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Joe Biden’s latest gaffe plays right into Republicans’ hands


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11 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Will be wild to see Trump to take questions and debate. Then he was shielded by the corrupt DOJ and the senate. 

On this point, we agree.


Although I would expand it to include most recent presidents. Perhaps the only one in recent memory who could have handled it was Bill Clinton.

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32 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

I may agree with you that Joe don’t need the theatrics and camera hoarding style of the former President. Well after all Trump is a realty artist and craved for attention however needless. 

Joe makes gaffes and he apologies or the WH explained the actual context. That’s the difference. Former President never apologies and invaded the WH press briefing or the press secretaries double down on his lies. Oh by the way, WH press briefings were practically non existence for a period of time. 

I didnt mention the former President. Comparing Biden with ALL recent former presidents gives the same result. Obama was far more available to the press. As was Bush jr, Clinton, Reagan, etc.  


Joe doesnt just make gaffes. He makes critical errors that show a lack of understanding of US policy. His people can try and clean it up, but nobody really believes them.


Given the remarkably poor performance of the current Press Secretary, perhaps it is better if we go back to press briefings being practically non existent. Jen Psaki was far better.  

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28 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Are you familiar with the term "Dorothy Dixer"? That's how significant Question Time in most parliaments has become.

When you say there's very little debate or communication between the two sides, what proof do you have? My impression is one of constant wheeling and dealing to pass legislation.

Not sure about Oz, but in Canada the opposition and government spar quite regularly, in public, in parliament.  As for the American way, most of their action takes place behind closed doors in secret negotiations.  I dont remember actually seeing the two sides debating in the open in Congress- Pelosi and McCarthy trading barbs and deflecting attacks. Would love to though!

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1 hour ago, Hanaguma said:

I didnt mention the former President. Comparing Biden with ALL recent former presidents gives the same result. Obama was far more available to the press. As was Bush jr, Clinton, Reagan, etc.  


Joe doesnt just make gaffes. He makes critical errors that show a lack of understanding of US policy. His people can try and clean it up, but nobody really believes them.


Given the remarkably poor performance of the current Press Secretary, perhaps it is better if we go back to press briefings being practically non existent. Jen Psaki was far better.  

Trump was far more available to the press than Obama, Bush, Clinton and reagan with his non traditional informal freewheeling press interactions. The way he likes it but lacking in substance.


Joe was in the government from 1973 to 2009 and a vice President before he became the President. To say that he lack understanding of US policy is nonsensical rambling, balderdash and lacking good judgement. 


Karine Jean-Pierre doing a wonderful job especially engaging those pesky Fox and Newsmax reporters. And she is an immigrant.

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20 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

Telling that you mention that Jean-Pierre is an immigrant. That has no bearing on her competence. Completely irrelevant. As are her embarrassing performances.  


Joe and US policy are oil and water.  His boss Obama once said, don't underestimate Joe's ability to f... things up".  In his 50 years in Washington, he has managed to be wrong on just about everything. He opposed the first Gulf War in 1991, supported the second, was against the mission to kill Osama bin Laden, messed up the Afghanistan withdrawal, and so on, and so on. He could hide as a Senator being wrong, but as President he cannot. 


As for Trump being so available, UCSB disagrees;


According to the American Presidency Project at the University of California – Santa Barbara, Biden has conducted only nine total news conferences to date in his first year.

That’s fewer than half the number done by Donald Trump (22) in 2017 and a third as many as Barack Obama held (27) in his first year in office.

And it’s not just news conferences where Biden is lagging his predecessors when it comes to interacting with the press. Biden had done just 22 press interviews through December 31 of his first year in office, a total dwarfed by the 92 interviews Trump had done and the 156(!) Obama participated in during their first years as president.




So enough of the "but Trump...." nonsense already. Biden's own boss was the leader in speaking to journalists.

You seem triggered by her being an immigrant and smart. 


As for Biden, Obama was refering to him running for President in 2016. Obama prefer Hillary. Obama was a big supporter of Biden and backed him enthusiastically in his 2020 run for President. Even spoke to support Biden at the Dem Convention. You must missed all of that. 


