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Thai children losing out on height due to too little milk


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3 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Drinking a little bottle of milk every school day at primary school, breaking the ice on the top and shivering, made me into the fine strapping specimen I was to become in youth. Then I discovered beer and ruined it!

" Fine Strapping Specimen "  you lived here too long Jacko,  that is how in general many of the Thais men see themselves too except it isn't the milk. 

My son growing up I use to tell him and his Soi Friends as they were getting to that age practicing their martial art, punching the bag and lifting weights trying to build the frame "  You can look good, carry a big stick that doesn't make you a man "  What makes a man is inside taking care of business and having some money.  Of course he doesn't know my secret life down on Walking Street? ????

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1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

Milk contains protein, fat and sugar ( lactose ). All of which are essential for any mammalian species in the early stages of life to grow fast, because when humans are born, they are helpless.

True, human milk is better due to specific antibodies. However, cow's milk is an adequate substitute.

Putting it bluntly, you don't know what you are talking about.

It is good fat and good protein and for most humans (and animals, like our street dog) lactose is no problem.

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51 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Sugar is the problem.  Sugar is the building block of carbohydrates, which are effectively polymers of sugar.

Complex carbohydrates hydrolyse in the stomach acid back to sugar.

About a year ago, I decided to lose weight. I went from 93 kg to 78 kg, which I am maintaining.

All I did was ban sugar, processed foods, and high carb grains from the menu. Low carb vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli and beans. Lower sugar fruits such as blueberries, strawberries and apples. No alcohol, beer is loaded with carbohydrate.

I eat lashings of cheese, which is 35-40% fat.

Put simply, I was training my body to burn fat instead of sugar.

Sugar is the villain in obesity, fat is not.

yes....I only eat what I cook myself. While you can cook unhealthy, it is usually still better than the industry food. And you don't cook if you are not hungry, so the snaking between meals is gone.

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56 minutes ago, Guderian said:

They may not be growing tall, but some of them are expanding in other ways, and it's probably not due to excessive milk drinking, lol.



Isn't he a bit young for the beer?

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4 hours ago, h90 said:

Sugar is the biggest problem...but I don't see a problem with education on health and hygiene....Thais are pretty clean but being dirty would not make them get shorter and the basic healthy nutrition ideas...I think people know that coke and ice cream is not healthy. They just ignore it.

Then we differ completely but lets be straight here we are talking in general at least I am!  First you might not think it makes a difference but in my experience here it does.  I live with Thais in a public community with them all around me not in a gated community. I point this out because those who do have something in common and that is money that gives them something in common. Better schools if not International step above those who attend Government.  If the child has a Farang as a guardian or parent they get past on to western learning that itself might seem minor but it is huge I noticed that those Thais who do live in gated communities also have better education and more exposure to the West to have access to that learning.


Living with Thais I walked outside the homes are basically tin can roofs, kids playing in sewer water when it rains, I know lots of family who sell food at markets what seem to be a afford to follow health guidelines been in their homes and it isn't pretty if I take the time to explain what I have seen you wouldn't buy in a local market again.


What I also see is Thais pay a lot of attention to keeping clean shower etc.  but in general on the surface a room might be clean but look behind the furniture, look at the condition of the fans, the table tops then the toppers their bathroom.  I owned a small rental unit rented out to the poorest when they leave it is like a tornado ran through the unit the worse of course is always the cooking area and bathroom it isn't that Thais are bad people they just trying to survived. Once a Thai family moved out I went in to survey the situation my son and friends were standing outside I came back pull out my wallet said I'll give each of you a thousand baht go in and clean the bathroom they took off on me.


The greatest example is my daughter in law, I label her classic Thai,  she is a prime example of a Thai upbringing I won't go into what her parents home look like it might make you throw up but it has taken years for us to correct all the bad habits. When she was pregnant some time as my neighbor across the soi she got the best care at BPH, all the health checkup's, all the vitamins pump into her, while the neighbor got nothing at government when my granddaughter arrived put the two together it was like the neighbors baby was half the size.  My granddaughter got the best formulas the neighbor barely can even afford diapers.


