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Nearly one in three Americans say it may soon be necessary to take up arms against the government


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4 hours ago, Lacessit said:

LOL, you think asserting your opinion makes it so? Classic begging the question.

How does having free housing, clothing, dental care, medical care, education and pensions make the American military any different from a socialist country? Those are facts, not assumptions.

I have yet to see any explanation from you as to why the American military is different.

You are attacking my proposition without bringing any countervailing evidence, parroting the adjective absurd doesn't cut it.


Name one large corporation that doesn't have at least one of your acid test of a socialist system in place. Large organizations all offer rewards and benefits, in order to attract potential employees. The fact that those benefits seem to resemble what you consider identifies a socialist regime hardly marks them out as socialist organizations. But as for the military, their internal hierarchical structure, essential to their effective operation, is far from any socialist ideal. If it wasn't, why don't all would be socialists enroll? They've nothing to lose but their lives. I know very few US army personnel so I don't know how it all works. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. But do they really perceive the US military as some sort of socialist utopia?

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All those people spent all that money on guns and ammo and now they are itchy to use them.  I'd also expect nagging spouses going on with "the kids need shoes and we have no money for them because you spent it all on your damn guns!"



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4 hours ago, bradiston said:

Name one large corporation that doesn't have at least one of your acid test of a socialist system in place. Large organizations all offer rewards and benefits, in order to attract potential employees. The fact that those benefits seem to resemble what you consider identifies a socialist regime hardly marks them out as socialist organizations. But as for the military, their internal hierarchical structure, essential to their effective operation, is far from any socialist ideal. If it wasn't, why don't all would be socialists enroll? They've nothing to lose but their lives. I know very few US army personnel so I don't know how it all works. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. But do they really perceive the US military as some sort of socialist utopia?

I doubt I could name one corporation that has ALL the benefits the American military provides. I also doubt many military people know or care their organization has many features of socialism. Having said that, I'd bet a considerable proportion of military personnel find the certainty of service more comforting than civilian life.


Why is the concept of the American military being socialist so offensive to you? Is it because, like many Americans, you have been indoctrinated since birth socialism is evil? As the Second Amendment is regarded as holy writ by many Americans?


Socialism is no more evil than capitalism. Both have the capacity for good, and evil if taken to excess.





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11 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

The US-Taliban agreement by Trump to withdraw troops by May 2021 started the devastating collapse of the Afghan military morale and was the catalyst for the country collapse. The agreement has a psycological impact for the soldiers who switched to survival instead of fighting mode. Trump shared the blame with Biden for the country falling to the Taliban. 

Nice attempt to blame Trump. I'm no fan of Trump as I have already stated, but withdrawal would have been fine had it been managed properly. 


Biden completely screwed it up, but then what do you expect from someone who can barely string a coherent sentence together? 

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3 hours ago, Lacessit said:

I doubt I could name one corporation that has ALL the benefits the American military provides. I also doubt many military people know or care their organization has many features of socialism. Having said that, I'd bet a considerable proportion of military personnel find the certainty of service more comforting than civilian life.


Why is the concept of the American military being socialist so offensive to you? Is it because, like many Americans, you have been indoctrinated since birth socialism is evil? As the Second Amendment is regarded as holy writ by many Americans?


Socialism is no more evil than capitalism. Both have the capacity for good, and evil if taken to excess.





I'm not American. And I'm not anti American, which I see more and more amongst friends and acquaintances. Socialism has long been a dirty word for many even in my home country, which used to be part of Europe. In the States, and elsewhere, it seems conflated with communism or some form of state control which they are programmed to violently resist, deeming it an infringement of their "liberty". Well, that's another story. Your assertion that the US military was a socialist institution just struck me as too incongruous to go unchallenged, and I haven't changed my mind. Socialism is, or was, an ideal that people have given their lives to strive for, have been imprisoned, tortured and murdered for, and one that the US government and hence military, has historically been involved in actively destroying. That's all.

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55 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Nice attempt to blame Trump. I'm no fan of Trump as I have already stated.....


Why is it that when someone says they are "no fan of Trump," it's ALWAYS revealed later that they are.  Why not just confess and avoid all this hiding and fake objectivity?  Because attacking Biden as you do, you're not much different from these other right wing nutters. 

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2 hours ago, Berkshire said:

5555....you just outed yourself yet again.  Calling Joe Biden "an incompetent old man unfit to be President" is a standard right wing talking point that has been used ad nauseam.  We all know that President Biden is old, perhaps past his prime.  But even if he is half the man he was, he's still infinitely a better President than Trump will ever be at any age.  


Allow me to help. Listen carefully as I won't explain it for a third time. It is possible to think that Joe Biden is an incompetent, senile old man and simultaneously think that Trump is an egotistical idiot. Especially for a non American like myself who doesn't have a horse in the race. I can only shake my head and feel pity that these are the offerings put forward to the American people. It's a sad state of affairs for a once great country.



Edited by Rimmer
Flames edited out!!!
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"Nearly one in three Americans say it may soon be necessary to take up arms against the government".


I'd love to see them try.  It would solve most of America's current problems, and not in the way the weapons wielding weirdos are planning it to.  After all, to paraphrase The Clash:

"'Cos it won't get you anywhere

Fooling with the gun

The US army is waiting out there

And it weighs fifteen hundred tons"


(White Man) In Hammersmith Palais

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2 hours ago, bradiston said:

I'm not American. And I'm not anti American, which I see more and more amongst friends and acquaintances. Socialism has long been a dirty word for many even in my home country, which used to be part of Europe. In the States, and elsewhere, it seems conflated with communism or some form of state control which they are programmed to violently resist, deeming it an infringement of their "liberty". Well, that's another story. Your assertion that the US military was a socialist institution just struck me as too incongruous to go unchallenged, and I haven't changed my mind. Socialism is, or was, an ideal that people have given their lives to strive for, have been imprisoned, tortured and murdered for, and one that the US government and hence military, has historically been involved in actively destroying. That's all.

Point taken, the US military has indeed been involved in quite a few unsavory episodes.

I've been to America many times, there are things Americans do extremely well, others where belief overrules facts and logic. This thread is an illustration.

Perhaps I might have worded my post better by saying the American military exhibits many of the features of a socialist organisation, but perhaps that would not be satisfactory to you either.

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9 hours ago, honcho said:

no the maga lot as you name them see thru the media bias and corruption of the biden lot, they are sane not melting down over pronouns and abortions... bring back trump!

well, they wouldn't. It's the MAGA backing laws against free choice and using the pronouns. Of course, they're not freaking out. The car thief doesn't complain about cars being stolen, just the victims.

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