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I picked up a stray kitten and the surgery fee will cost 10000 baht


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1 minute ago, connda said:

This was a temple dog at our local temple.  Got hit be a car.  This cost me over 20,000 THB.
I feel nothing but good about it.  We adopted her but after a few months she could jump our wall.  With a pin in her leg.
She's now living at a temple with the permission of the abbot who is a friend of the family and she is well taken care of.  That is one of the temple where I assist in the care of the dogs - food, medicine, bug medication.
And she is doing fantastic. She is super energetic and strong.  That would have been a real wast to leave her as a cripple. 
I try to go see her a couple of times a month.  That was the best 20,000 THB I've spent.  Makes me feel really good.

So, get a second or third opinion.  Try vets with strictly Thai clients as you may get a better price, and get that kitten healthy.  Then adopt her.  You'll feel wonderful.

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Very nice dog.

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9 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

Get a second opinion and decide if you want to take care of the cat or not.


I agree. If you can't get a lower price, it's either pay up, or, as you suggested, find an organisation (to let them make the decision about the cat's fate).

Edited by StayinThailand2much
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1 hour ago, Ralf001 said:

Love how people guess... when they have no idea of the animals condition nor what the Vet was quoting to do.


Well thank you for that, Ralf.

No further reply than most foreigners have experienced to get inflated quote, on many services and items, compared to Thai people.

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9 minutes ago, connda said:

You sound like me.  10 dogs, a cat, and a bird.  The only animals not 'rescued' where our oldest two dogs.
We've been through a lot more.  The back yard is a pet cemetery.  It sad the number of thing that can kill animals that are well cared for.  In 2020 I lost three pets and lost three more this year.  It hurts as they were all good pets and I miss them.  But I make a difference in all of these animals lives.  They were 'throw-away animals,' but not anymore.  They are cared for and loved.


I applaud your efforts. Personally finding it hard to split attention and care if too many about. Tend to be very invested in one or two.

Luckily the large temple nearby is very good with dogs, and have a specific donation box/crate for them. Nearby vet hospital lands a hand too.

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11 hours ago, Epidote said:

I was wondering if anyone has any experience or comment, can I find some cat rescue organization here?  is there anyway I can discuss with the hospital to get a discount for stray cat surgery?   

This group is not made out of money.  They operate out of the generosity of donations.



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1 hour ago, Shop mak said:


Well thank you for that, Ralf.

No further reply than most foreigners have experienced to get inflated quote, on many services and items, compared to Thai people.

Back your reply with some facts then.


"Farang" price quoted was 10K.


What is the Thai price quoted ?


Ohh, thats right.... you don't know.

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2 hours ago, Moonlover said:

There are at least 6 cats pushing up daises in our garden, 4 of them kittens that never made it to adulthood. (not by my hand I should add)From my observation a mother is lucky if even one makes it.


I didn't invite or encourage any of these cats to inhabit our space, they were just opportunists looking for an easy life and I suspect that is the cat/man relationship that prevails here.


I do not trust cats unless I know for sure that they have been socialized with humans at a young age. Feral cats will produce feral offspring as I discovered for myself when the first litter showed up. They could be quite vicious and I kept well clear of them.


You echo my sentiments, as well as adding to the fact that I don't like cats anyway.


There are a couple of cats near my apartment, which cause a hell of a racket in the early hours of the morning, and the owner of this little apartment block hates them with a vengeance and if he had the chance, would kill them. They won't be missed.

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17 hours ago, connda said:

You sound like me.  10 dogs, a cat, and a bird.  The only animals not 'rescued' where our oldest two dogs.
We've been through a lot more.  The back yard is a pet cemetery.  It sad the number of thing that can kill animals that are well cared for.  In 2020 I lost three pets and lost three more this year.  It hurts as they were all good pets and I miss them.  But I make a difference in all of these animals lives.  They were 'throw-away animals,' but not anymore.  They are cared for and loved.

Yeah - I didn't mention my soi dog rescue - a Bangkaew.....

We're RVing in US right now & this waif of a cat found us talking to us.... Badly under weight....We gave it 4 days worth of food & love (which it was hungry for) but had to get underway....I told the park owner & offered to buy food + left a post on a local FB animal rescue group.... Hopefully the owner makes good on follow up or the rescue group performs....It stayed under our vehicle & it was hard to watch it watch us leave....

We're 400 miles down the road & I still feel like going back.....It would come, sit & talk to us....


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