In the beginning my daughter in law changed my granddaughters diaper would just throw it on the floor if my son didn't pick it up it would stay there. Finally when my granddaugther got sick and had to go to the hospital I went and talk to the doctor told her everything showed her photos I had taken ask her to find a way to talk to her and educate her basic hygiene. My Granddaughters carries a Master degree in accountant from a public government school whatever is being taught is basic touch on move on. Same as throwing away your trash ya right reason trash is everywhere in the darkside in Pattaya.


I can list another million stories to agree to disagree with you.  I hope for the best each day but I won't see it in my life time here.

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1 hour ago, h90 said:

It is good fat and good protein and for most humans (and animals, like our street dog) lactose is no problem.

It's amusing when people drink low fat or skim milk in the belief it is more healthy, because they are consuming milk enriched in lactose.

Lactose in humans gets converted to galactose and glucose.

People older than 70 are prone to Type 2 diabetes, which can lead to nasty things such as amputations. World-wide, 22% of said age group are currently diabetic.

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55 minutes ago, thailand49 said:

Then we differ completely but lets be straight here we are talking in general at least I am!  First you might not think it makes a difference but in my experience here it does.  I live with Thais in a public community with them all around me not in a gated community. I point this out because those who do have something in common and that is money that gives them something in common. Better schools if not International step above those who attend Government.  If the child has a Farang as a guardian or parent they get past on to western learning that itself might seem minor but it is huge I noticed that those Thais who do live in gated communities also have better education and more exposure to the West to have access to that learning.


Living with Thais I walked outside the homes are basically tin can roofs, kids playing in sewer water when it rains, I know lots of family who sell food at markets what seem to be a afford to follow health guidelines been in their homes and it isn't pretty if I take the time to explain what I have seen you wouldn't buy in a local market again.


What I also see is Thais pay a lot of attention to keeping clean shower etc.  but in general on the surface a room might be clean but look behind the furniture, look at the condition of the fans, the table tops then the toppers their bathroom.  I owned a small rental unit rented out to the poorest when they leave it is like a tornado ran through the unit the worse of course is always the cooking area and bathroom it isn't that Thais are bad people they just trying to survived. Once a Thai family moved out I went in to survey the situation my son and friends were standing outside I came back pull out my wallet said I'll give each of you a thousand baht go in and clean the bathroom they took off on me.


The greatest example is my daughter in law, I label her classic Thai,  she is a prime example of a Thai upbringing I won't go into what her parents home look like it might make you throw up but it has taken years for us to correct all the bad habits. When she was pregnant some time as my neighbor across the soi she got the best care at BPH, all the health checkup's, all the vitamins pump into her, while the neighbor got nothing at government when my granddaughter arrived put the two together it was like the neighbors baby was half the size.  My granddaughter got the best formulas the neighbor barely can even afford diapers.


In the beginning my daughter in law changed my granddaughters diaper would just throw it on the floor if my son didn't pick it up it would stay there. Finally when my granddaugther got sick and had to go to the hospital I went and talk to the doctor told her everything showed her photos I had taken ask her to find a way to talk to her and educate her basic hygiene. My Granddaughters carries a Master degree in accountant from a public government school whatever is being taught is basic touch on move on. Same as throwing away your trash ya right reason trash is everywhere in the darkside in Pattaya.


I can list another million stories to agree to disagree with you.  I hope for the best each day but I won't see it in my life time here.

I am a bit shocked reading that.....Thank you. Yes maybe I am too much in a bubble and see things too rosy....

I would never buy food at the local market (beside fruits/vegetables/eggs) but that is rather because I studied food technology...bad enough what happens in clean factories....I cook myself.
I had some similar stories from hotel rooms and from some longer rental of bungalows. My wife in anger saying she won't rent out to Thai people anymore. And giving the Myanmar staff some huge tip for cleaning the toilet which she said was used as a trash bin...and that these people all looked very neat from the outside.

I booked that as both single exceptional case(ses) and exaggerations.

I re-evaluate my opinion now.

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17 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

It's amusing when people drink low fat or skim milk in the belief it is more healthy, because they are consuming milk enriched in lactose.

Lactose in humans gets converted to galactose and glucose.

People older than 70 are prone to Type 2 diabetes, which can lead to nasty things such as amputations. World-wide, 22% of said age group are currently diabetic.

