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British father and son are brutally beaten by bouncerskicked out of a bar in 'Sin City'


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10 minutes ago, Taboo2 said:

Why fly thousands of miles to get into a fight with Thai bouncers?  Seriously, are you insane?  Those guys were hired because they are used to fighting.  OK.  


Folks are just plain stupid sometimes.


Go home!

YES...Just Plain STUPID.


This is what happens when one is just too stupid to be invited to the Oxford Union to present your thoughts, and be heckled and debated by the students and faculty....


If this fatso had gone to Oxford, this would NEVER have happened.



Also, in case anyone's interested, and has extra cash, The Oxford Union is now sending out an urgent appeal for donations to secure its future....




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17 minutes ago, Taboo2 said:

Why fly thousands of miles to get into a fight with Thai bouncers?  Seriously, are you insane?  Those guys were hired because they are used to fighting.  OK.  


Folks are just plain stupid sometimes.


Go home!

The 2 drunk fatties probably cannot afford in the UK,  one third of their sprees in Thailand (incl. the Band Aid and Dettol costs).

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Wow, hot topic. 


Posted 12 hours ago and now on page 15. 


I see lots of comments to and fro, members verbally bashing Brits and other members bashing the Thais. 


At the end of the day, if you misbehave in a foreign country I reckon you deserve the penalty of the people of that country 

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I find the attitude of the 2 fatso drunks much more shocking and maintains the bad reputation and bad image of other westeners in Thailand who do behave ?


Guess the usual british arrogance met it's match. Besides it's the fatso who starts the fight and slaps the bouncer.

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2 hours ago, MangoKorat said:


I had a young Thai guy, drunk, I'll admit, come at me in a Bangkok club once - leg in the air, trying to floor me with a Muay Thai kick, I grabbed his ankle, pulled him toward me and chopped him in the adams apple. He didn't get up again and I'm no hard man.

You grabbed a young thai guy by the ankle and pulled him toward you and he could not get it up and you were not hard? That’s hilarious, but off topic.

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Just need to mind your own business and not get easily offended in the bar areas of Thailand.  If asked to leave a bar then leave.  There are over 2,000 bars in Pattaya alone.  Surely you can find another one that will suit you.  If it is very late and the bars are closing then maybe you should go home to.  

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A 60 year old fat guy gets knocked down and kicked after slapping a bouncer.  If that is the extent of what happened on the video then my bet is they were at another bar 10 minutes later laughing. 


The bouncers definitely could have handled it better but they are young and pumped with adrenaline.  I would like to think the 18 years old me  would have refrained from hitting an unfit inebriated 60 year old  but not sure that would have been the outcome after a heavy slap.  Should have smiled and grabbed him with the other bouncers and convinced him to leave.

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"Him, Him fight me."

"Him, Him push me to ground."

"My shoe come off."

"I give Him 2000 baht."


NO WAY will this guy be able to attend Oxford until he receives grammar lessons from a Language Institute in Thailand.


Also, there is NO WAY this guy is from the UK.

Even Americans speak more grammatically correct English than HIM.







Edited by GammaGlobulin
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This has been going on for decades.

So bouncers must have arrangements with authorities on what they are allowed to get away with. 

But still, it's one of the worst jobs on the planet. If you kick a guy and he dies, you could get charged for murder. All for what? 500 baht an hour? 


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3 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Being kicked in the head repeatedly can turn anyone into a vegetable. It's sheer luck nobody died.

Those two were vegetables before the evening began.


What did you think they were?

Chopped liver?



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So the old man gets into a fight and then complains about his heart, it is almost comical that you come to Thailand for some fun but cannot handle your booze and then you get beat up. I would like to know why they were asked to leave the bar. More than likely bothering the girls

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Common Sense: The Brit should have sized up the first slap by thinking what am I going to do when the others fight back. He got the outcome what he deserved-Luckily they did not kill him. Just Saying.

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14 hours ago, bob smith said:

Total overreaction to the situation by the Thai bouncers.

