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6 months to live what would you do?


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3 minutes ago, London Lowf said:

No point cleaning the beaches off-season with the wind and rain and no tourists - another few weeks and they will all be pristine and kept that way every day.


Having said that, I would rather look at a bedraggled beach than any city any day of the year. Some folk on here drone on about Bangkok being a must-see destination for any tourist but to me it's just one big transit area.

Phuket is ok. I prefer Krabi and Trang though.

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3 hours ago, hotandsticky said:

It was your question - you were looking for answers.


The answers I gave you are from real life examples - and you clearly know zip about the Thai mentality and psyche.


I should have realised the post was really about your ego and trying to put yourself on a pedestal. ASEAN NOW is not here to blow smoke up you a55!


If you had not made adequate provision before the last 6 months of your life you are unlikely to achieve in the last 180 days.

How pleasant.

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11 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

After a bunch of responses I will give my reason for post

Mate your bar is too low...6 months to live and only 10k USD? Add at least one zero behind. Have you heard about the inflation going on?????

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16 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Have as much sex as you could and drink as much alcohol as you could ?

   Don't you have any other interests in life ?

You are a unique one. You sound like my mother, if she was not so kind and supportive.


Do you even comprehend the concept of having lighthearted fun? 

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19 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

I would do as many doubles and triples as possible and insure all of them were with beautiful gals with great attitudes. 

Absolutely the same here plus I’d include a number of singles per week too.

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3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

You are a unique one. You sound like my mother, if she was not so kind and supportive.


Do you even comprehend the concept of having lighthearted fun? 

I looked up 'curmudgeon' in Merriam-Webster, and it linked to his Facebook page.

Edited by Walker88
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20 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

2. I would do as many doubles and triples as possible and insure all of them were with beautiful gals with great attitudes. 


Yeah and I'll guess after you show them your handsome man relaxing in a sofa photos they all should be easy to round up.



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Thread is still going!!!  Who's dying???!!?!?!


OK, rent a bicycle.   Tent, sleeping bag, explore all of Thailand.    The tent really isn't for at night, just an afternoon nap without the bugs and sun.    Go to every small village, stay one day.   180 days should get you to see and experience something.  Live off fruit, drink from the rivers.  lol.   


Then after 5.5 months we'll tell whomever is dying that their is good AIDS medication you can take after hooking up with 10,000 ladyboys in Pattaya.   Oh wait, that's me!!!   It's actually not the best thought, but slightly funny when I was writing it.  


Anyhow, no phone, computer, nothing.....................detach from the outside world.  live in the moment.     


It's pretty hot outside now.  OK, start tomorrow.  lol

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5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

You are a unique one. You sound like my mother, if she was not so kind and supportive.


Do you even comprehend the concept of having lighthearted fun? 

Was your post the "light-hearted" fun and you wasn't being serious or was the actual fun the sex and drinking ?

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4 hours ago, jerrymahoney said:

Yeah and I'll guess after you show them your handsome man relaxing in a sofa photos they all should be easy to round up.



Not necessary. Just a good deal of cash. Money speaks loudly here. 

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23 hours ago, Denim said:

I'm 65.


Since 20 years old I have always lived as though I only had 6 months left. Not a good philosophy for getting rich but excellent for enjoying life and planet earth.


The catalyst for me was seeing my father die at 60 after working hard for a comfortable retirement in Spain playing golf. He never made it. So I decided to grab life by the scruff of the neck and squeeze it for all the happiness I could because you dont know when you are going to die .


Now I've got recurring skin cancer that might or might not do for me in the future.


So for me what to do is easy. Stick with the wonderful woman I finally met after trying on about 250 that didn't fit. Our plan is if we get ill to do a final road trip with a crate of top wine and staying at the best hotels. When we get to the last bottle find a nice cliff with a beautiful sunset, finish the bottle and drive over the edge. I will procure a hand grenade with the pin pulled just in case we end up in a tree full of monkeys having an orgy.


Great answer. I have sincere but probably dysfunctional reasons to ask, what's the age gap with your lovely wife?

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23 hours ago, Denim said:

I'm 65.


Since 20 years old I have always lived as though I only had 6 months left. Not a good philosophy for getting rich but excellent for enjoying life and planet earth.


The catalyst for me was seeing my father die at 60 after working hard for a comfortable retirement in Spain playing golf. He never made it. So I decided to grab life by the scruff of the neck and squeeze it for all the happiness I could because you dont know when you are going to die .


Now I've got recurring skin cancer that might or might not do for me in the future.


So for me what to do is easy. Stick with the wonderful woman I finally met after trying on about 250 that didn't fit. Our plan is if we get ill to do a final road trip with a crate of top wine and staying at the best hotels. When we get to the last bottle find a nice cliff with a beautiful sunset, finish the bottle and drive over the edge. I will procure a hand grenade with the pin pulled just in case we end up in a tree full of monkeys having an orgy.


Isnt drink driving illegal and not to be encouraged ?

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On 10/22/2022 at 6:35 PM, AddyA said:

How about ignore the quack who said you only have six months to live? If we've learned anything from the last couple of years, it's how utterly wrong and misleading the advice has been from the so-called experts.

Valid point. I have found most medications prescribed for me by the medical profession are unnecessary and harmful.

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