The amount of glucose you get with the milk is irrelevant, what is the lactose content of milk? 3-5 % or so. And half of it is glucose. Coke is like the double or triple. No one is drinking liters of milk on top of some sweet food. But people do it with coke.
And with milk you get proteins (and good fats if not skimmed) with the coke you get nothing only chemicals.
It is not milk that causes the diabetics. If people double the milk and leave out the coke we would be in much better shape.
(That many milk products content a lot added sugar is a big problem).

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Pretty sure the height is just one of many issues, I actually start to believe the Thais and their diet is cause them to be lazy and have low energy too. Not to mention obese or intelligence.

Edited by ChaiyaTH
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12 minutes ago, madmitch said:

Why drink milk when there are all these cheaper drink options available?



COKE, FANTA, SPRITE - 450 ml bottle

good choice and if you are concerned about the sugar there are also the healthy chemical versions ???? (/Sarcasm)

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1 minute ago, h90 said:

good choice and if you are concerned about the sugar there are also the healthy chemical versions ???? (/Sarcasm)

7/11 slurpies and the cheap ice teas are way worse than those you show. As well cheaper and more populair.

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7 hours ago, HappyExpat57 said:

Rubbish. Humans are NOT meant to drink cow's milk. This was a bullsh!t campaign from the dairy conglomerates decades ago, same as the C&H pure cane sugar monsters.

Yeah right, but for some reason all us westerns who did it are much taller, stronger, smarter and healthier. That they abused it in advertising or over rated benefits, is another thing.

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They shovel sugar into kids here like water, 4 year old kids with large bottles of coke I see often on the way to school, but tis just one flaw of parenting and schooling here.


Combined with relentless masking in most schools, zero nutrition dinners, smartphone addiction, do not challenge the teacher, motorbike for their 11th-14th birthday, they have a pretty gloomy future especially in a globalized world. This doesn't apply to your darling Somchai - it's a different ball game when you sponsor at least a paid school, keep their diet in check, encourage critical thinking, bring out hobbies other than facebook and candy crush


I don't think milk or lack of is going to be a significant contributor to a kids success when you look at the big horrible picture

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16 minutes ago, ChaiyaTH said:

7/11 slurpies and the cheap ice teas are way worse than those you show. As well cheaper and more populair.

yes these iced coffee.....that is a kind of masterpiece of bad food.......high fructose syrup + fake condensed milk with palm oil.....they should get an award from the pharma industry....if you drink that daily you need really good genetics. Also good to get a fatty liver, no beer can do it that well

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Just now, h90 said:

yes these iced coffee.....that is a kind of masterpiece of bad food.......high fructose syrup + fake condensed milk with palm oil.....they should get an award from the pharma industry....if you drink that daily you need really good genetics. Also good to get a fatty liver, no beer can do it that well

I just got a hot latte from 7/11 and saw them preparing 3-4 of those ice drinks, just the stuff they put in there already nearly made me throw up... Disgusting really, it is just nothing but sugar and other bad things.

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1 minute ago, ChaiyaTH said:

Yeah right, but for some reason all us westerns who did it are much taller, stronger, smarter and healthier. That they abused it in advertising or over rated benefits, is another thing.

Westerners are taller on average because of genetics. It has nothing to do with what you eat. If you are unhealthy starting out as a child, your growth may be stunted. People here, although the diet is limited in comparison to western culture, still get enough protein, carbs and fats for normal growth. Too much rice eating is always a problem, especially if you are diabetic prone. Milk again, is not necessary for humans. You can get all the nutrition milk gives with a varied ,healthy diet.Milk doesn't cause problems with everyone, but when it does, it hurts. Whole milk isn't as healthy because of the fat content, otherwise it's the same as skim or 2%. Any race can be stronger with weight training. A lot do it here, though not near Americans. As far as smarter, the proof stands that Thais are lower on average in IQ than most westerners, ranking around 63'rd. Japan and other Asian countries lead the list, followed by European. The US is ranked 28th. Facts are, it's not a good idea to get your calories from fluids. They go into the bloodstream faster and cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels and insulin resistance, which increases the chance of diabetes. It doesn't matter what others have said, milk is not necessary and soy and almond compare favorably with cows milk in protein with unsweetened almond having fewer calories. Saturated fat has always been a link to heart disease, so lower fat milks are always a better choice.

