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4 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

Have you ever been on an elevator, dining room or a train carriage with an American?


Yes, even travelling and be in a movie with an American, didnt manage to say to much to often. 

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8 minutes ago, stoner said:

15 years i've been telling my wife to use her inside voice. 

Tried to tell them to wash their hands with soap before they enter kitchen, and not wash their hands in the sink there! Meaning put water on their hands. Impossible 

Edited by Hummin
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A foreign languauge can sound louder just becasue you have no idea what they are saying.

My opinion is Thais are generally less loud and more polite then some of the other Asian countries.

You may want keep a pair of ear plugs with you to help block out any unwanted noise.


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1 hour ago, farmerjo said:

My family is blessed with the ability to talk through walls.????


I remember a guy who was called "Wet Cement", because he could talk while under it.

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I find when the Thai's are loud they are funny. Sometimes I have to walk away(quickly) if they go on too long. 


I lived in Korea a long time, honestly they can be loud but it's not very bad unless they are angry, then run. 


I was in a nice restaurant in Asan, S. Korea when 2 guys came in, sat at a table and they were very loud, just talking to each other non stop..for over 2 hours! I thought they were American's but later found they were 2 Canadian English teachers. 


Overall in my experience the Chinese are the worst, followed closely by Filipinos. Further down the list are Thai's and Americans/Canadians. On any given situation all of these can be nightmares enough to force me to flee!

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I don't thibk Thai people speak extra loud really.  There are a few (mostly drunk women) that can speak loudly and get screechy, but that would be the same most countries. 


But Thai people do make an absurd amount of annoying noise with music, parties, village announcements over the loud speakers, temple events, and my top annoyance...tbeir phones without using earphones on a cafe or on public transport. 



Edited by jak2002003
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8 hours ago, pomchop said:

Personally I find the most irritating loud talkers to be the Chinese who it seems love to more or less shout at each other and are oblivious to those around them.  I have learned that the only solution is to move away from them as quickly as possible to retain my sanity as they sure don't know/care how loud they are in most any environment.

I'm Chinese American born and Raised first generation. My parent and relatives all from China Hakka talking about loud. Whenever family get together one can imagine a general conversation you can come away exhausted. 

Then you take the American side of me where I can sit and B.S. shoot the bull with the best of them include Eddie Murphy so based on the generality Chinese and American based on comments you get the double whammy? 


I and a bunch of Chinese American were at a club on the Darkside when we walked in they thought we were BIB,  place went silent after a while they Brit's mainly we started to socialize together they never met never thought Chinese Americans could be so louded a few were taken back a few times thinking we were angry and wanted to fight. 

Added problem like another poster indicated I have a hearing reduction do to work but I don't wear an aid my Thai wife, son daughter in-law have accused me to being too loud but I have also witness them doing the same so it bothers me whenever they point it out. So one day I found the opportunity to record on my phone and next time the topic came up I showed them the video. Of course being Thai they weren't  amused what I noticed in general people will noticed something but never admit they are doing it themselves there Iis a word for this H. 

Edited by thailand49
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Of all the the ways Thai's make noise and bother me, talking is near the bottom of the list. I find them to be exceptionally soft spoken actually when they're out in public. Staff at business are notoriously quiet and often don't even respond when taking orders or being spoken to.


But don't get me wrong, Thai's are extremely noisy and disrespectful in this regard. Best to avoid the country if you like peace and quiet.

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12 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

Have you ever been on an elevator, dining room or a train carriage with an American?


Just like my recent trip to Bangkok and I went for a game of pool in the Sportsman. I'm there catching up with some friends I've not seen for 10 years and a group of 4 Americans came in. Loud doesn't even come close to what they where. They weren't even drunk, just inconsiderate a holes.

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8 minutes ago, alien365 said:

Just like my recent trip to Bangkok and I went for a game of pool in the Sportsman. I'm there catching up with some friends I've not seen for 10 years and a group of 4 Americans came in. Loud doesn't even come close to what they where. They weren't even drunk, just inconsiderate a holes.

Going to restaurants in America is often extremely loud. Like so loud you need to raise your voice to be heard. 


