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Father takes student out of northern Thai school after she sells marijuana - MP involved, parents furious


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9 minutes ago, Geoffggi said:

At least they are not fighting or shooting each other .....................LOL

Let's choose:


forget studies.    not educated, no skills, workplace destroyed, all companies can only hire complete idiots, world crumbles.    


fight.   people die.


neither is good.   Kids in HS can try weed, but if they become a pot head they will be in for a shock when reality hits.   kids that fight.....never know, but better odds than a druggie. 

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Of course, most youth will be buying it from classmates and getting high.  Been going on for more then 50 years around the world this place will be no different.  In fact, it will probably be much worse the decision making abilities of youth here seems to be at the high end of bad.

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19 minutes ago, Iamfalang said:

Let's choose:


forget studies.    not educated, no skills, workplace destroyed, all companies can only hire complete idiots, world crumbles.    


fight.   people die.


neither is good.   Kids in HS can try weed, but if they become a pot head they will be in for a shock when reality hits.   kids that fight.....never know, but better odds than a druggie. 

Interesting start to your comment "Let's Choose" I would imagine a very high percentage of people have at some point tried some form of drugs & alcohol, but everyone who tries either do not become addicts to either drugs or alcohol, and progress to lead normal lives - The Choice in life is there as are life's many possible pitfalls so choose wisely. QED

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34 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

The thing that compounds this more is that as its now legal, with as yet no effective legislation introduced, the kids see it as normal, its sold everywhere, easy to get hold of so they will start to experiment earlier safe in the knowledge that its now part of the culture of Thailand promoted by the government. Total balls up.

Are you talking about alcohol ?

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1 minute ago, mrfill said:

Its banned for people under 20 and banned in schools under current laws. What new legislation is required to prevent school kids from buying/selling at school?  A super double ban?

Enforcement obviously which did not work in this particular example, besides which its much more than that as my post alluded to. Legislation on medical use only is still going through as are all the other regulations, that's why I called it a balls up. Cart before the horse senario in which the police even have no clue what to do.

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Reminds me of the HS days.  Lunch was doobies in the field, then hardest part of the day, deciding whether to go back.  Half the time I didn't ????


Missed 40 days of school in 12th grade, that's 80 half days, of 160 mandatory days to attend.

They actually thought about not letting me graduate.  Told them I didn't care, as I wasn't going anyway.  I'll pick up the diploma, some day, maybe.  Or get a GED...so F O, as  piece of paper, I simply don't need.

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Just now, mrfill said:

If they can't/won't enforce the current law, what makes you think that a raft of new laws will suddenly be properly enforced?

Which is what makes this whole episode such a farce but at least with clarity on regulations/laws then people know where they stand on the legalities because at the moment its virtually a free for all wild west show with no police intervention whatsoever because of the lack of laws.


Bus companies are having to tell their drivers not to smoke before coming to work. The DLT is now studying new cannabis regulations for public transport, with similar regulations for all drivers in the pipeline.


The biggie for me is clarity on recreational and medical use because latest statements are that recreational use was not intended for legalization.


So yes I agree even with regs, how well with they be enforced? Without them however, none are.

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

On Tuesday the director of the school Jaichai Punnapong said that the M6 girl had sold loose weed to others at the school then switched to extracts.

She sounds like a bit of an entrepreneur to me.

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41 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Which is what makes this whole episode such a farce but at least with clarity on regulations/laws then people know where they stand on the legalities because at the moment its virtually a free for all wild west show with no police intervention whatsoever because of the lack of laws.


Bus companies are having to tell their drivers not to smoke before coming to work. The DLT is now studying new cannabis regulations for public transport, with similar regulations for all drivers in the pipeline.


The biggie for me is clarity on recreational and medical use because latest statements are that recreational use was not intended for legalization.


So yes I agree even with regs, how well with they be enforced? Without them however, none are.

Again, there are existing laws covering driving while under the influence of drugs. I totally agree that without proper enforcement that it becomes ridiculous but you can't blame the lack of laws for that, because there is no lack of laws.

Its been 6 weeks since legalisation and there doesn't seem to have been a collapse of society and just introducing new laws to duplicate existing laws seems to be an enormous waste of time.

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31 minutes ago, mrfill said:

Again, there are existing laws covering driving while under the influence of drugs. I totally agree that without proper enforcement that it becomes ridiculous but you can't blame the lack of laws for that, because there is no lack of laws.

Its been 6 weeks since legalisation and there doesn't seem to have been a collapse of society and just introducing new laws to duplicate existing laws seems to be an enormous waste of time.

Who said anything about duplicating laws? There currently are no laws is many areas of cannabis use. They are putting those in place now whether you like it or not.


New traffic laws in pipeline as cannabis use legalised in Thailand


Its like saying we may as well do away with drink driving laws as there not enforced which is also ridiculous. Laws need to be in place, that's what makes a functioning society.


I don't think anyone predicted a collapse in society in 6 weeks, that would be quite the extreme scare mongering rhetoric that nobody with logic would use. Even after years of legality in some states in US and other countries, have studies and statistics started to come out on the negative effects. A pity Anutin did not look at those first.

Edited by Bkk Brian
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