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1 minute ago, fredwiggy said:

Westerners are taller on average because of genetics. It has nothing to do with what you eat. If you are unhealthy starting out as a child, your growth may be stunted. People here, although the diet is limited in comparison to western culture, still get enough protein, carbs and fats for normal growth. Too much rice eating is always a problem, especially if you are diabetic prone. Milk again, is not necessary for humans. You can get all the nutrition milk gives with a varied ,healthy diet.Milk doesn't cause problems with everyone, but when it does, it hurts. Whole milk isn't as healthy because of the fat content, otherwise it's the same as skim or 2%. Any race can be stronger with weight training. A lot do it here, though not near Americans. As far as smarter, the proof stands that Thais are lower on average in IQ than most westerners, ranking around 63'rd. Japan and other Asian countries lead the list, followed by European. The US is ranked 28th. Facts are, it's not a good idea to get your calories from fluids. They go into the bloodstream faster and cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels and insulin resistance, which increases the chance of diabetes. It doesn't matter what others have said, milk is not necessary and soy and almond compare favorably with cows milk in protein with unsweetened almond having fewer calories. Saturated fat has always been a link to heart disease, so lower fat milks are always a better choice.

I stopped reading after the first sentence, learn to use spacing. Anyway, genetics are just 1 part of it, it is obvious that the diet is the issue. 

Edited by ChaiyaTH
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22 minutes ago, h90 said:

The amount of glucose you get with the milk is irrelevant, what is the lactose content of milk? 3-5 % or so. And half of it is glucose. Coke is like the double or triple. No one is drinking liters of milk on top of some sweet food. But people do it with coke.
And with milk you get proteins (and good fats if not skimmed) with the coke you get nothing only chemicals.
It is not milk that causes the diabetics. If people double the milk and leave out the coke we would be in much better shape.
(That many milk products content a lot added sugar is a big problem).

Sweetened milk containers in all sizes in the Thai supermarkets far outnumber plain milk products.

When the Thais buy up all Australian sugar production, it's an indicator of the demand.

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3 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Milk contains protein, fat and sugar ( lactose ). All of which are essential for any mammalian species in the early stages of life to grow fast, because when humans are born, they are helpless.

True, human milk is better due to specific antibodies. However, cow's milk is an adequate substitute.

Putting it bluntly, you don't know what you are talking about.

Putting it bluntly, you're plain wrong.
https://sph.umich.edu/pursuit/2019posts/cows-milk-human-health.html#:~:text=Is the consumption of cow's,limits or contains no dairy.

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27 minutes ago, ChaiyaTH said:

Yeah right, but for some reason all us westerns who did it are much taller, stronger, smarter and healthier. That they abused it in advertising or over rated benefits, is another thing.

Westerners were duped, sheep following their master's klaxon. You were told to buy, and you said "Yes, master."


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14 minutes ago, ChaiyaTH said:

I just got a hot latte from 7/11 and saw them preparing 3-4 of those ice drinks, just the stuff they put in there already nearly made me throw up... Disgusting really, it is just nothing but sugar and other bad things.

I saw small shop......Wife said not sweet...and the non sweet version you could use as glue. Luckily she learned it...now she orders some tea which contains zero sugar and is not sweet at all. Just tea and most probably fake milk.

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9 minutes ago, HappyExpat57 said:

It says it is not essential....yes it is not essential...many things aren't. Rice is not essential, potatoes are not, pork is not....everything can be replaced. But it is a nice to have product

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It's true that increased protein intake is the main reason  behind bigger and stronger bodies. In just the 20 years I was in Japan, younger Japanese men and women grew several inches taller than their parents (bust sizes also increased from the women). The average height of a Japanese male now is around 172 centimeters, I believe, which is almost the same as Americans. Go to a museum in Japan and you'll be amazed how short the samurai were. They were literally midgets.


The same phenomenon is occurring in Thailand. If you look at the children from well-to-do-families, a lot of them are huge. In particular, you see tall robust women that you rarely saw before.


Milk is good for you. It contains about 8 grams of protein per cup along with calcium and vitamin B2.  And while it's true that most Asians suffer from lactose intolerance, there are lactose free milks available now, and generally Asians can tolerate dairy products if they're incorporated into food rather than taken by themselves.

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