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Kanye West Tells Alex Jones: ‘I Like Hitler’


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West is a 'useful idiot' for Fuentes to wheel out and speak to the millions that listen to West.

Disgusting excuses for human beings.

To call a nation free, and civilised which allows such hate speech, and the open display of Nazi symbols and race hatred without fear of legal sanction to be a Constitutional Right is abhorrent to any human definition of moral compass.

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Mr. West keeps on going. Now advising Jews to forgive Hitler.

Jews reply -- blank you very very much.

Nobody is stopping his free speech. 

There will always be right wing extremist media where he can show up with a hood over his head that his speech will be amplified internationally.

One bit of good news I heard is that his online fan groups are largely closing up or drying up.

Normally I say separate the person from the person's art product, but in his case, I'll make an exception.

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I imagine many or most people are seeing this story as interesting pop culture news in Kanye's case like watching a train wreck, but ultimately not very impactful in real life.


The Department of Homeland Security correctly gets that it's serious, and that hate speech translates into terrorist violence and murders.


DHS warns of domestic terror threats to LGBTQ, Jewish and migrant communities (nbcnews.com)



DHS warns of domestic terror threats to LGBTQ, Jewish and migrant communities

Americans motivated by violent ideologies pose a “persistent and lethal threat,” a senior DHS official said in a briefing about a new Terrorism Advisory System bulletin.



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