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Netizens call for active shooter training in all Thai schools following NE massacre


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8 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

How about a psychological evaluation on the entire police and army forces, that would be a start, ooops, forgot where I was.


The Last Thing You Should Do with a Brown Paper Lunch Bag | Kitchn

yep agree entirely 4MyE ...

In some western countries, many European ones and some further afield this is part of the 3 to 4 years of degree qualifications and practical training before a police-person is ever allowed out on the street in uniform.

But in some other countries, and one I can think of in particular I won't mention, police training is a few months short and has zero, zero psych evals are ever done on their officers.

Treating the roots of such disturbed behaviour is the most effective means of prevention. Arming schools as some advocate in this world might seem to be a solution but I don't think it is.

Creating societies that care for its citizens with equity and compassion (Buddha was big on that) is perhaps the most effective way of caring for the mentally ill, preventing the compulsive need to escape the reality of life through drugs and the mental decline this brings for so many who seek self-medicating.

Alas i admit to holding no faith we as a species will ever reach such a state of collective enlightenment.

Regular evaluations, weeding out the culture of blind dysfunctional closed-circle mentality around reporting fellow officers who are exhibiting aberated behaviours - apparently from one report I read this sick man had a long history of violent and disturbed behaviours (spanning before he became a cop) needs to happen. 

Removal of guns from the streets is another, but whether this experience can translate here from countries like Australia is another matter. 


Edited by Tropposurfer
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1 hour ago, rovinman said:

What a STUPID response  !

Take the guns off people !

If you have a weed in the garden, you DON'T prune the thorns, ...... You dig it up by the root and BURN it  !

The weed is the garden is the PERSON not the weapon. What about all the law abiding Thai's who lawfully own guns? Taking away their guns doesn't stop a lunatic with a knife.

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29 minutes ago, NorthernRyland said:

The weed is the garden is the PERSON not the weapon. What about all the law abiding Thai's who lawfully own guns? Taking away their guns doesn't stop a lunatic with a knife.

Yet, taking away the guns away from the 2017 US Las Vegas Mandalay Bay shooter who killed 60 and wounded almost 900 at a country music festival, would have certainly stopped the lunatic's carnage.


He would have had difficulty in duplicating the act with a knife from the 32nd floor of the resort, 450 metres away from the concert.


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11 hours ago, transam said:

With the number of guns out there on the streets, and the rarity of an incidence like this, it sounds a bit OTT.


It will mean guns at schools, more guns to be stolen.....????

So, taking precautionary steps is over the top in your world? I feel so happy, that it is such a small and isolated one.

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11 hours ago, Morakot said:


You might be surprised, gun-related deaths per capita in Thailand is higher than in the US.

Back in the late 90s, I came across a magazine on gun violence around the world. They stated that BKK had the highest gun-related deaths per capita in the world.  How true that is today, I don't know, but I would imagine it hasn't changed all that much. 

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17 hours ago, Digitalbanana said:

Active shooter training of 2 year old kindergarten kids in rural Thailand ain't going to happen.

Needs to. On Friday, the day after the shooting, a man was stopped by police entering his childs school with a concealed hand gun and 20 rounds of ammunition.

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18 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

Why aren't netcitizens calling for gun, drug and mental health reform. 

Address the problems, not the symptoms of the problems.

You are spot on ..and why wasnt this cop screened for suitability if his past was so well known, any official who helped him circumvent any rules should be charged with involuntary manslaughter. Wake up thailand & stop this happening again & again. Now youve released the dope smokers you have plenty of prison slots for gun violators no matter how small.

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20 hours ago, webfact said:

It said: "A month ago there was a course at Phlern Pattana school in what to do during an active shooter incident. Many said what was the point, it won't ever happen. Just a month later it has. Such training is needed in all schools"

Thailand in social meltdown.. 

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8 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

So, taking precautionary steps is over the top in your world? I feel so happy, that it is such a small and isolated one.

Then tell me your blanket precautionary steps for schools in Thailand...Does it include guns on the premises, or an armed policeman asleep in his office.....?

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1 hour ago, transam said:

Then tell me your blanket precautionary steps for schools in Thailand...Does it include guns on the premises, or an armed policeman asleep in his office.....?

Why would I have any steps? What makes you think that? My opinion was that precautionary steps, as well as directly dealing with the sources of the problem was an advantage. Something, you did not seem to agree with.

But, just go on, continue to take up some things you see as common and negative to make Thais look bad. Collecting more points to your precious rep.

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22 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

How about a psychological evaluation on the entire police and army forces, that would be a start, ooops, forgot where I was.


The Last Thing You Should Do with a Brown Paper Lunch Bag | Kitchn

It would be a "start", however the next perpetrator is not necessarily going to be ex-army or ex police, I don't know what the answer is or even if there is an answer. Many people are motivated by money here "money number one" as they say, perhaps some sort of financial incentive could persuade people to hand in their guns or report those who won't, possibly funded by the lottery ?  It won't be 100% effective but many would jump at the chance to get their hands on say 5000 baht.  It would be another step in the right direction would it not?  

