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E-cigarette use linked to lung disease, concerns over misdiagnosis in Thailand


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1 hour ago, webfact said:

Thai medical professionals have expressed their concerns over the increasing number of pneumonia and bronchitis cases connected to e-cigarette usage. Specifically, those using cannabis oil have been particularly affected. Despite these growing numbers, the accurate diagnosis and proper reporting of the cases have been hindered by a lack of awareness among physicians.

So all supposition then?

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Be honest, think if you ban e-cigs you should ban ALL smoking of normal ciggies and weed as they both I would suggest lead to the same problem in the long run.


That said I'm quite happy with e-cig ban as seems I appear to be walking behind someone puffing the contents of a ladyboys handbag a lot of the time




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2 hours ago, webfact said:

Thai medical professionals have expressed their concerns over the increasing number of pneumonia and bronchitis cases connected to e-cigarette usage

What exactly does connected mean. Is this definitive scientific proof or could these lung problems be connected with something else. Inhaling any kind of smoke into your lungs isn't good especially in conjunction with high levels of pollution. 

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42 minutes ago, quake said:

Could always just stop Smoking, Vaping and Toking

and go on to 2 or 3  

Double Chocolate Weed Brownies a day. :thumbsup: :stoner:


i will be more than happy to help you test that theory out with some pretty decent edibles. 


if you can handle 2 or 3 of my double chocolate brownies in a single day ....you sir are snoop dogg level tolerance. 

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Maybe the alleged rise in vaping related diseases is due to a combination of;


1) Importation if vapes is illegal and hence any vapes imported..and there are huge numbers of vapes being imported.. are not subject to q uality control so come with many impurities.


2) A huge demand for vapes which feeds back into driving the importation of vapes.


Would a better public health solution not be to legalise the importation and use of vapes so all vapes are subject to strict quality control and fewer health impacts for users. Or does the charade continue with government saying is is getting tough on vapes but demand continues to rise and poor quality vapes continue to be imported to meet the demand. If the demand exists there will always be a supply.


Either way vapes are far better than tobacco and the horrendous air pollution we have suffered this year.



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       and just exactly how have they conducted any valid long term studies on this currently banned activity

  How could they morally even ask for volunteers to act as guinea pigs in order to test this theory of such a  "deadly threat"  do they use inmates from death row ? Or are volunteers paid to embark on this "suicide mission"


                 "connected to"  "linked to"    carefully chosen words by carefully chosen doctors who will have been paid to write this in order  to add some weight to somebodies agenda  ( a common occurrence) and if its not doctors its "experts"

                   No mention of cigarettes at all ! how surprising , considering it comes from " Assoc. Prof. Sutat Rungruanghiranya, Secretary-General of the Medical Professionals Network for Tobacco Consumption"         they must be considered to be  relatively harmless then.

                   The admitted inability of doctors to diagnose bronchitis  and pneumonia is clearly  a worry though, regardless of what allegedly caused the condition but there was no mention of addressing that problem.

                     Further evidence that this "report" as well as many others of a similar nature belong in the bin. How much longer will people continue to believe everything these quacks spew out have the last three years taught us nothing?

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56 minutes ago, jonclark said:

Maybe the alleged rise in vaping related diseases is due to a combination of;


1) Importation if vapes is illegal and hence any vapes imported..and there are huge numbers of vapes being imported.. are not subject to q uality control so come with many impurities.


2) A huge demand for vapes which feeds back into driving the importation of vapes.


Would a better public health solution not be to legalise the importation and use of vapes so all vapes are subject to strict quality control and fewer health impacts for users. Or does the charade continue with government saying is is getting tough on vapes but demand continues to rise and poor quality vapes continue to be imported to meet the demand. If the demand exists there will always be a supply.


Either way vapes are far better than tobacco and the horrendous air pollution we have suffered this year.



But but but this is from senior doctors it must be true...and accurate ,,,and  totally unbiased  ????

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2 hours ago, mikebell said:

Could it have anything to do with Thailand's normal carcinogenic air?

of course not  as it was not mentioned and therefore is of no concern to the experts, (they were paid extra not to mention that)

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10 hours ago, ezzra said:

And to think that not long ago the UK government was/is planning to persuade one million cigarette smokers to switch to vaping.

Sensible move. Most of the educated world agrees that whilst still dangerous due to the nicotine, vaping is less damaging because you are not inhaling condensed PM25 for 2 minutes 20 times a day which also contains a plethora of nasty chemicals.

Lets face it, most long term cigarette smokers don't want to smoke, but they are hooked on one of the most addictive substances on the planet. Vapes offer a slightly less harmful way of delivering nicotine with the benefit of reducing the nasty smell, on the smoker and in the home

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Let's get down to the real core problem and stop beating around the bush!

The core problem is Breathing!!!

The air here is so often rotten that vaping must seem like some sort of respite.

Just checked AQI site: Bangkok is (relatively) low today: 61 ("moderate") so what if far over UN guidelines

The site extrapolates that 5,900 could die this year from this pollution level

Put that in your pipe and smoke it

Bangkok air quaity index site link

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