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Donald and the US expats.

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11 minutes ago, lexxy said:


This is what i dont get. The hate is so strong you default to bullying someone from their appearance. Small hands, orange head, toad etc etc? its disgusting and should not be tolerated.  You are textbook every other trump hater I know, right out of the playbook almost like a mouth piece for the media. In the ear out the mouth..  baaa, full of hate.

Sad man lexxy......me, bullying Trump, everything I have said about him is true, so what's there to argue about. He is what he is and he will never change, so get used to it and get used to other Americans, in their tens of millions (or European for that matter) who think likewise about him.


Can't get much lower than stealing from a charity and I don't think you have an answer to that. What you can't seem to grasp is that many reasonable human beings despise what this man is and what he has done so far, and I had to chuckle when trump was the laughing stock amongst some Nato leaders at a European conference...richly deserved IMO.



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Read and laugh at liberal simps vainly trying to denazify their TrumpTrash children:




But respect to Swissie:


If Trump wins, a Taiwan war is much more likely.


If you thought Phuket was crowded before......


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7 minutes ago, Prubangboy said:

Read and laugh at liberal simps vainly trying to denazify their TrumpTrash children:




But respect to Swissie:


If Trump wins, a Taiwan war is much more likely.


If you think Phuket is crowded now......



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"Russian media mocks Trump supporters as “not very smart,” “rednecks,” and “primitive people” who you have to talk to with “cliches and dumb slogans.”


A year ago they, Russian RT tv, praised Trump!


Times are changing.... What ever reason now they prefer Biden.


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12 minutes ago, GypsyT said:

"Russian media mocks Trump supporters as “not very smart,” “rednecks,” and “primitive people” who you have to talk to with “cliches and dumb slogans.”


A year ago they, Russian RT tv, praised Trump!


Times are changing.... What ever reason now they prefer Biden.



No they don't, they are trying to take the heat off Trump.

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On 2/19/2024 at 1:14 PM, sirineou said:

But as the old saying goes. "you don't throw out the baby with the bath water" . Trump is the antithesis to all that the ideal of America stands for. To kill it in an attempt to save it is at the very least insane. 

Who else has ever stood up and said he wants to destroy the "swamp". Bernie sort of did, and look what happened to him.


In the absence of good men wanting to reform Washington, those that despise Washington will grasp at straws and Trump is the only straw out there.


I think those that reject Trump underestimate the hatred the unprivileged of America have for Washington. 


IMO Washington needs to be "destroyed" to save America from it. Completely reformed from top to bottom. Putting a time and age limit on ALL politicians would be a good start, as would sacking half the bureaucrats.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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17 hours ago, GypsyT said:

"Russian media mocks Trump supporters as “not very smart,” “rednecks,” and “primitive people” who you have to talk to with “cliches and dumb slogans.”


A year ago they, Russian RT tv, praised Trump!


Times are changing.... What ever reason now they prefer Biden.


IMO they see Biden as weak and approaching senility. They probably want the US to degenerate into chaos and he's guy to cause that. IMO it's already broken, and just needs a final push.

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On 2/20/2024 at 11:03 PM, lexxy said:


This is what i dont get. The hate is so strong you default to bullying someone from their appearance. Small hands, orange head, toad etc etc? its disgusting and should not be tolerated.  You are textbook every other trump hater I know, right out of the playbook almost like a mouth piece for the media. In the ear out the mouth..  baaa, full of hate.

Agreed. It's like the language that kindy kids use. I wonder if they speak like that to real people- I don't of course- they'd be too gutless to say stuff like that to a real Trump supporter.

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3 hours ago, Dan747 said:

BIDEN stopped construction of Trump's southern border wall.

Very sensible thing to stop wasting millions, or billions, for nothing.


El Paso TV asked Mexican at the border, US side, "How did you clear the 10ft wall?"


"With HOME Depot's 12ft ladder...."




Edited by GypsyT
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On 2/18/2024 at 10:35 PM, thaibeachlovers said:


Yes to the below


Or is it so, that Americans are so tired of the FINPOL elite, that has ruled this country for over 200 years, that they vote for anyone, as long he is not part of the established FINPOL elite?

