual and just offer recommendations ie  "   Outdoors - if engaging in conversation with others at close quarters it is recommended to wear your mask "  


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Go explain this to the injected sheeple who think that they are safe since...

This world would be a lot safer is everybody was wearing a mask all the time and forever, I know that from the first day of the pandemics, but go explain this to this world of proud retards....


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10 minutes ago, Shammy said:

What a load of BS..

Face masks are a load of bs..

Some of the complete rubbish this guy comes out with.. doesn't he realise how stupid he looks?

I return you the question...

how many times have you been injected ?


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24 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

It is getting to the point to utter stupidity, and a total lack of common sense. The other day I was in an outdoor restaurant, and there was an entire table of people wearing masks. As soon as the food arrives, they will not only be taking off their masks, but digging into the common area food with their own spoons, which they have already eaten with. The lack of science in this debate, and situation is stunning. 


It is really about keeping the people scared, at this time. Numbers continue to drop, standard cloth masks have limited effectiveness, wearing them outdoors is downright silly, and this ultra paranoid behavior has to stop. The government and goons like Anutin are largely responsible for an environment of fear at this stage of the game. 

Bla Bla Bla.... thanks to smart people like you it took more than 2 years for the world to recover from a flu and you keep saying BS...



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29 minutes ago, crazykopite said:

Ridiculous decision most of Europe no longer enforce the face mask rule yet these clowns decided that FM must be warn at all times yesterday I was in a coffee bar couldn’t get my eyes off this Thai drinking coffee he would lift his mask take a sip then pull the mask over his mouth he must have repeated that at least 20 times 

and you are really sure that EU decisions have been smart since 2 years ? right ? how ridiculous someone should feel to explain anything based on EU countries decisions...

you are all a lot of fun ! thank you. but with so many great and smart people, sorry, but I do not feel safe for the future...




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2 hours ago, brianthainess said:

Breathing in my expelled carbon dioxide when wearing a mask is awful, after  10 min of this I have to lower my mask and take a few deep breaths, maybe if I could vape I could stop smoking, and wouldn't have that problem. yeh I know slag me off go for it.

Smoking reduces lung capacity by 50% in one pack a day smokers. Masks further reduce the amount of oxygen available, by rebreathing carbon dioxide.

Only you can decide to stop smoking, no-one else can do it for you. If you do, you will get full lung capacity back in 6 - 12 months.

Vaping is unlikely to help you.


That's not slagging you off, just stating facts.

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1 hour ago, Jen65 said:

Why can't they adopt a sensible policy , like Portugal !    Outdoors - no mask ,   Indoors or shops etc - Mask required .

Then leave it up to the individual and just offer recommendations ie  "   Outdoors - if engaging in conversation with others at close quarters it is recommended to wear your mask "  


they didn't understand anything for 2 years, why do you think that this kind of people could understand anything now ?!


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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Yes. Very lucky. Have had alot of friends who have had it. Very mild symptoms, similar to the flu. Long term covid is super rare with Omi. Omi is pus** covid. Very soft and weak, for most. 

IMO most of the long COVID did occur with the alpha and delta variants, omicron apparently tends to go for the upper respiratory tract, not the lungs.

Having said that, it would be foolish to assume alpha and delta are not still around.

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1 hour ago, LukKrueng said:

Sure thanks for dumbing it down. Now let me try to smart it up a bit for you. I would rather avoid going into a covid hospital ward full of patients coughing and sneezing, and if I had to, I won't just wear a mask.

But I don't view every person around me as a potential ticking bomb. Not every cough and sneeze indicate COVID infection. I can also tell you I've been next to a symptomatic child, no "social distance" and nothing happened to me or any of the other children that were next to that child, who later that day got tested and confirmed as COVID infected.

If you choose to live your life in fear that's up to you.

At what point did you smarten that up? My post was deliberately intended to place a person in an at risk situation where I feel the use of a mask would be beneficial. You can disagree with that as much as you want but its a personal choice that I would take but does not mean I live my life in fear.


I will go one further than your own personal experience. My daughter caught covid at school along with the whole busload of kids that were on the same school trip where it had spread like wildfire to all of them. Unknown to me I picked her up from school as normal in the car and it was not till 2 days later that she complained of high fever and tested positive, however I had already been with her for the entire time without a mask so decided that I would take the risk of looking after her at home with neither of us wearing masks. To the point that I even felt droplets land on my arm when she sneezed.