They could have killed the Brit who was helpless on the floor.


These unhinged Thai males need locking up before they do some serious damage to another patron.


Bouncers should be trained to use 'reasonable force' when dealing with violent altercations, not beating someone to a pulp who is already on the floor helpless. 


Shocking behavior from the Thais once again!


Yeah, no one buys your whiny poor helpless Brit victim version. They brought it on themselves. When you're directed to leave a bar, duh, you leave. The few times I was ever asked to leave a bar I said nothing other than to clarify the reason if possible. Never threw a punch in the process. Wonder why they were thrown out? Bad behavior? Ya think? And how stupid to you have to be to provoke Thai bouncers? I don't think it's right to beat someone to a pulp, but they could have easily avoided it. 

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1 hour ago, GammaGlobulin said:

"Him, Him fight me."

"Him, Him push me to ground."

"My shoe come off."

"I give Him 2000 baht."


NO WAY will this guy be able to attend Oxford until he receives grammar lessons from a Language Institute in Thailand.


Also, there is NO WAY this guy is from the UK.

Even Americans speak more grammatically correct English than HIM.







American here - Americans in the US speak fluent gibberish. "Aks me a question" and "I could of" etc. But your'e right, the few Americans I run into in Thailand are quite understandable. 

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2 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Another thing...


Just look at their sartorial choices and the lack of color coordination, not to mention those cargo shorts.


If I were embarking on a nice evening out, I wouldn't dress like that.

Dressing like that is just asking for trouble from the fashion police.


I shudder to think what their home life was like when they were still pre-school.


What must Life have dealt them to cause two human beings to end up in such a state?


Truly, they are ALIENS in an Asia about which they know absolutely NOTHING.


Their home country should confiscate their passports.

I mean, that is what China does.

And, this is the best policy in cases such as this.



Don't see many foreign types where we are but did see 4 at Central today, all with those disgusting cargo shorts on, what's wrong with these slobs? Apart from a bin liner wrapped around your legs nothing looks worse than these loose ugly rags with pockets nobody seems to use, normally topped off with sandals and nasty old T shirt. Then these scruffs wonder why they encounter bad service from time to time, stop looking like a tramp!

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I think "brutally beaten" is somewhat of an exaggeration. 

A slap and a few kicks from a couple of 50kg boys wearing pumps, does not qualify for that description IMO.


They found Gregory tending to an injured Ian, who was lying on the ground with a wounded left eyebrow and broken glasses.



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14 minutes ago, save the frogs said:

what is it with the hatred of sandals on this forum?

you need to cover your feet at all times when walking along the beach? 

sandals is not the issue. 

Correct. Sandals are fine.

Lager louts are not fine.

Lager louts bash foreigners.

Lager louts get bashed in the UK.

Lager louts bash lager louts in UK.

Lager louts get bashed in Thailand.

Lager louts bashed  by Thai's.


Lager louts are scum. Fullstop.



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15 hours ago, Ralf001 said:

These the two mouthy <deleted> I heard about giving it large to the bouncers and got a touch up ?


They deserved it.

When your welcome is over, leave quickly and keep your mouth shut.  The usual suspect, a brit.

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35 minutes ago, Lucky Bones said:

Correct. Sandals are fine.

Lager louts are not fine.

Lager louts bash foreigners.

Lager louts get bashed in the UK.

Lager louts bash lager louts in UK.

Lager louts get bashed in Thailand.

Lager louts bashed  by Thai's.


Lager louts are scum. Fullstop.



Pilsener louds are OK then?????????

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If they were ask to leave by the owner they should have left.  That is the right of a business owner. 
As for the bouncers.  From all the other incidents regarding bouncers.  They seem to easily resort to physical violence. And act according to their anger.  
There is a way to control situations by bouncers without physical violence and injuries.  Even if the customer is getting physical.  Unfortunately the bouncers have no boundaries. They are just ignorant thugs.  

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