At least that you can avoid it by staying home though. In Thailand there's often no way to escape. Inconsideration is on a whole new level here. 

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20 minutes ago, NorthernRyland said:

Going to restaurants in America is often extremely loud. Like so loud you need to raise your voice to be heard. 


At least that you can avoid it by staying home though. In Thailand there's often no way to escape. Inconsideration is on a whole new level here. 

If I had to face that level of noise every time I left the house I would return to the UK or go to another country. Where I find Thais are noisy though is Monk ceremonies, which are basically an event to get drunk and for status: nothing to do with religion, and the win dek or whatever you call the teenagers on their motorbikes. The noise from those bikes forced a friend of mine to leave. He is now a million times happier in Spain without Somchai bursting his eardrums and raising his blood pressure.

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11 minutes ago, alien365 said:

If I had to face that level of noise every time I left the house I would return to the UK or go to another country. Where I find Thais are noisy though is Monk ceremonies, which are basically an event to get drunk and for status: nothing to do with religion, and the win dek or whatever you call the teenagers on their motorbikes. The noise from those bikes forced a friend of mine to leave. He is now a million times happier in Spain without Somchai bursting his eardrums and raising his blood pressure.

Those kids on motorbikes are uniquely annoying for me. Not because they're loud and disturbing but because the so-called adults here have so little regard for the state of society that they can't even be bothered to control kids.  Indeed it's even illegal to modify motorbikes but no one here cares enough to get off their a** and do something, not even the worthless police force.


It's a theme in Thailand that the worst people in society never face any consequences for bad behavior and so they drag everything down to their level. Personally I can only stay here for 6-9 months before their inconsiderate nature grinds me down and I feel like I need to leave.

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14 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

Have you ever been on an elevator, dining room or a train carriage with an American?


Yes...don't come anywhere even close to Aussies and Brits. Ever been anywhere near them? ????

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1 hour ago, thailand49 said:

I'm Chinese American born and Raised first generation. My parent and relatives all from China Hakka talking about loud.

Chinese in Thailand have been some of the worst offenders of bad behavior and noise. Even the Thai's who I usually bully about being noisy and inconsiderate complain along side me about the Chinese. It's surprising since there's so much Chinese influence in Thailand and the Thai's themselves are some % Chinese by ancestry. 


Another large offender albeit lesser known are the hill tribes, who are largely Chinese compared to Thai's. They live on mountains so you don't get to experience them that often but if you live around them the burning, littering and insanely dangerous driving is enough to raise the blood pressure. Much worse than Thai's on fronts except for maybe loud speaker noises.

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48 minutes ago, NorthernRyland said:

Chinese in Thailand have been some of the worst offenders of bad behavior and noise. Even the Thai's who I usually bully about being noisy and inconsiderate complain along side me about the Chinese. It's surprising since there's so much Chinese influence in Thailand and the Thai's themselves are some % Chinese by ancestry. 


Another large offender albeit lesser known are the hill tribes, who are largely Chinese compared to Thai's. They live on mountains so you don't get to experience them that often but if you live around them the burning, littering and insanely dangerous driving is enough to raise the blood pressure. Much worse than Thai's on fronts except for maybe loud speaker noises.

Hakka,  once told another Chinese from HK,  he said my people were basically hillbillies. Guess many of the past leadership of China like Mao are suppose to be Hakka. 


When you talk about Thais north in the mountains my brother who live there for a number of years once told me that there are lots of Chinese with Hakka living there. The original golden triangle triad leaderless Hakka himself that Chiang Mai was pretty much built by the Chinese so no surprise. 

Chinese are loud and rude to even my standards pre-covid many of the bus tours were factory workers first time being able to travel I once had a transit out of HK,  waiting I could here a group coming a mile away as we day.  The way they dress handle themselves they happen to be on my flight to Thailand 3.5 hours of high decible.


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It's an Asian thing.  The Chinese are super loud.  Also the Vietnamese, who can sound like they're having a blazing row when they're just having a chat.  At least the Thais have a relatively pleasant sounding language.


In many circumstances, Thais can be a lot quieter than foreigners.  But when it comes to "noise pollution" type noise (cars, motorbikes, music), the Thais are trying pretty hard to be the best at it.

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