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Nong Bua Lamphu massacre aftermath: RTP chief acts to create squeaky clean "White Police"


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1 hour ago, webfact said:


The Royal Thai Police chief Pol gen Damrongsak Kittipraphat yesterday spoke to the media at RTP HQ about what this means.


He said there would be an initial wave of a crackdown followed by continual action. It'll be a crackdown with teeth this time.


Damrongsak promised action in all areas of drug crime including going after the big players.


When it comes to guns there will be a big drive to make sure that guns are only in the hands of sensible people.


Investigations will be made to weed out people who own guns who exhibit inappropriate behavior.


Producers of guns and sellers online as well as importers and exports can expect a knock on the door. 


Nowhere will be out of reach of the RTP be it land and sea borders or traditional places where guns are made, moved and traded. 


There will be more checkpoints to stem the flow of guns and drugs. 


By the way.  The killer slit the throat of most of the kids with a knife. 
So, will there be more checkpoints to stem the flow of knives? 

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Good luck with that one the police here are involved in so many illegal things From gambling to drugs the prostitution to extortion of money from legal businesses and other illegal activity who would ever believe that they’re gonna clean themselves from this money making organization they have going on TIT

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It’s going to be very very hard to effectively root-out the so-called bad actors from the RTP…. very hard 


In large part because IMHO systems of this size - ones that are national in scope and where there is no effective “check” to their power - are set up to be self-protecting and self-sustaining … it’s goal is to insulate itself from external “attack” and to ensure its continued existence.


So, I think you’re really asking the system to “self-police” itself .. which is something it isn’t set up to do in the first place…. 


The only way I see is to have a wholly independent, external body with equal power, set up with the explicit mandate and explicit legal authority to reign in RTP actions, personnel and policies. 

Edited by new2here
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Sounds reasonable in principle but am I right in thinking that whatever they do, even successfully, that it will prevent one individual somewhere, some time, from going crazy and committing such atrocities again?

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May I take a moment to point out that what happened in Uthai Sawan was not a drug buy gone bad.


It wasn't about buying, selling or distributing drugs. 


It wasn't rivals staking out their territory, or taking over territory from a competitor.


It wasn't about stealing drugs or customers, or trying to collect on drug-based debts.


It wasn't about a drug addict committing a crime to pay for his next fix or two.


It wasn't payback or retaliation for any kind of drug-related infringement, perceived or real. 


It wasn't a gang or a cartel, an international enterprise; an importer, exporter, manufacturer, or wholesaler of drugs. 


And......... according to a different thread right here on AseanNow........... they guy who did it, while having a history as an addict........... had no trace of drugs in his system when he committed this atrocity!




Why, exactly, is the tragedy that occurred in Nong Bua Lamphu being presented as a catalyst for a massive, widespread, and far-reaching drug enforcement crackdown?




You know, I'm tempted to scratch head and wonder. But my scalp is already pretty torn-up due to all the head-scratching I've already done over this whole confusing, messed-up situation!


But let me just say, I'm not saying they shouldn't have a huge crackdown. Absolutely they should!


I'm just saying there was just as much reason and justification for doing this sort of crackdown a day before what happened in Nong Bua Lamphu.......... or a week....... or a month........ or a year............ as there suddenly was three or four days after!





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