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Enoch Powell, he wasnt wrong in his forecast !


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2 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Present a post where I have stated I want all taken in?


Or admit you are making stuff up.


I suggest you direct your ire at those that made false promises and raised false expectations and leave those of us who told you at the time you were being lied to alone.

Making stuff up, you side with the rubber dinghy folk, you side with the foreigner on any subject, and you know it...????


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3 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

Just in case there's any doubt, they never abolished slavery in the UK until 1833. Modern racism is an artifact of the past. All countries are afflicted by it. None are inherently worse than another and the problem is way more prevalent than most people believe.




Look up USA segregation 20th century....

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Just now, transam said:


Look up USA segregation 20th century....

There's no (legal) segregation right now and hasn't been for some time. Modern racism is rife in the UK just as it is in the US. It's in plain view on this board for all to see.

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5 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Words have consequences.


The words of Racist Powell had consequences.


He was and remains defended and admired by racist.


Perhaps you’d like to forget the race attacks that were a part of British crime throughout the 60s and 70s.



Was there UK coloured Segregation, cafes, transport toilets.............?

Crime is never ending, has every nationality, any country...

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6 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

What relevance does historical segregation have to racism now?

The thread is about a Brigadier Enoch Powell MBE, his chat from over half a century back, and what was going on then, did you forget......?

Edited by transam
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1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Racist attacks by are a fact of British history.


The absence of US styled race segregation does not change that historical fact.


You are simply engaging in strawman whataboutary.

Yes, foreign folk have attacked Brits, there are quite a few in prison to this day, happy to see you recognised that fact....????


Rapists, murderers, terrorists, smugglers, the UK has the lot, sadly.....

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5 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The Venn diagram of those defending/admiring Powell and those ranting against immigrants in threads through this forum is a perfect circle.


Who’d have guessed it?!

Yes but, you are someone who wants all let into the UK, so you will make a comment like that....????

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1 minute ago, GarryP said:

I think you'll find that immigration back in the 50's and 60's in Yorkshire and Lancashire was supported/promoted by the government to provide workers for the mills and factories. It was not about immigrants trying to sneak in illegally. Bradford and Saltaire among a number of cities in the north are what they are now due to government policy and not because of "leeching". Now whethere that policy was right or wrong, I have no idea, but you should not blame the people. 

That is a myth, they were never supported or invited, including the windrush boat. It was some Caribbean islands, especially Barbados who asked if people could be trained in UK as nurses etc. I would be interested to see any information that mass immigration was ever invited from places like Pakistan to work in mills and corner shops.

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4 minutes ago, PremiumLane said:

How are they leeching when all data shows that immigrants provide a net benefit to the economy?

If you are a citizen of the country or resident there and working then you get healthcare, what is wrong with that?


Do all Muslims stage demos? Do they all throw acid? 


And how is the UK doing at the moment without immigrant workers? 

I think the UK still has immigrant workers, so its all OK, I don't think any genuine immigrant workers have been chucked out, oh, a few foreign criminals have now been chucked out, at last..????

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12 minutes ago, PremiumLane said:

How are they leeching when all data shows that immigrants provide a net benefit to the economy?

If you are a citizen of the country or resident there and working then you get healthcare, what is wrong with that?


Do all Muslims stage demos? Do they all throw acid? 


And how is the UK doing at the moment without immigrant workers? 

Depends whose data you are looking at, they are not a net benefit if you look at what they take out and cost into account. Muslims are always staging demos over school teachers they disaprove of, including death threats, or films like the lady of heaven. They harass and have even stabbed people at speakers corner for exposing the lies in the Quran. They are offended by everything but ashamed of nothing!


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