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Alternative Maths in a Woke World or Sick Alt Right Video About Maths?


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Not bad. The setting would make you think they are making fun of the left but the topic i.e. accepting the reality of proven scientific theory is definitely more applicable to the religious right. 

One of few practical links to the left is on the trans debate. 

It would be good if trans people could say ' I was born in a male body but feel like I am a woman. I am not sure of the science of it or why I feel this way but I would appreciate if you could let me live how I like.'

The non trans could say ' I don't know that you are a woman in any scientific sense but if you prefer to live that way no problem'. 

On those rare occasions  that can potentially affect trans and non trans alike, e.g. toilets or sport, we can just try and have a sensible discussion so there is a fair outcome. No need to make it such a big deal. 

Edited by Fat is a type of crazy
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7 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

Right wing means freedom and capitalism. Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.


Sadly modern day people have invented weird terms to describe nutters and totally forgot what capitalism is.




Have you read Ayn Rand. The Fountainhead. Atlas Shrugged. Hugely big in the states. Or was. Many of the ideas are a bit abhorrent from where I sit now but the books kind of changed my life at the time I read it on the benefits of capitalism and freedom. I say abhorrent because I don't now think extreme capitalism is freedom because people are born with huge advantages over others and to be free there has to be some accounting for this. 

She came from Russia and could see the stark contrast between communism and capitalism. She was an atheist and kept politics out of personal lives and believed in science absolutely but still managed to be the darling of many Republicans. That's the side of Republicans that I can have some respect for, even though I am in the Australian centre of politics, which you will probably agree is a fair way to the left of centre in the states.

But most of what right wing means today seems to be about some distorted cynical christian judgement, helping the rich and placating the poor,  and not believing and following real science and that's not freedom.  

Edited by Fat is a type of crazy
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7 hours ago, tgw said:

but the video doesn't really take a side.

it is showing the dangers of giving opinions any weight at all against facts and how opinions and votes (of whatever side !) should

That's how I viewed it.


The funny twist at the end illustrates what can happen when you dont let the facts get in the way of your opinion..

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I thought the word woke was a derogatory term for left wing liberals who always, to me at least seem to be "offended" by something or other. 


Buy what is alt right? Does it imply an alternative right wing set of beliefs? Or is it similarly, a derogatory term for right wingers?

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12 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Alternative facts are an ALT RIGHT thing! Nothing to do with woke. Look what's happening in Florida. Teachers are being shut down from teaching basic facts and information about LGBT people and black history to ALL GRADES which is a neo-fascist movement led by alt right wing demagogues.

Your headline indicates you think this film is to expose so called woke (which isn't a real thing, it's just an attack word from the right wing). It's the opposite. 

When did life get so complicated?


I grew up in the 50s and I have been here a long time... did this insanity come on slowly or was it more of an overnight thing? 

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1 hour ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

She came from Russia and could see the stark contrast between communism and capitalism.

Sure, sure... but lets get down to the important part... Was she skinny? 


We should be able to judge the validity of her ideas by her body mass index. 

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10 minutes ago, phetphet said:

I thought the word woke was a derogatory term for left wing liberals who always, to me at least seem to be "offended" by something or other. 

And then I woke up.


You know the tide of craziness has reached you when your lady insists you stop referring to her as wife and use the term :


Long term cohabiting aquaintance.



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2 hours ago, phetphet said:

I thought the word woke was a derogatory term for left wing liberals who always, to me at least seem to be "offended" by something or other. 


Buy what is alt right? Does it imply an alternative right wing set of beliefs? Or is it similarly, a derogatory term for right wingers?

Made up term.

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On 7/31/2022 at 7:06 PM, Jingthing said:

Alternative facts are an ALT RIGHT thing! Nothing to do with woke. Look what's happening in Florida. Teachers are being shut down from teaching basic facts and information about LGBT people and black history to ALL GRADES which is a neo-fascist movement led by alt right wing demagogues.

Your headline indicates you think this film is to expose so called woke (which isn't a real thing, it's just an attack word from the right wing). It's the opposite. 

Sure we should teach about everything no history of anyone should be denied and preferably a true and accurate history. I however would argue for simplicity. Regardless of how you identify you either sleep with people of the same sex, the opposite sex or everybody and more power to you whatever you choose to be or identify. 

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The term 'woke  was created  by black activists in 2013 to describe  a higher state of political  consciousness. It was latterly taken up other 'radical ' groups.  As the term has become increasingly  discredited and associated with ideological and illogical  extremism and bigotry people are trying to disown the term and pretend it's origins are a right wing insult. Elementary fact checking  exposes the history of the term 'woke' from its noble  origins to its current  relegation as an insult aimed at narrow minded bigots who promote racism,  censorship, especially of speech based on a  narrow minded Americentric world  view and absurd precepts  such as ' intersectionality, historical and cultural  vandalism,  obsession with identity often based on bad faith assumptions and moral p superiority.

Woke extremists are waging a highly effective and destructive culture war.

Thus it is not just 'right wing extremists ' who use the term 'woke' but anybody concerned with basic  decency find the term useful top describe this narcissistic idiocy.



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