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Classified documents from Biden’s time as VP discovered in private office


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"The classified materials included some top-secret files with the “sensitive compartmented information” designation, also known as SCI, which is used for highly sensitive information obtained from intelligence sources."


Unless Biden originally classified these docs and/or they came from the VP's office (refer to Section 6.1(l) of E.O. 13292) he has zero legal standing to possess them and that is theft as opposed to the absolute rights and authority inherent in the Presidents declassification powers putting Biden in far greater legal jeopardy than 45 and by doing so just cratered the case against Trump. No one I'm aware of has ever accused Biden of being overly bright, (another example of his state of mind). I have not fact checked the part about accusing Biden of being bright.

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6 minutes ago, dotcalm said:

"The classified materials included some top-secret files with the “sensitive compartmented information” designation, also known as SCI, which is used for highly sensitive information obtained from intelligence sources."


Unless Biden originally classified these docs and/or they came from the VP's office (refer to Section 6.1(l) of E.O. 13292) he has zero legal standing to possess them and that is theft as opposed to the absolute rights and authority inherent in the Presidents declassification powers putting Biden in far greater legal jeopardy than 45 and by doing so just cratered the case against Trump. No one I'm aware of has ever accused Biden of being overly bright, (another example of his state of mind). I have not fact checked the part about accusing Biden of being bright.

Whatever happens to Biden, it has no effect on Trump's case. None.

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1 minute ago, ozimoron said:

Whatever happens to Biden, it has no effect on Trump's case. None.

In a perfect world complete with a single tiered justice system perhaps, but in reality, not even close.

It may be that the elites want to <deleted>-can Biden, it's seems odd that CNN is not covering this up for Biden but reporting his frequent boners instead. This feels all too peculiar and there are no coincidences, see how this plays out in the days ahead. I'm sure the Trump folks, Trump included are having a good laugh at Biden's latest cock-up.

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1 hour ago, Phoenix Rising said:

So how do you compare this "disgraceful act of negligence" with Trump's willful removal/theft of top secret documents and his constant lies about them to the FBI?

I'll keep it simple for you: the PRA (Presidential Records Act).

Biden was VP at the time.

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25 minutes ago, placeholder said:

hat jury is going to believe that Trump declassified these documents?

what jury? The one there won't be?


25 minutes ago, placeholder said:

But even if Trump did declassify the documents, possession of them would still be a crime.

Then, indict him based on the evidence.


25 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Biden's lawyers found the documents, they immediately reported this to the proper authorities.

25 minutes ago, placeholder said:

This is all very strong evidence supporting the case that Trump obstructed justice.

indict him; should have done so already. So don't expect it now.


Biden was VP and was not authorized to possess them period, full stop. Ignorance is not a defense to the law. Refer to the PRA and the EO I mentioned previously. In essence possession of classified docs is a total no brainer crime unless you are POTUS, NOT a VP. Biden's goose is cooked.

25 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Unless it can be shown that Biden was purposely sequestering these materials at his office to keep them hidden, there is no case against him.

Biden made the case (prima facia) by possessing them, illegally, as he had no authority to have classified records/docs which is federal crime and he will/should be held accountable.

If he was POTUS at the time we would not be having this discussion

Edited by dotcalm
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1 hour ago, dotcalm said:

"The classified materials included some top-secret files with the “sensitive compartmented information” designation, also known as SCI, which is used for highly sensitive information obtained from intelligence sources."


Unless Biden originally classified these docs and/or they came from the VP's office (refer to Section 6.1(l) of E.O. 13292) he has zero legal standing to possess them and that is theft as opposed to the absolute rights and authority inherent in the Presidents declassification powers putting Biden in far greater legal jeopardy than 45 and by doing so just cratered the case against Trump. No one I'm aware of has ever accused Biden of being overly bright, (another example of his state of mind). I have not fact checked the part about accusing Biden of being bright.

