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When the farang do gooders take over

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2 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

You have posted this as a stand alone comment, yet it appears to be aimed at a specific person, so it doesn’t make much sense.


I will, however, argue with your statement that “Gender is not binary” Gender is determined at birth in human beings, and as such, is binary. Humans are born classified as either masculine or feminine, this is binary.

They can chose to identify as another gender later if they wish, or try to transition their gender, which I personally have no problem with, but gender remains binary at birth.

If you want to argue then please provide scientific evidence of your claim. You are wrong, here are the facts. You probably don't like it but that's how it is.


It is important to know that being non-binary is completely normal! It is neither “new” nor a choice. There is evidence of a greater gender spectrum dating back thousands of years.



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On 3/26/2023 at 1:51 PM, georgegeorgia said:

If you want to change Thailand or Cambodia or whatever STAY in your own country!


I'm sick of do gooders going to Asia to change it !!


Here here.


I've been shouting this from the roof tops for years now.



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5 minutes ago, georgegeorgia said:

Of course some of these farang do gooders are hypocrite


How many times you been in a bar and some farang drunk is running down gay people for being immoral then goes upstairs with a bar girl ?

Bloody hypocrite 


But explain where the hypocrisy is to me.

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23 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

The birth statistics of every country in the world will show gender at birth recorded as either male or female

No, sex is recorded at birth, as male or female (and possibly hermaphrodite in places... I don't know). If you are confused as to the difference between sex and gender, well, you clearly have access to the internet and don't want links from any of us...

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On 3/26/2023 at 2:29 PM, KhunLA said:

That's why I pretty much ignore everybody ... they're all wacked.   I find most people to be total hypocrites anyway.


Live & let live, just don't mess with me.   

Well said.

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10 hours ago, spongeworthy said:

I was trying to say it would be a rational fear if "men" have been assaulting women while they do their business to such an extent that it has become instinctual. Likewise it would be rational if there were reports of this happening in the present day, yet I can't remember ever hearing of such a thing. If the only reason women are scared when they see a "man" (in this case a transgender woman) in the woman's restroom is because it's outside of our normal experiences, then I question if that's not an irrational fear (again, the fear that a transgender woman would assault a woman in the restroom). If a transgender woman who makes little or no effort to look like a woman, decides it would be a good idea to use the woman's restroom, I would certainly agree in that case the fear is completely rational.

I would say that men harass and attack women at a high enough rate that it isn't irrational to be scared of a man in a woman's toilet, or at least to not want them in there.  As well as fear, there is also the idea of opportunity.  If people who resemble men are allowed into women's bathrooms and changing rooms, it is quite possible that bad people will use this as a method to assault women.


10 hours ago, spongeworthy said:

Quite a lot of our points thus far have obviously been based around the idea that people would be able to ascertain who was born male vs. female while that isn't always the case. Trans women who take female hormones from puberty can be impossible to discern by most people with the exception of perhaps doctors or experts on anatomical differences (differences which may be apparent in these cases). Do they have to use the men's bathroom? Should there be somebody checking IDs at all restrooms denying these otherwise impossible to discern trans women from using the women's restroom?

It's a tricky one where the person passes.  If we think about licencing laws, someone who looks 18/21 might be allowed into a bar, but that doesn't mean we relax the law just because it isn't enforceable against a few people.


If it's all or none, then it would seem like none would be the appropriate answer.


10 hours ago, spongeworthy said:

If the fear is only based on our assumption of a persons sex at birth, is this a fear that should be entertained to such an extent in modern society that we take actions which discriminate against one group of people so another group can "feel" safe?

The way I see it, if biological males are allowed to self-identify and use women's private spaces, it is the biological women who are being discriminated against so that another group can feel safe.  And that's before we even consider the fact that many trans-women will want to use the women's bathroom and changing rooms not because of fear or safety, but simply because they find in "gender affirming".  Which is another can of worms.

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When I do the math, I've actually met more Elvis Imitators* than trans people (call it 3 to 2).


Going forward, I expect that ratio to hold. What would a trans person want with an old dude like me?


So I'm not going to sweat it, since my response will be the same in both cases: "Love your outfit, love your hair".



*Elvis imitators prefer to be known as Elvis interpreters, just to open up a new vein of political correctness.

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2 hours ago, AustinRacing said:

Thinking someone is Muslim because how they look made me disregard everything else that followed.

If you grew up in the Canterbury-Bankstown area you'd know exactly what he's talking about. I lived there from 1976 until about 18 months ago and I agree with his assessment.

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5 hours ago, spongeworthy said:

Another bad faith request for a link. I asked for one link, in good faith, after searching for and being unable to find a reference citing what a poster had claimed. That poster then performed all sorts of mental gymnastics to avoid providing a link to back up his claim. Since that post I have been asked multiple times in bad faith for links as some sort of childish pay back, as if my initial request was also in bad faith or unwarranted.


Yes, the law is called, not named, the "Don't Say Gay" law.


Yes, critics and/or the media have given it that nickname, which you obviously already know, yet somehow think I don't, even though I used quotation marks around the nickname.


Do you happen to be a product of the Florida public education system?


No. Connecticut private school system. 
Great rant btw. You seem angry. It's " called" what you said above by some who are pushing an agenda. The law is not called that especially because there is so much more to it then  gay  stuff as I hope you know. Some of the the law makes a lot of sense and some doesn't IMHO. Talk about childish!! 

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On 3/26/2023 at 5:05 PM, ozimoron said:

The truth is that 100% of sexuality is determined by genetics and nothing will transform a straight person into a gay person.



1) Is 100% of intelligence genetic and if so why is this not the same for sexuality?


2) Explain the very recent steep rise of young people in America claiming to have some sort of LGBTQ identify. https://www.axios.com/2022/02/17/lgbtq-generation-z-gallup


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2 hours ago, AustinRacing said:

The OP seems narrow minded more suitable to the right. Thinking someone is Muslim because how they look made me disregard everything else that followed.

To be fair if you see a person that looks like they're from the Middle East isn't there a great chance they're Muslim? Those countries are all like 90%+ Muslim right?


Americans in particular have been so badly brainwashed into thinking stereotypes are evil they forget they're often true. Even more telling is when it comes to Thailand they assert stereotypes constantly. If you have any record on this forum I bet we can find statements likes "Thai people are...." and "Thai people do ....".

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1 hour ago, alex8912 said:

No. Connecticut private school system. 
Great rant btw. You seem angry. It's " called" what you said above by some who are pushing an agenda. The law is not called that especially because there is so much more to it then  gay  stuff as I hope you know. Some of the the law makes a lot of sense and some doesn't IMHO. Talk about childish!! 

Sorry, the education comment crossed the line.


You made some good points.



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NEVER EVER let a preacher or politician form your personal values.  You are just a hoar to them.  

Align your beliefs and morality with common sense and not an external source attempting to capitalize on your worth.

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I used to have a friend in his early 20's that was gay and once he entered his 30s is turned out he was straight now! 




So slipping the pink oboe up his jacksie was just an accident then? ????

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7 minutes ago, simon43 said:

I used to have a friend in his early 20's that was gay and once he entered his 30s is turned out he was straight now! 



Impossible, once queer, always queer

Edited by Cricky
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