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China’s Embassy calls on Thai media to censor its coverage of Taiwan to protect relationships


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There is no history to back Xi's claim that Taiwan falls under CCP sovereignty. Just the opposite.

  • '1937 interview with American journalist Edgar Snow, who quoted Mao as saying: “…we will extend them (the Koreans) our enthusiastic help in their struggle for independence. The same thing applies for Taiwan.” 

In fact Japan might have a better historical case for sovereignty over Taiwan.

  • "1895 Peace Treaty of Shimonoseki ... decided that ... sovereignty over Taiwan would be transferred in perpetuity to Japan."

May 3, 2022


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10 hours ago, Buffy Frobisher said:

Couple this censorship demand with Sretta suggesting that he bring Chinese police in to "help" police Thailand streets at night, and you've got the Solomon Islands sellout Part 2. 


In no time you'll have the Chinese "donating" football stadiums and other facilities to win Thai hearts and minds, and before you know it Mandarin will be compulsory in schools. It only ends in tears.


I'm pretty sure Mandarin is compulsory, certainly in Matayom (secondary).

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42 minutes ago, puck2 said:


Please buy some glasses - not communist Chinese tainted ones - to recognise the free world. You say (among other nonsense):



"China any day. They have kept going for thousands of years without any of the atrocities that the west has caused"


Did you ever hear or read about

  • the cruel treatment of the Uigurs?
  • about the 4.th of July in Peking?
  • about the connection between the cruel dictators Xi and Putin?
  • about the censorhip of the press?
  • -.....  the list goes on ... nearly endless!


Yes, and I could reply with a mile long list of examples from the other side, with much worse consequences for humanity. But you will respond with whataboutism blablabla, so not wasting any more time here among all you bright sexpats...

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6 minutes ago, chacha boom said:

Yes, and I could reply with a mile long list of examples from the other side, with much worse consequences for humanity. But you will respond with whataboutism blablabla, so not wasting any more time here among all you bright sexpats...


Say hi to Xi.

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14 hours ago, sqwakvfr said:

Is there a difference between news coverage and propaganda for the Chinese government?  This will be difficult but it may be time for the Chinese to accept Taiwan as is as and move on.  

Never happen.


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9 hours ago, koele2 said:

Why did China have to make an announcement?  They could have easily got their way by just paying off people who can do this.  They would have gladly taken the money and do what they were told.  They love money.

It was stupid on their part. Just goes to show there is basically no leadership in China any more. Chinese diplomats and others don't know what to say or do. Total chaos. Unfortunately that is when it gets dangerous.  

What is interesting is the Chinese say things like this and Thailand falls in line. Which shows the rest of the world the Thai leaders are in step with the CCP.

I personally would not want to be there as an expat or a tourist at this point.

Edited by Gknrd
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4 hours ago, CartagenaWarlock said:

Not the same. Each country fought a prolonged war to establish its independence. It did not come just like that because people fled from England to the USA. 

Go back to the history books, Canada did not fight a war against England. The same can be said for Australia and New Zealand, which also have the same culture  and roots in England. All five are separate sovereign countries, as Taiwan should be from China.


As for Taiwan and China having the same culture, there are major critical differences such as: democracy, freedom of speech, free elections, etc. etc.

Edited by Banana7
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15 hours ago, webfact said:

Shocking and peremptory statement from Chinese officials in Bangkok appears to order the Thai media into line over Taiwan.

and the Thai government is discussing with China how to allow the Chinese police to operate within Thailand.

Sounds like Thailand could be going the same way as Hong Kong, admittedly the starting positions are nothing alike.

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41 minutes ago, Gknrd said:

It was stupid on their part. Just goes to show there is basically no leadership in China any more. Chinese diplomats and others don't know what to say or do. Total chaos. Unfortunately that is when it gets dangerous.  

What is interesting is the Chinese say things like this and Thailand falls in line. Which shows the rest of the world the Thai leaders are in step with the CCP.

I personally would not want to be there as an expat or a tourist at this point.