I never caught it although I fully expected to.


That still does not mean I would walk maskless into a covid ward full of positive patients knowing that to be the case. 


If that's what you call living in fear then fill your boots, in the meantime I will carry on not wearing masks when they are not needed such as a lunch with a few mates yesterday or when I'm outside or low risk situation.



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2 minutes ago, Mark Nothing said:

Prior to 1900 the term virus did not exist in medical textbooks.  A common cold was believed to occur due to poor diet, stress, overwork, seasonal changes, and psychosomatic reasons (being a hypochondriac).


The virus theory of contagion has not been proven by experiments, but yet still magically became "fact".


Facemasks under this conceptual framework become pointless.  It is a test to check compliance rates of those believing in falsities.

Prior to 1900 electron microscopes did not exist, the first one was not built until 1931. If you can't see something, it's difficult to establish its existence.


Viruses cannot travel as individuals in air, they are so small they become subject to Brownian motion. They can only travel when attached to larger particles, such as sputum and nasal secretions. Coughing and sneezing.


The data is saying masks are 70% effective in preventing transmission from an infected person to an uninfected person, and 30% effective in preventing an uninfected person from inhaling sufficient virus to become infected.


Whether masks are necessary when the omicron variant is so mild is a different question.

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39 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

That still does not mean I would walk maskless into a covid ward full of positive patients knowing that to be the case. 

Excuse me for being dumb again, but your first post mention going into an elevator and not into a hospital COVID ward. Both my replies to you were about that and NOT about a Corona ward.

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9 minutes ago, LukKrueng said:

Excuse me for being dumb again, but your first post mention going into an elevator and not into a hospital COVID ward. Both my replies to you were about that and NOT about a Corona ward.

Your excused seeing as you chose to reply to both and included this in your reply


" I would rather avoid going into a covid hospital ward full of patients coughing and sneezing, and if I had to, I won't just wear a mask."


Which indicates you would wear a mask in that situation at the very least, appears we have the same outlook

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I’m currently traveling in Lithuania, flew her via Helsinki on Finn Air. 

had to wear a mask while the plane was on the ground in Thailand, one take off completed and seatbelt sign was off, the mask could be taken off. Requested to wear them while moving around.


on landing in Helsinki, transiting through airport, no masks required, just a few people wearing them out of choice, mostly airport workers I thought.


in Lithuania, no requirement to wear, very few wearing them. Again mainly workers in constant contact with people, but very few. I had to visit a hospital for our patient treatment and it’s a requirement to wear a mask while in the hospital.


i can’t say that I have felt at risk at all.


whilst at home in Phuket, I basically wear a mask when required to do so when entering a building. Like 7-11, lotus’s etc. i don’t wear it while riding a motorbike, at the beach or basically anywhere outside. Maybe 50% of people doing what I am doing more or less I would say. Many of those with masks while outside have round their chin or slipped down over mouth only.


not sayings what’s right, just observing what is actually happening on the ground around me.

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11 minutes ago, wensiensheng said:

i can’t say that I have felt at risk at all.

With exception to entering 7-11 or Makro locally, I haven't worn a mask since day 1 of the 'situation' during my normal daily routines.  Only when visiting Krung Thep, and the same, to enter vendors or ride public trans, though always with nose uncovered.


Never felt at risk, to myself, or others.

Edited by KhunLA
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1 hour ago, vidgra said:

Bla Bla Bla.... thanks to smart people like you it took more than 2 years for the world to recover from a flu and you keep saying BS...



Total nonsense. I have been masked up for 2 years, double vaxed, and got a booster too. Assumptions like this not only make you appear highly ignorant, but also politically biased. We still know very little about how the virus was transmitted. Looks at Taiwan. One of the most locked down nations in the world, yet they are now looking at nearly 1,000 new cases a day. 


Stick to the things you know something about. 

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6 hours ago, sandrew33 said:

Given a comprehensive peer reviewed study was released yesterday which showed ZERO benefit to ANY mask outside a proper fit tested N95 (as worn by health care workers in hospital settings) why are you supportive of masks at all? 


Can you please give a link or a hint how to find this study? I think masks are not necessary in today's situation, but have been effective in times of a certain infection rate and low vaccination rate. And I think THIS has been proven.

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