Biden was seeking diplomatic and economical alternatives to deal with Iraq rather than war. His objection to taking out Osama was because there were insufficient proof that he was in the Abbottabad residence. His job was to provide his opinion as VP as there were significant risk to lives and political relationship with Pakistan.


I agree with you that Trump craved the press exposures more than Biden. 


Anything more? 

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6 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

Republicans may be overplaying this.  The only people who get excited about his gaffes--or think it's a huge detriment--are people who are already against him.  Most Dems know that Biden's mental faculties and judgement are still intact.  He may not be as articulate as Obama or Clinton when speaking publicly, but he's still trusted.  Besides, I don't think he'll run in 2024.  Even he knows he's getting too old. 

I think you are half right.  If people were honest with themselves they would admit that Joe is not the man he used to be, and is obviously slipping.  He gets a big pass because of his predecessor, and it is all too easy to point at Trump's various 'interesting' takes on things and verbosity/BS/bluster.  By comparison, a semi sentient Biden is, if nothing else, refreshing and relaxing.


The question is, can he be safely navigated through his term in office without a major catastrophe. Because absolutely NOBODY wants Harris to take over as President.   

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2 hours ago, Berkshire said:

Republicans may be overplaying this.  The only people who get excited about his gaffes--or think it's a huge detriment--are people who are already against him.  Most Dems know that Biden's mental faculties and judgement are still intact.  He may not be as articulate as Obama or Clinton when speaking publicly, but he's still trusted.  Besides, I don't think he'll run in 2024.  Even he knows he's getting too old. 

Personal attack is the only modus operandi of the Maga GOP besides misinformation and lies. They are not intelligent enough to talk about Dem's policies. They overplayed basement Biden last election and got a rude awakening. The public were not easily fooled. They can distinquish the difference between responsible campaigning and reckless super spreader rallies. His policies will be remembered and not his gaffes. He has done his part to beat Trump like a drum and should be remember for that achievement. He can be forgiven if he don't run in 2024. 

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53 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Personal attack is the only modus operandi of the Maga GOP besides misinformation and lies. They are not intelligent enough to talk about Dem's policies. They overplayed basement Biden last election and got a rude awakening. The public were not easily fooled. They can distinquish the difference between responsible campaigning and reckless super spreader rallies. His policies will be remembered and not his gaffes. He has done his part to beat Trump like a drum and should be remember for that achievement. He can be forgiven if he don't run in 2024. 

That sounds like a personal attack! Great.


Joe certainly has not fooled the public, that's why he is so unpopular. His errors will be remembered and the calamitous effects of his extreme policies are yet to be fully known. If he tries to run in 2024 that just shows how far he has drifted into la la land.


Cocoa time.



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On 10/4/2022 at 8:12 PM, Hanaguma said:

The question is, can he be safely navigated through his term in office without a major catastrophe. Because absolutely NOBODY wants Harris to take over as President.   

IMO had there been a better VP than her, Biden would have been "encouraged" to resign already. I suspect her IMO complete failure on the southern border has convinced those behind the scenes that she would not be a better option.


I'm amused by those that overlook Biden's obvious problems as being of little importance, when we know that if it were Trump making the same gaffes, theirs and the media reaction would have been very different.

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8 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

Come on man.  Trump made gaffes constantly, many of which were much worse.  The injecting bleach, nice people on both sides, believing Putin over his own intel agencies, shthole countries, buying Greenland....and that's just off the top of my head.  Trump was far, far worse.

Come on man. Whatever Trump did or say was always wrong in the minds of some on here. If he had said coal is black, I reckon some on here would say he was lying.


When the president is the leader of the free world and a huge country, any gaffe is not a good look, and Biden is making many.

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35 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Come on man. Whatever Trump did or say was always wrong in the minds of some on here. If he had said coal is black, I reckon some on here would say he was lying.


When the president is the leader of the free world and a huge country, any gaffe is not a good look, and Biden is making many.

That's the outcome of a pathological liar with a compulsive or habitual tendency to lie; no one believe him to be telling the truth. 