That executive order from Bush in 2003 is redundant since the new one introduced by Obama in 2009


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1 hour ago, candide said:

s that, as these documents were not declassified

That's your opinion and obviously you have no basic grasp of the PRA. Clinton, his wife, etc all set the precedent for classified doc retention and suddenly it changes for Trump. There are no indictments coming for Trump unless Biden gets done over too. They are picking on Trump and obviously they have jack-<deleted> or they wouldn't sick the partisan hack job prosecutor on him and for what? Jan 6th is a wipe-out and massive humiliation for the uniparty and it's all but dead in the water now and Mar-a-Lago is as well now. 6 years of liberal deep state buffoonery trying to "get Trump" and they still have nothing but now they got Biden stealing classified documents and storing them in his private office at UPenn which just so happened to receive $54M in anonymous donations from Chinese after Biden began his "think tank" there. That's serious and sounds like potential corruption and  Biden could very well be compromised after theft of classified docs, did the Chinese see them or given copies?

He's done like dinner, and he needs to go. As if the evidence of the Biden pay for play schemes tied to the laptop is not enough, you  have this, he's DANGEROUS to America. Trump's a saint compared to Biden.

Edited by dotcalm
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1 hour ago, placeholder said:

With Trump the evidence is clear. 

And with Biden, he has stolen classified US documents, they were in in his possession, as admitted to by his lawyers after they caught. Being the VP, Biden had no legal basis for retention of any classified materials whereas the PRA specifies the authority of the President handling and possessing classified material.


Biden is a thief plain and simple, he STOLE classified material from the US gov't the question now is what did he do with the classified materials he stole while VP under Obama.

He is a fool and a dangerous corrupt one at that.

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Now, considering the circumstances and the evidence of the Biden family corruption the FBI must launch raids all of Biden's residences immediately to locate any more classified and sensitive documents Biden may have stolen and to stop any potential threat to American democracy caused by Biden's actions. It's critical now to put a stop to the treasonous acts of the former VP and now POTUS. Biden is DANGEROUS, and this needs to be investigated and mitigated without delay.

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47 minutes ago, dotcalm said:

And with Biden, he has stolen classified US documents, they were in in his possession, as admitted to by his lawyers after they caught. Being the VP, Biden had no legal basis for retention of any classified materials whereas the PRA specifies the authority of the President handling and possessing classified material.


Biden is a thief plain and simple, he STOLE classified material from the US gov't the question now is what did he do with the classified materials he stole while VP under Obama.

He is a fool and a dangerous corrupt one at that.

Again, the law stipulates willful violation. You seem unable to absorb that fact. You also don't seem to understand the gravity of obstruction of justice.

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1 hour ago, candide said:

He gave back the documents without even been asked to, as the NARA and the DOJ were unaware of their existence. 

Sure he returned them after he got caught. After he obtained the classified material ILLEGALLY, as in witout color of right and is guilty of federal crimes for stealing sensitive materials, documents in this case. Nothing can change that, it's like you can't un-shoot the gun that kllled. He's done, for sure on that score. The docs were locked in a closet at his office in UPenn with or without security?? At least Trump had authority to poseess the docs and they had 24 hour SS on the Mar-a-Lago premises.

So now perhaps Biden qualifies for the application of U.S. Code Title 18, Section 2071 that states, "Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States."


If you recall Marc Elias comments re USC Title 18, Sec 2071 concerning Trump, which we know damn straight was the tactic the deep state hoped could prevent Trump from running for office.



He (Biden) stole sensitive, classified documents while VP and so much as admitted it thru his lawyers. Tough luck Joe, AND he most likely just destroyed whatever case they had against Trump thanks to Biden's thieving, treasonous ways recently uncovered at his document storage at UPenn.


Biden is going to have a very uninspiring  legacy rife with crime and corruption and massive policy failures all things considered and has become a huge national and global embarrassment and disgrace.

Biden's earned it and can thank all his voters for their assistance in electing him.

Edited by dotcalm
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