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Monkeypox: Thais advised to avoid sexual contact with foreigners, hotels advised to clean properly


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So they haven't detected any other cases in Thailand other than the one Nigerian tourist, but now they are thinking he may have contracted the disease in Thailand ?

He arrived in Thailand in October 2021, spent some time in Chiang Mai before going to Phuket. In July he went to the hospital as he'd developed blisters on his dick.
When they figured out it was monkey pox they told him to come in for treatment but he decided to skip the country instead.

What about the 19 people he supposedly had "close contact" with in Phuket ? Supposedly they were all tested by 25 July and the results were supposed to be back by the 28th.

I just saw a report on an English language Chinese news site dated 2 days ago soys that a 2nd case has been discovered. A Thai man in Bangkok.

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10 minutes ago, BusyB said:

Not just gay. They used to say AIDS only affected gay men.

When I was in highschool, my physics teacher once asked a sleepy-looking girl in class: "Do you have Aids?" - Well, that was in the mid 80s, and was meant as a joke...

Edited by StayinThailand2much
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"Dirty unwashed farangs" again!


How long do we have to wait for an apolgy for this latest slur?


And the spokesman should really have emphasised that " Most cases worldwide so far are among gay and bisexual men"


Also, I am totally confused by this sentence:- "This comes despite the fact that the disease can't be transmitted via sexual contact."(??????????)


Just another ploy to whip up fear and uncertainty among the populace, and is bound to do give the push for more tourists a much needed boost (NOT!)

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12 minutes ago, sambum said:

And the spokesman should really have emphasised that " Most cases worldwide so far are among gay and bisexual men"

That is in the western world, as gay men and men who have sex with men , are more likely to attend a doctor more often for regular health reviews,  including sexual health and ask for tests,

Africa transmission different , as we will begin to see. Endemic in part of Africa and no one cared, no vaccine programs


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7 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Oh dear...... he could have made a more general, less xenophobic statement. 

It appears to be the common mindset among authority types......for generations. 

Can understand how this thought process could develop among particular officialdom circles and associated - almost written in their cultural DNA, repeated often and loud enough. 


But such a statement deriving from an educated person of science and medicine is quite confounding. 

Should be known that the common xenophobic sense that is part and parcel of particular circles of authority is certainly not reflective of everyday Thai society at large.

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