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Ukraine invasion may be start of ‘third world war’, says George Soros


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50 minutes ago, placeholder said:

I know what you mean.   In the Senate the vote was 89-11. Given that there are 50 Republicans senators...well I'll leave you to ignore the the rules of arithmetic. As for the House, 57 Republicans voted against it. Given that there are 210 Republican members of the House...more math for you not to come to terms with...

Passing the bill and knowing where the money is going are two different things.

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6 hours ago, Seppius said:

Going by some newspaper reports today, Putin is not far away from losing power.


What we need to hope for is a moderate takes power, ends the war, pulls out all the troops, and opens constructive dialogue with their neighbors and the West


This war might actually be good for the world, with Putin gone, Russia might join the 21st century in peace.

We can hope, but the media play us around by day to day with speculations and propaganda. A veteran friend of me said, the first thing that happens in a war, is the delusional media constantly gives the wrong picture of whats really going on no matter side you are on, and the truth nobody cares about. 


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46 minutes ago, gearbox said:

 Warmongers are now trying to convince Ukraine that they can win, but this is just not possible. No contry can win a war with a country with the most nuclear warheads in the world. If Putin or his mad generals decide to deploy tactical nuclear weapons what the US would do? Absolutely nothing. Most of the Russian top commanders were raised and trained in the USSR times, human lives don't matter much to them. Unfortunately Ukraine is on the way to lose significant chunks of its territory. Realpolitik.

The chief warmonger, Russia, has taken an opposite tack.


At any rate, General Wesley Clark addressed this issue. He referred to a Russian tactic called de-escalation by escalation. The thing is that tactical nuclear weapons, while horrific in their way, are mainly useful against mass battle formations. So not tactically so useful in this war. Clearly, though, were Russia to use them, it would count on the psychological effect. After all, the natural inclination is not to differentiate between tactical and strategic nuclear missiles. But if the Ukrainians hold firm, what do the Russians have left? Apart from a suicide bomber approach. And of course, if the world succumbs to that tactic in the Ukraine, what's to stop Russia from laying claim to all of the former Russian empire? Anyway, Clark recommends holding firm and replying with overwhelming conventional force. Or accept Russian hegemony wherever their dismal despots please to lay claim to.

There is also the question of how Russia's neighbors are going to react to the use of nukes. Even, Lukashenko, of Belarus, has already addressed that question in a way that is distinctly unfriendly to Russia.

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9 minutes ago, placeholder said:

There is also the question of how Russia's neighbors are going to react to the use of nukes. Even, Lukashenko, of Belarus, has already addressed that question in a way that is distinctly unfriendly to Russia.

And don't forget China. I doubt they would appreciate it. Too much disorder for them. On top of their lost investments in Ukraine, a slowdown of the global economy, inflation, belt and road on halt, etc....

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7 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:

So if anyone says anything bad about Soros they're automatically a hater or an Antisemite?


Your opinion is right, and anyone with a different opinion is a hater or an antisemtie?

When you don't provide a rationale for questioning weather he is a "philanthropist" or accusing him of being a "villain" it's a fair assumption.

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2 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:

And you feel you apply this judgement to everyone?  If someone shares a negative opinion of someone without an explanation, you assume them to be a hater, racist, anti-Semite, etc.?

Yes, of course. I am really a centrist and I appreciate a good faith debate and a rational argument, irrespective of which side of the political fence it comes from. That can be seen in the likes I give posters, even those I usually disagree with and even on posts I disagree with.

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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Yes please post a credible source breakdown. Good idea.


The US support for the aid package was strongly bipartisan.


The only opposition was a faction of far right wing ultra maga isolationalist Putin sympathizers.


Please prove that last assertion with a credible source, if such exists. 


If not your post is just another typical conspiracy theory.

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3 hours ago, nauseus said:


Please prove that last assertion with a credible source, if such exists. 


If not your post is just another typical conspiracy theory.

