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Ivermectin not effective in treating Covid-19, joint Mahidol-Oxford study shows


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The larger the sample size, the more likely a clinical trial will show no benefit for Covid protection from Ivermectin.


The more random the study, the more likely that a study will show no benefit from Ivermectin.


Even the hard core Ivermectin supporters should admit they rely on clinically proven medical procedures and medications for other medical situation.

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58 minutes ago, xylophone said:

Here is another trial using more than 1200 outpatients...............


Higher Dose of Ivermectin, and for Longer, Still No Help Against COVID


SEATTLE -- A higher dose of ivermectin given for a longer duration still failed to offer any benefit in mild to moderate COVID-19, data from a large randomized U.S. trial showed, reported Susanna Naggie, MD, MHS, of the Duke University School of Medicine in Durham, North Carolina.

"These findings do not support the use of ivermectin in outpatients with COVID-19," said Naggie.


But despite THE MANY clinical studies stating that Ivermectin is not effective against Covid, the skeptics want to believe!! No hope for them, but they can join The Flat Earth Society if they want something to believe in!


PS.  Results of the trial were published simultaneously in JAMAopens in a new tab or window.

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12 minutes ago, sometime said:

Just think and take this in , Oxford & vaccine go hand in hand, they have their own vaccine.

Money talks Oxford-AstraZeneca just google

So it's all a conspiracy then...hmmm, please tell me more.  So are you saying that If I supported McDonalds by donating millions for research of new items I would be accused of creating an obesity epidemic....


Donating to research does not make it a one way street as you assume.

Edited by ThailandRyan
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7 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

So it's all a conspiracy then...hmmm, please tell me more.  So are you saying that If I supported McDonalds by donating millions for research of new items I would be accused of creating an obesity epidemic....


Donating to research does not make it a one way street as you assume.

I did not say its a conspiracy, you have just gone of at a tangent

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For every researched study, there are the odd dozen to legitimately counter said theories.......and then again, another odd dozen of other "scientific" studies to challenge their distractors - and so and so forth. 


The cycles of what is true and was is not appears to be mangled in centric-based standards.

Not such beast as an absolute.

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18 hours ago, Drumbuie said:

Not just anecdotal evidence. Unequivocal statistical evidence that the vaccinated were significantly less likely to be infected and if infected statistically less likely to die. 


However despite the Finnish longitudinal 18 year study of every child in the country showing clearly that vaccinations did not cause autism (or anything else for that matter), there are still people who would rather trust unqualified influencers, quacks and snake oil salesmen.


Perhaps we should teach statistical analysis in schools. 



"Perhaps we should teach statistical analysis in schools" - completely agree.  Passing a class called "Probability & Statistics" was part of the general curriculum needed to graduate with an undergraduate degree at my university.  Many struggled with that course and some only passed with help from additional summer classes. Maybe it needs to be taught earlier in life.

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6 minutes ago, Misty said:

"Perhaps we should teach statistical analysis in schools" - completely agree.  Passing a class called "Probability & Statistics" was part of the general curriculum needed to graduate with an undergraduate degree at my university.  Many struggled with that course and some only passed with help from additional summer classes. Maybe it needs to be taught earlier in life.

I took a math unit in year 12 at high school in 1971 entitled exactly that.

Edited by ozimoron
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18 hours ago, jaywalker2 said:

How would you know what's valid if you're not even allowed to see the evidence? The corporate media, social media, all of these sources have put a blanket restriction on any positive news about Ivermectin. On the other hand, the worst studies that put it in a negative light (such as the infamous Together trial which was funded by Pfizer and the Gates Foundation) are given uncritical support. No wonder so many people are suspicious.


And the study in quesition had four different components. The Ivermectin component was based on 46 participants and wasn't set up to assess Ivermectin's effect on Covid, just the viral load.  And for some reason the major media has decided to ignore this story.


Oddly, Oxford University announced back in 2021 that it was launching a major RCT for Ivermectin. It was supposed to be completed by now but after being postponed several times, it appears it has been dropped.


I suggest you look into who is funding these negative Ivermectin studies.


For someone making strong claims, you don't show any evidence.


You claim there is a lack of information about Ivermectin, but you ignore something called "Google". Let me suggest that the reason you can't find much positive info about Ivermectin and Covid is because Ivermectin is useless against Covid.


As far as focusing on one planned study about Ivermectin, the Google will show dozens of high quality studies showing Ivermectin doesn't work:








Yeah, all of these organizations are in on a grand conspiracy to denigrate Ivermectin, because reasons.

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43 minutes ago, jaywalker2 said:

As I mentioned, references to any source that is not linked to the government or the corporate media is not permitted on this forum. But there are several metaanalyses of the dozens of RCT's and observational studies on Ivermectin if you choose to make an effort. There is also an excellent webpage that provides real time data on all of the therapuetics being used to treat covid.


The Oxford-Mahidol study was published in elife. Ever heard of it? I didn't think so. 


The Ivermectin study was launched at Oxford in 2021. The results, I believe, have been delayed at least twice. No indication of when they will finally be released.


The same thing happened with the Together trial. The release of the Ivermectin trial was delayed 8 months without explanation. When the results were finally released, the methodological lapses were so bad, over 100 doctors petitioned the New England Journal of Medicine to retract the study (which none of the major seemed to have reported on)


I would have a lot more confidence in Oxford if after having pledged to donate the rights to its vaccine to drugmakers all over the world it actually sold exclusive rights to Astrazeneca in a deal brokered by the Gates Foundation. It receives enormous funding from big pharma and has a clear conflict of interest.


I have no idea if Ivermectin is the wonder drug for covid that its proponents have claimed. But I do find the censorship, government interferance in the doctor/patient relationship , the failure of organizations like the CDC and the NAID to offer any guidance on treatment of covid other than the flawed vaccines, the threats made against doctors by hospital administrations, proposed legislation to discipline any medical professional who contradicts the government narrative, to be inexcusable.


To understand how absurd the situation is, Satoshi Omura, who won the Nobel Prize for his work on Ivermectin along with William Campbell, mentioned in a conversation on youtube that Ivermectin does have antiviral properties and he believed it was effective in treating Covid (which led the Japanese government toa approve the drug for covid treatment). The video was of course deleted by youtube for spreading misinformation.


The saddest aspect of this fiasco is the demonization of Ivermectin which is probably the greatest wonder drug since penicillian. It has now villified as "dewormer" and only fit for animals.



Kowa says Ivermectin not effective against Covid




Ivermectin Fails in Investigator-Led COVID Trial Too




Fact check: No, ivermectin didn’t cure COVID-19 in Japan and India



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1 hour ago, zzaa09 said:

We're so hardwired and indoctrinated to go along with officialdom and established convention without questioning or critique. This is what we are. 

It's quite creepy how dumbed down [generally speaking] we are.

and yet, science is advanced by researchers questioning established knowledge. Funny how that works.

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