Gaffes are easily forgotten. No big deal. 

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25 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

That's the outcome of a pathological liar with a compulsive or habitual tendency to lie; no one believe him to be telling the truth. 


Gaffes are easily forgotten. No big deal. 

If Biden stands again in '24 I reckon everyone will be getting Biden's gaffes remembered over and over and over.

However, IMO he won't be standing again- just too old.

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2 hours ago, Berkshire said:

Come on man.  Trump made gaffes constantly, many of which were much worse.  The injecting bleach, nice people on both sides, believing Putin over his own intel agencies, shthole countries, buying Greenland....and that's just off the top of my head.  Trump was far, far worse.

The top of your head needs some work. He never said anything about injecting bleach. The "nice people on both sides" is a lie trotted out by Biden during the 2020 campaign which has been repeatedly debunked.  Given the "performance" of US intel, I don't blame his lack of trust.  Some countries ARE indeed ...holes. And Greenland would be a lovely addition.


Biden, by contrast, can't even muster up the mental wattage to even HAVE a coherent thought. He is guarded and protected from the public by his handlers. Hell, he just claimed to have been raised by Puerto Ricans last week!  A remarkable feat considering that Puerto Ricans make up less than one half of one percent of the population of Delaware!

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On 10/1/2022 at 7:40 PM, billd766 said:

Trump is in a world of trouble legally, apart from the current investigation, and if anybody believes that it does not hurt his chances of re election, then they are definitely a hard core Trump supporter.

"Trump is in a world of trouble legally, apart from the current investigation"

Apart from the current FBI "investigation", what is the "world of trouble" he is in legally?


"...a hard core Trump supporter".

In your mind, is there something wrong with those who choose to support Trump?   

Edited by Liverpool Lou
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32 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

The top of your head needs some work. He never said anything about injecting bleach. The "nice people on both sides" is a lie trotted out by Biden during the 2020 campaign which has been repeatedly debunked.  Given the "performance" of US intel, I don't blame his lack of trust.  Some countries ARE indeed ...holes. And Greenland would be a lovely addition.


Biden, by contrast, can't even muster up the mental wattage to even HAVE a coherent thought. He is guarded and protected from the public by his handlers. Hell, he just claimed to have been raised by Puerto Ricans last week!  A remarkable feat considering that Puerto Ricans make up less than one half of one percent of the population of Delaware!

Distorting information, as usual.


He said exactly that: "And so I — I was sort of raised in the Puerto Rican community at home, politically.”

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4 minutes ago, candide said:

Distorting information, as usual.


He said exactly that: "And so I — I was sort of raised in the Puerto Rican community at home, politically.”

...which means exactly...what?   


The "Puerto Rican community" in Delaware is a tiny fraction of the population, especially a thousand years ago when Biden was young. This was such an obvious and clumsy pander that I almost feel sorry for him. 


He also claimed to have come out of the Black community in 2019...and also Irish Catholic...


Does he really actually REMEMBER where he came from?

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56 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

Huh?   That was sarcasm, right?


What problems has he solved?  What difficult decisions has he made?

His decision making and achievements match up well with most regarded Presidents of the past. Enjoy and be educated from this clipping. 


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1 hour ago, Hanaguma said:

...which means exactly...what?   


The "Puerto Rican community" in Delaware is a tiny fraction of the population, especially a thousand years ago when Biden was young. This was such an obvious and clumsy pander that I almost feel sorry for him. 


He also claimed to have come out of the Black community in 2019...and also Irish Catholic...


Does he really actually REMEMBER where he came from?

Raised "politically" surely doesn't mean raised as a kid, as you claim.


Biden started his political career at Wilmington, which hasn't a tiny Latino polpulation. He has also been involved with Porto-rico during his career.

Quote: "And so I — I was sort of raised in the Puerto Rican community at home, politically.  And so, we — and we came here for a long time, both for business and pleasure, since you’re part of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals and Delaware is as well.  And I was chairman of the Judiciary Committee.  I spent a lot of time in the northern part of the state. 


A politician showing (and maybe overstating) his proximity with his audience, what a big deal! ????

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