You have to be kidding? You're taking part in this debate while seemingly completely ignorant of basic facts?


US Senate Overwhelmingly Approves More Ukraine Aid



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In case anyone doesn't know this already.




The Troubling Truth About The Obsession With George Soros


The internet has once again exploded with a surge of social media posts about George Soros, with far-right activists and QAnon conspiracy theorists posting wildly imaginative claims related to the billionaire philanthropist. But behind the spectacle of paranoid outrage, there is a troubling and undeniable truth about the constant attacks on George Soros:



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1 hour ago, BangkokReady said:

What makes any criticism of Soros anti-Semitic?  If you don't like something he has done, and point that out, why is that anti-Semitic?  What does it have to do with him being Jewish?


The way you frame your question misses the point and suggests that you probsbly didn't read the article you were replying to.


Here's more:



From Russia to Hungary to, now, Donald Trump’s America, a rising authoritarianism plays on an atavistic European hatred. We live in the Soros Age of Anti-Semitism.

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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

In case anyone doesn't know this already.




The Troubling Truth About The Obsession With George Soros


The internet has once again exploded with a surge of social media posts about George Soros, with far-right activists and QAnon conspiracy theorists posting wildly imaginative claims related to the billionaire philanthropist. But behind the spectacle of paranoid outrage, there is a troubling and undeniable truth about the constant attacks on George Soros:



This is a quite extraordinary response.  If you don't agree with something, call that something "anti-semitic" (just as the authoritarian [your word] countries around the world are "cancelling" [read, "censoring"] all opinions in opposition to the dominant ideology of the small band of "progressives" with loud voices.


But as to Soros: Jewish though he is, his opposition to the state of Israel would in most circumstances be labelled "anti-semitic" ( the same kind of pro-Palestinian terrorist support that leaks into the attitudes of the British Labour Party and which, under Corbyn, resulted in an upsurge in anti-semitisim in that party).

So, what goes around comes around and Soros supports anti-semitic movements.

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15 hours ago, Jingthing said:

The way you frame your question misses the point and suggests that you probsbly didn't read the article you were replying to.


Here's more:



From Russia to Hungary to, now, Donald Trump’s America, a rising authoritarianism plays on an atavistic European hatred. We live in the Soros Age of Anti-Semitism.

No. Not now, This is from 2018 but the allegations of Russian manipulation of the American electorate in this weak piece of propaganda have already been disproved - so the rest is just as likely to be nonsense too. 

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9 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

I question whether Soros is a force for good because as well warned his woke DAs and the soft on crime agenda he funds led to a large increase in violent crime. IMO all violent crime, whether it happens in an elementary school or in a deprived inner city area is bad. And the fact he is Jewish never entered my mind for a second, it is beyond irrelevant.


"Critics say the policies of Soros-funded DAs, which have included abolishing bail and, in the case of Chicago, placing hundreds of violent criminals on electronic tracking systems, have led to a spike in crime throughout the country. According to the FBI’s annual Uniform Crime Report released in September, the country saw a 30 percent increase in homicides in 2020 — the largest single-year spike since they began recording crime statistics 60 years ago. The report also saw a 24 percent decrease in arrests across the country. "



 That we reached a stage where one side of the political divide openly talks about the end of the world without any hint they favour negotiations with Russia/Ukraine (which absolutely should have been done before the 1st tank rolled) is somewhat alarming. I remember when they were anti-war, is Country Joe still alive? Maybe he could rerelease his hit and remind us that war is bad.

The number of homicides in the United States increased by almost 30% in 2020. It affected both cities and rural areas, and in Republican and Democratic-leaning states.

Of course, it's because of Soros and has has nothing to do with the pandemic! ????

BTW, who was president in 2020?

And guess what's also behind the rise in crimes, as usual? An increase in gun sales! 


"Record increases in gun sales, children homebound like never before, social isolation, and economic struggles due to COVID-19 put many people at increased risk for gun violence."



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