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Takeaways from the court hearing on releasing more documents from the Mar-a-Lago search


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3 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

The American public views the unprecedented raid on an ex President's house rather differently than most posters here. When a MAJORITY of voters think there is a group of politicized thugs at the top of the FBI who are using the FBI … as Joe Biden‘s personal Gestapo, the country has a huge problem. This coming just when it seemed a government could not possibly get anymore incompetent and untrustworthy.....


"Roger Stone, an adviser to former President Donald Trump, has said there is “a group of politicized thugs at the top of the FBI who are using the FBI … as Joe Biden‘s personal Gestapo.” A majority (53%) of voters now agree with Stone’s statement – up from 46% in December – including 34% who Strongly Agree. "


"The American public views the unprecedented raid on an ex President's house.."


The Trump public fixates on the unprecedented search of an ex-President's house.


The American public fixates on the unprecedented theft of government documents by a departing President who then refused to return them after months of negotiations.


The Trump public believes their cult leader can do no wrong.


The American public doesn't believe former Presidents are above the law.  They also take anything said by convicted felon Roger Stone with a huge grain of salt.

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Y'know, for those who think things out, there is more to this situation than merely obeying or disobeying laws.


Part of our position in the world relies not just on economic and military superiority, but on moral superioriry, also. We have been able to tell other countries, "Look to us for guidance; look to us to see how it should be done."




We have always been able to say, "We have never had a coup. We have never needed to force a President out of office in shame. We have never had the kind of systemic corruption that other countries......... (many countries!)...... have had." 


We have been able to say to other countries, "Follow our lead! Do things the way we have done---democracy, first! Of the people, by the people, for the people!---then your future will be bright!"


We have been able to claim a moral superiority, a philosophy  that has proven itself better than all the others! 


(((Nevermind the fact that much of it is provably bullpoop! It is still how we try to shine a light on ourselves!)))


This is how we have wanted to be perceived in the world.......... and how we HAVE BEEN  perceived in many quarters, to one degree or another.


But then Nixon resigns, as did his VP, Agnew. And Clinton gets Impeached. And Trump gets Impeached TWICE.


Two of our last four presidents have been Impeached!


Ultimately, what is on the line is not just whether Trump committed crimes and will be held accountable for them. There is something MUCH BIGGER on the line, too!


And it's that MUCH BIGGER situation that explains the whys of delays and procedures that seem, on the face, both illogical and confusing.


The people who make these decisions......... who take these actions........... don't have the luxury of JUST considering the "law and order" aspects of these circumstances, these events, like you and I have. 


They have to also consider how their actions might affect the very foundational principles of our Nation............ and how those philosopies and principles are perceived by others in the wider world.


After all, what answer can we give when trying to advise someone toward an open, democratic system, when they can respond, "Sorry, but it seems your  system is incapable of keeping crooks out of office! Why would we ever want to emulate THAT?"


Because they're bound to be far more impressed by our inability to keep crooks OUT........... than they'll ever be by the fact we were able to hunt them down, afterwards!


Cuz, you see, the thing about "Too little, too late" is........... it's too late!


It is, as the saying goes, "Closing the barn door......... after the horse has already escaped!"


So, do we just ignore it? Do we let him get away with it? No.


But we don't move forward without keeping in mind that......... for our Nation........ there is a very important International Relations BIGGER PICTURE involved, with both Cause-and-Effect and Unintended Consequences to consider!




This is yet another of those situations where if you think the answers are easy........... it really just means you haven't thought it out far enough, yet!



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3 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

This sneering condescension is most unpleasant. People have different views on just about everything, hence the concept of a debate forum. To dub people with differing views to yourself "stupid" reflects on you more than them.

 Wray was a huge disappointment. I, for one, am interested in reviewing all his emails/mobile phone records/written documents after his house is raided in a few years time along with all the rest of them. What do his private messages reveal about his motivation for this dreadful raid?

How do you know Wray is going to hide official documents in his home after leaving office, and refuse to return them? Do you have a crystal ball? ????

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3 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

This sneering condescension is most unpleasant. People have different views on just about everything, hence the concept of a debate forum. To dub people with differing views to yourself "stupid" reflects on you more than them.

 Wray was a huge disappointment. I, for one, am interested in reviewing all his emails/mobile phone records/written documents after his house is raided in a few years time along with all the rest of them. What do his private messages reveal about his motivation for this dreadful raid?

What gives you to think that YOU have a right to know what is going on?


It is in the hands of the DoJ.


Why do you seem to think that  you are more important than anybody else?


If you wish to know what they know and are not releasing to you or to anybody else for that matter, I suggest that you contact them and DEMAND an explanation. Please post on this thread what you want from them and also publish their reply.

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13 minutes ago, riclag said:

The word steal is the  lefts term imop When boxes have been declassified,  packed away , transported and sent by a govt agency to mara largo ,to be put under lock  only to be seen by investigators months prior, put under more locks at the request of another govt agency while lawyers and govt agencies negotiated  the release . Thats not stealing !


For the left ,when it comes to Trump he’s  never deserving of the constitutional privileges of the office ! Imop


"A source close to former President Donald Trump told Fox News...." Also an anonymous source....


Anyway, the chronology of interactions between Trum, NARA and FBI will likely be shown when the affidavit is published, so I guess we'll have a more precise account then.

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35 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:

He doesn't hold office anymore so he has no constitutional privileges of office. Understand?

Lol For 4 years when he was in office his detractors were constantly badgering him and his rights as the office holder


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