 I think they do this when they feel they can. Sort of stretching a muscle. IMO, that's maybe not so much about Thai coverage or even about Thailand. Maybe just signaling to the USA or something.

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20 minutes ago, Banana7 said:

Thai government officials would be lunatics to agree to allow Chinese Police to operate anywhere in Thailand, for any reason.


Regardless if it does happen - what does it say about them that people believe it might....?

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If it was up to me, I would exercise diplomacy and remain polite and respectful while informing the Chinese what they are requesting is unacceptable. However, at the very same time I would also inform them that in the interest of fairness they would be given the opportunity in the Thai Press to challenge and refute any news articles and broadcasts they disagree with.

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1 minute ago, oslooskar said:

If it was up to me, I would exercise diplomacy and remain polite and respectful while informing the Chinese what they are requesting is unacceptable. However, at the very same time I would also inform them that in the interest of fairness they would be given the opportunity in the Thai Press to challenge and refute any news articles and broadcasts they disagree with.


I would just flip them the bird.

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5 hours ago, chacha boom said:

China any day. They have kept going for thousands of years without any of the atrocities that the west has caused. Look at where the 300 or so years of anglo-american empire has brought us. Keep your eyes wide open. Think about cause and effect, and realise that all sides peddle in propaganda measures.


The CCP has nothing but evil intentions, you state. What is your basis for that opinion? You sure know who cares about world domination. If the world was a democratic, free place, the Chinese and the Indians would rule it all, as they will eventually together with the African continent. Let's hope they're not as keen on violence and revenge as we are.


And for every point you are ready to bring up about monster-china, I can give you equal or worse examples coming from your camp (And please, dont bring up that useless whataboutism bs), or I could just truthfully dismiss your claims as false propaganda. That goes to questions of genocide, colonialism etc...As far as I understand, you are quite aware of all the dodgy stuff originating from freedumb America. By the way why are you living in a culture deeply and historically drenched in Chinese culture, and not in your land of the free? Not expecting any grounded responses from this echochamber, but you should at least try to have a deep think about the matter. Good luck!



Mao's policies were responsible for vast numbers of deaths, with estimates ranging from 40 to 80 million victims due to starvation, persecution, prison labour, and mass executions, and his government was described as totalitarian.


And that's just Mao.

Chinese emperors and feudal lords were known for their cruelty.


Why don't you educate yourself about the subject before posting disinformation.

Edited by tgw
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If Thailand bows to the CCP on censoring their news coverage then what's next?  Maybe they will start demanding more control over the government's actions in other areas.  It may be smart to tell the CCP to shove it.  Look around at the countries that have gotten in bed with the CCP and see the skewed relationship they have.  The CCP is the very definition of a bully and should be called out for it.


Definition of a Bully:

bul·ly /ˈbo͝olēnoun 
A person who habitually seeks to harm or intimidate those whom they perceive as vulnerable.
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12 hours ago, CartagenaWarlock said:

How is Taiwan a different country? The same people, the same culture, the same language, and a one-party fascist dictator until 2000, by which time Taiwan was already a developed country. 

A history book might help you a bit, the Koumintang broke off from Mao's communist party after they conquered Japan together. They did not like anything they stood for, or had to say, they realized Mao was a desperado dictator, which of course he was, and they fled to Taiwan which was then Formosa, after the Japanese were beaten down and destroyed, finally. They made it their home and it's been their home ever since, so they share very little in common with the commies.


China does not deserve Taiwan, hopefully China will not never get Taiwan, and China's claims to Taiwan are completely bogus. As are the South China Sea claims. A bogus power grab, by a nation that is not wearing its power lightly. 


Be afraid of China. Be very afraid. 

Edited by spidermike007
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21 hours ago, smedly said:

if Russia and China don't back off then the future is bleak, I mans self destruction is not far away


What is the mutual annihilation doctrine?


mutual assured destruction, principle of deterrence founded on the notion that a nuclear attack by one superpower would be met with an overwhelming nuclear counterattack such that both the attacker and the defender would be annihilated.

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