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Tourist Police Explain "Skateboard Incident" at Don Mueang airport


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4 minutes ago, JensenZ said:

I lost respect for the 3 cops. It was pathetic display of incompetence. They allowed him to keep swinging his scateboard at them when it would have been a piece of cake to take it off him, put him in an armlock and march him out of there. Those cops need to go back to training.

They got the job done without harming him and that's a great job in my book !!!

It's far to easy to use violence as a cop !!

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21 minutes ago, Smokey and the Bandit said:

I agree they showed restraint, but if this gets in Tik Tok there is gonna be someone else that sees it and will try it out?

Well,...It it has the same outcome ? who cares !!

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4 minutes ago, off road pat said:

They got the job done without harming him and that's a great job in my book !!!

It's far to easy to use violence as a cop !!

They were lucky not so sustain injuries. Grabbing the skate board and marching him out of there would not be considered violence. I was not suggesting they beat him up.

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12 minutes ago, NoDisplayName said:

Not really.  I lived in China for a decade, speak more of a southern dialect of Mandaran.  This fellow is from Shaanxi, where the local version of Mandarin is, how you say, unique.


I watched the video yesterday.  The audio was rather poor, and I couldn't make out much of what the man said.  I was guessing it was some version of Cantonese.

I was just refering to those who bashed everyone, and said it was korean, and even I have travelled quite a bit in China, I was not sure, but thought it was one of the dialects from China. I did not state he was from China thow, but refered to experiences with Chinese among a few other nationalities. 

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13 minutes ago, NoDisplayName said:

Not really.  I lived in China for a decade, speak more of a southern dialect of Mandaran.  This fellow is from Shaanxi, where the local version of Mandarin is, how you say, unique.


I watched the video yesterday.  The audio was rather poor, and I couldn't make out much of what the man said.  I was guessing it was some version of Cantonese.

I'm a Permanent resident of Hong Kong...... over 20yrs living and. working there.

His yelling did not sound like Cantonese.....which, as you would know, is mainly  confined to Southern China, HK, Macao, Zhuhai etc.

This guy flew back to Xian the next day! Hardly in the neighborhood ????

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4 minutes ago, orchidfan said:

I'm a Permanent resident of Hong Kong...... over 20yrs living and. working there.

His yelling did not sound like Cantonese.....which, as you would know, is mainly  confined to Southern China, HK, Macao, Zhuhai etc.

This guy flew back to Xian the next day! Hardly in the neighborhood ????

The original article didn't say he was Chinese, just "believed to be of Asian descent."  With the poor audio, I really couldn't make out anything, just that it sounded vaguely Chinese-y.  Cantonese is my default fallback for when I don't have a clue what the person is saying. But physically, if Chinese, he looks more northern-ish.

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6 hours ago, Smokey and the Bandit said:

The Chinese guy was swinging a skateboard around, attempting to strike the police. Should have been charged with attempted assault at the minimum.!

May I ask, Is he really a chinese in blood. He look well enough like a brit or at least like a westerner in his body........

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I've just watched the video as I was puzzled by the skateboard reference. I often criticise the Thai police, with good reason in my opinion, but I think they were very restrained in this situation and I feel they would have been well within their rights to have been more aggressive. 


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7 hours ago, jvs said:

Very well done by the Police,de escalate!

No need to create more violence!

No one really got hurt and the two other officers were just standing by just

in case it got out of hand!

I know some people want to use tasers but why?

So happy we are not in the USA here.

The undisciplined voice of the left.

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3 hours ago, Sig said:

He doesn't need to come into contact. The threat and capability of carrying it out is assault. It's a common misunderstanding of the law.
Just so I don't have to get into it beyond this with anyone... here's the definition from Black's Law Dictionary.
"An unlawful attempt or offer. on the part of one man, with force or violence, to inflict a bodily hurt upon another. An attempt or offer to beat another, without touching him; as if one lifts up his cane or his fist in a threatening manner at another ; or strikes at him, but misses him. 3 Bl. Comm. 120; 3 Steph. Comm. 469. Aggravated assault is one committed with the intention of committing some additional crime; or one attended with circumstances of peculiar outrage or atrocity. Simple assault is one committed with no intention to do any other injury. An assault is an unlawful attempt, coupled with a present ability, to commit a violent injury on the person of another." thelawdictionary.org/assault/

Why on earth are you quoting from Black's Law Dictionary?  We are in Thailand!  You need to cite the relevant para in the Thai Criminal or Civil Code ????

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In a country where an old couple can get 33 years for picking wild mushrooms and a 16 year old gets one year and a day for one speed tablet, I don't think they should have let this go on his merry way after attempting to assault an officer with a weapon that could have killed him or cause brain injuries.  A couple of weeks in the cells awaiting trial, then a fine and deportation and blacklisting for life would have been appropriate without being too harsh a punishment for the crime. What would they have done to a Burmese migrant worker who behaved like that out of sight somewhere? I think he would have been seriously injured, then dumped in a cell and given a prison sentence followed by blacklisting.

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8 hours ago, Ben Zioner said:

They don't have tazers? That's exactly what they are made for.

When I worked as a volunteer police officer in Bangkok/Pattaya/Phuket some time around 2004 I was required to purchase and carry a tazer.  That's the type that you have to press against the skin and then it 'zaps' between the 2 electrodes.  I never had to use it except on my mad ex-wife (joke there BTW...)

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1 hour ago, transam said:

Wiv swinging skateboards.....?  :huh:

An Aussie mate and I got bottled from behind in sleepy Xiamen. 


Then the riff-raff pulled out a solid piece of bamboo (from the bushes nearby maybe, suggesting premeditation), maybe 5-8cm in diameter, a metre long and bashed us while I was down, and my Aussie mate was standing over me.


I got plenty of bruises. He had blood gushing from his head.


The cowards ran when we shouted "Jin Cha" - "Police!"


Cops did come. And carted US off to the cop shop. Told us to sit down in the recetion area. After an hour we walked out - they disappeared into the back of the building.


What a sight we were at 5am.

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Maybe those cops were highly trained Muay Thai fighters and knew they could take that clown down in a second if they wanted.  I've seen bouncers with extensive MMA backgrounds act calmly and level headed with dealing with rowdy obnoxious drunks.

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2 minutes ago, geisha said:

Hé should at least be black listed for life ! Attacking policemen with a skate board, unbelievable ! 

If he did it in his own country, he probably would have been flogged or worse...:whistling:

So he was probably doing what he can't do in his home country, well he is on holiday.......????

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