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Trump’s dominance of GOP field has America bracing for a toxic campaign

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3 minutes ago, rudi49jr said:

I can only imagine how much better the world would be right now had Trump not been elected.


And to refresh your memory, here’s how Gore conceded:


In a televised speech from his ceremonial office next to the White House, Gore said that while he was deeply disappointed and sharply disagreed with the Supreme Court verdict that ended his campaign, ”partisan rancor must now be put aside.”

“I accept the finality of the outcome, which will be ratified next Monday in the Electoral College” he said. “And tonight, for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession.”



I’d say that’s quite a difference from the way Trump handled his defeat, wouldn’t you say? Trump was too petty to even admit that he lost. And Gore won the popular vote as well, by the way, so in a normal democracy he would have been president. And as far as I know, Gore is not a Person Of Color. Unless you care to explain what your defenition of POC is.

He obviously thought he could slip in a slur and have plausible deniability. Sleazy!

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2 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

You remember that POC Gore differently than I do, but yeah, no one seems to remember Trump was a Democrat and loved by the left not so long ago. 


We are fortunate to live in a republic rather than a democracy, I can only imagine how much worse the world would be had HRC been elected rather than Trump. 

When was Trump "loved by the left"? Got some evidence to support that?

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2 hours ago, rudi49jr said:

I don’t recall Trump being a Democrat, but back then he was at least a semi-decent guy in public. Since he became president he’s become more and more of a total nutbag, and a full blown fascist as well.

Gore conceded rather gracefully, certainly in comparison to Trump and his clan, and I don’t think he’s been moaning about it ever since, and neither has Clinton. Even if HRC had been moaning, she has/had a point, since she got over 3 million more votes than Trump. He just became president because of that stupid electoral college thing you have in the US. In any other true democracy, she would have won and would have been president.

For what it's worth he changed his registration from Republican to Democrat in 2001 and registered as a Republican again in 2009. So for 8 years of his adult life he was a registered Democrat.

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8 minutes ago, placeholder said:

For what it's worth he changed his registration from Republican to Democrat in 2001 and registered as a Republican again in 2009. So for 8 years of his adult life he was a registered Democrat.

In a 2004 interview, Trump told CNN's Wolf Blitzer: "In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat", explaining: "It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn't be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats...But certainly we had some very good economies under Democrats, as well as Republicans. But we've had some pretty bad disaster under the Republicans.



The guy is all over the place, in his political affiliations as well as in the way he talks. He couldn’t string a coherent sentence together back then, and it’s just gotten worse. 

Although he’s not wrong in saying that the economy does better under the Democrats, there’s no doubt about that….

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1 hour ago, Yellowtail said:


Maybe you should read this:



"Despite bringing some big liberal ideas, earthy debauchery and all manner of corruption to the Oval Office," Harsanyi writes, Mr Clinton "presided over a thriving economy, declared the era of big government over and signed more consequential conservative legislative than any president since - and perhaps, anyone before him".

”Although he is a Democrat, he contends, Mr Clinton was one of the most conservative modern presidents”.


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4 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

You remember that POC Gore differently than I do, but yeah, no one seems to remember Trump was a Democrat and loved by the left not so long ago. 


We are fortunate to live in a republic rather than a democracy, I can only imagine how much worse the world would be had HRC been elected rather than Trump. 

I’ve thought about were we might have been if the electoral college not put trump in the White House #1 the women would have been delighted as well as many men#2 the Supreme Court would not be stripping rights away from Americans #3 Iran if we would have stayed in the deal we would be paying less for gas most likely they wouldn’t be supplying Russia with drones and we would be moving closer to normalizing relations.#4 I doubt putin would have thought he could get away with his war in Ukraine.#5 most likely a much smaller death toll from Covid #6 much much better race relations #7 a much more stable world order.elections have consequences!

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1 minute ago, ThailandRyan said:

He just keeps gathering up mpre and more rope to make his own noose with his comments, doesn't he. Why can the Donald not keep his yap trap shut...rhetorical question.

He is wired for self destruction and if it was anybody else, they would have been locked up long, long, ago. 

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8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Toxicity -- here we come. 


Trump Threatens 'Dangerous' If Jack Smith Sends Him To Jail (mediaite.com)


Ex-President Donald Trump threatened it would be “very dangerous” if he were jailed over the new charges he’s likely facing, citing the “passion” of his fan base.

I don’t think so it’s just donney having a fantasy heck even here on Thai visa they have abandoned him lol ???? now it just seems like anyway to discredit anger divide cast doubt belittle the opposition anything to cause toxicity ugly indeed 

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33 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Toxicity -- here we come. 


Trump Threatens 'Dangerous' If Jack Smith Sends Him To Jail (mediaite.com)


Ex-President Donald Trump threatened it would be “very dangerous” if he were jailed over the new charges he’s likely facing, citing the “passion” of his fan base.

Will he also be threatening Judge Cannon who has just set the date for the documents trial to May 2024, poor Donnie, he wanted it set for after the 2024 elections.....


Judge sets May 2024 date for Trump classified documents trial

The Florida federal judge overseeing the Espionage Act and obstruction of justice case against former president Donald Trump has rejected the disgraced ex-president’s bid to delay his trial until after the 2024 election.

US District Judge Aileen Cannon on Friday issued an order granting the government’s request to set a speedy trial date and schedule for pretrial motions, with a start date of 20 May 2024.


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33 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Oh the horrors of letting the popular vote elect the President.  Just think, Al Gore would have been President instead of W. Bush.  9/11 might not have happened (Gore might have taken note of the Presidential Daily Brief titled "Bin Laden determined to attack the US") and even if it had we wouldn't have invaded Iraq.  Imagine how different the world would be.

Thank your lucky stars that the persons responsible for forming our great republic had the foresight to NOT let that happen... 

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6 minutes ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

Thank your lucky stars that the persons responsible for forming our great republic had the foresight to NOT let that happen... 

they were indeed incredibly wise and far thinking but in their day they couldn’t have imagined the incredible speed of communication and sharing of information we have today the electoral college was a compromise to appease the less populated states and a way to deal with the time it would take to gather count then publish the results of a national election it’s no longer necessary 

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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

I take it you are a fan of George W. Bush, his chicken hawks and the unnecessary wars they started.

Not a fan of Bush... any of them... not a fan of wars... any of them... not much a fan of the two party political machines... but I am a fan of America and believe that the founding fathers got it right. 

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14 minutes ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

Not a fan of Bush... any of them... not a fan of wars... any of them... not much a fan of the two party political machines... but I am a fan of America and believe that the founding fathers got it right. 

Slavery, no vote for women, slaves count as 3/5's of a person in the census.  I'm not surprised you think that was right.

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40 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Slavery, no vote for women, slaves count as 3/5's of a person in the census.  I'm not surprised you think that was right.

So, do you think it would have been better to let slave owners get full congressional representation for every slave they owned rather than only 3/5? 


They should have gotten no representation for the slaves. Your lack of knowledge on this is stunning. 

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12 hours ago, placeholder said:

That's your idea of evidence? A snapshot taken at some function? For which you couldn't even manage to provide a link.

Ole hilary is about to slip don the tongue it looks like.

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20 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

So, do you think it would have been better to let slave owners get full congressional representation for every slave they owned rather than only 3/5? 


They should have gotten no representation for the slaves. Your lack of knowledge on this is stunning. 

Nothing on votes for women or allowing slavery?  You think slavery should have been legitimized in the US Constitution?  You praise the founding fathers for doing so?  Your lack of ethics is stunning.

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