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3 hours ago, hotchilli said:

No but it might be of use for the teachers?

I'm not convinced that arming more people is the way forward,  The uk for example has always resisted arming the police ( other than specialised officers) and as a result the amount of gun crime is relatively small,  Compare that to America were all cops and many others  are armed it has not reduced these kind of incidents

Military trained Teachers with guns ?  I don't think that would be a very good Idea .Most normal people would be unable to kill another  

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15 hours ago, Dan O said:

Reform and training in a number of areas is needed but unless you reform and enforce the legal system its worthless. This guy and many other offenders have a history of violent behavior and are known to the community yet they continue to walk free in society. Proper bail release guidelines need to be established along with speedy trials and proper sentencing. Stop the transfers to inactive posts after charges are brought and review and reform of the court judicial appointments. Without the backbone of the legal system operating properly then the incidents like this will continue as it has forever here.


Certainly proper screening of police and govt positions would help. Crack down on illegal drugs at the top and not just low level couriers and smugglers. Enforce laws across the board to break the chain of thoughtless violations and lack of accountability.  Better education of the youth about laws, penalties and corruption. 


Too many issues are stacked against reform and correction in the short term and will take decades to change the mentality of the masses here.  

The "mai pen rai" attitude has a lot to do with it!


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6 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

I'm not convinced that arming more people is the way forward,  The uk for example has always resisted arming the police ( other than specialised officers) and as a result the amount of gun crime is relatively small,  Compare that to America were all cops and many others  are armed it has not reduced these kind of incidents

Military trained Teachers with guns ?  I don't think that would be a very good Idea .Most normal people would be unable to kill another  

No one is talking about arming teachers.. just what they can do in case of an armed intruder.

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13 hours ago, NorthernRyland said:

The weed is the garden is the PERSON not the weapon. What about all the law abiding Thai's who lawfully own guns? Taking away their guns doesn't stop a lunatic with a knife.

You just do not want to see facts,would you rather have to face some one who wants to kill you with a gun or with a knife?

If this killer would have come just carrying a knife it would have been

possible for the teachers to stop him.

If i had to choose i would rather try to stop a guy with a knife.

The guy who did the killing had the guns registered legally in his name.

He definitely was not a law abiding citizen.




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2 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

Why would I have any steps? What makes you think that? My opinion was that precautionary steps, as well as directly dealing with the sources of the problem was an advantage. Something, you did not seem to agree with.

But, just go on, continue to take up some things you see as common and negative to make Thais look bad. Collecting more points to your precious rep.

What a stupid post, "make Thais look bad".....


Sunbeam, once again I am sorry you don't understand my post...Perhaps you are not an English speaker....????


But if you are, I will ask once again, what steps would YOU take regarding school protection, all over Thailand....?

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1 hour ago, Bday Prang said:

It would be a "start", however the next perpetrator is not necessarily going to be ex-army or ex police, I don't know what the answer is or even if there is an answer. Many people are motivated by money here "money number one" as they say, perhaps some sort of financial incentive could persuade people to hand in their guns or report those who won't, possibly funded by the lottery ?  It won't be 100% effective but many would jump at the chance to get their hands on say 5000 baht.  It would be another step in the right direction would it not?  

Yes some kind of amnesty, if I'm not wrong, I believe Australia did a buy back scheme and no one has guns anymore, unless via strict processes, and if caught with one, their toast for many years.


Edit: Doesn't stop them, because guns get through, but it does reduce the killings by gun by far, as for knives, well.....

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22 hours ago, NorthernRyland said:

Ok take away all guns and then have fun trying to defend yourself when someone comes and kills 20 sleeping kids with a knife. The police can't even get the scene of these incidents fast enough so what are you going to do?

No one is saying "Take away ALL the guns" 


Just as you are NOT SAYING "arm the 2 year olds and give them bracelets that remind them 'shoot to kill'" 


Don't be absurd. 


Extreme misinterpretation exacerbates polatizatiin and prevents any meaningful dialogue and preventative measures from being implimented

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4 hours ago, transam said:

What a stupid post, "make Thais look bad".....


Sunbeam, once again I am sorry you don't understand my post...Perhaps you are not an English speaker....????


But if you are, I will ask once again, what steps would YOU take regarding school protection, all over Thailand....?

You seem to have problem reading. I started with saying that was not my job. And, yes I understand English. You do not need to be an English speaker for that. Ijust said it was good with taking steps against more violence. Something you though was not good.

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3 minutes ago, Gottfrid said:

You seem to have problem reading. I started with saying that was not my job. And, yes I understand English. You do not need to be an English speaker for that. Ijust said it was good with taking steps against more violence. Something you though was not good.

My post pointed out guns at schools were a bad idea. This tragedy is a rare case, probably never seen here again, but, if you have guns at schools the rascals out there will be conniving how to nick them, guaranteed...

Perhaps I have a bit more foresight than you regarding guns and rascals.......????


Does your ideas involve guns, other than the police...?

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