Yes indeed, the 200 year old FINPOL Elite should be replaced.


Today, it's: If you have the money you rule. If you don't have the money you don't rule. Thus, rebuilding the entire US political arena? By whom or by what?

Unfortunately, Donald will not "rebuild" anything. He will be the "wrecking ball" of what we today call "the western world". Standing for Democracy, free speach, free trade. The funeral of the century.


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I would like to offer another clue, helping to shed a light on Donalds "character".

- Look at the pictures of Donald and his wife Melania. The facial expression of Melania when she is near Donald speak louder than a thousand words.


Her facial expressions ranging from "bored/detached" to "utter discust". This is not the way a happy camper looks. When she tries to smile, her smile comes accross as forced and unnatural (fake).

This tells me more about Donalds character than anything else.


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On 2/23/2024 at 3:46 AM, swissie said:

I would like to offer another clue, helping to shed a light on Donalds "character".

- Look at the pictures of Donald and his wife Melania. The facial expression of Melania when she is near Donald speak louder than a thousand words.


Her facial expressions ranging from "bored/detached" to "utter discust". This is not the way a happy camper looks. When she tries to smile, her smile comes accross as forced and unnatural (fake).

This tells me more about Donalds character than anything else.



Amazing analysis!! You single handedly changed my entire perspective on life, well done!

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On 2/23/2024 at 5:42 AM, swissie said:

Yes indeed, the 200 year old FINPOL Elite should be replaced.


Today, it's: If you have the money you rule. If you don't have the money you don't rule. Thus, rebuilding the entire US political arena? By whom or by what?

Unfortunately, Donald will not "rebuild" anything. He will be the "wrecking ball" of what we today call "the western world". Standing for Democracy, free speach, free trade. The funeral of the century.


IMO "democracy" is in the final stages before vanishing into history, like every civilisation before it. Killed off by the rot within, like every civilisation before. IMO the day it was accepted that there are more than two genders was the beginning of the final descent into oblivion. The Roman empire took hundreds of years to end, but IMO ours will end in 150 to 200 years ( everything speeds up ) from the end of WW1, when most of the brains were killed off in trench warfare.


Trump, IMO has nothing to do with it. He has always, IMO, been a result of the end times, not a cause, which happened in WW1.


IMO, if we want "democracy" to survive, it needs to be destroyed in it's current iteration and replaced by a more robust version sans PC and wokeness. If Trump begins the destruction, bring it on.

However, I think it's too late to save the beast.

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On 2/23/2024 at 5:46 AM, swissie said:

I would like to offer another clue, helping to shed a light on Donalds "character".

- Look at the pictures of Donald and his wife Melania. The facial expression of Melania when she is near Donald speak louder than a thousand words.


Her facial expressions ranging from "bored/detached" to "utter discust". This is not the way a happy camper looks. When she tries to smile, her smile comes accross as forced and unnatural (fake).

This tells me more about Donalds character than anything else.


Oh gee wizz, hold the presses. The Donald is having marital problems, just like 50% of other western men ( western divorce rate is apparently about 50% ).

However, according to you, he is unique in having marital problems. Who would have known that?

( sarcasm alert ).

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On 2/22/2024 at 4:23 PM, GypsyT said:

Very sensible thing to stop wasting millions, or billions, for nothing.


El Paso TV asked Mexican at the border, US side, "How did you clear the 10ft wall?"


"With HOME Depot's 12ft ladder...."




Oh dear, another poster that has apparently learned nothing from history. No wall has ever worked on its own. Walls always need men to back them up. Even the Great Wall of China had garrisons to enforce it, and likewise Hadrian's wall, which had Roman garrisons along it.


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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

IMO "democracy" is in the final stages before vanishing into history, like every civilisation before it.

Democracy is not a civilisation , it is a form of governing

4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

MO "democracy" is in the final stages before vanishing into history

Has democracy ever existed in its pure form? for that matter has any form of government existed in its pure form? In any pluralistic society there always are compromises. 

8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Trump, IMO has nothing to do with it.

It all depends on what "it" is.

9 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

IMO, if we want "democracy" to survive, it needs to be destroyed in it's current iteration and replaced by a more robust version sans PC and wokeness.

you mean replaced by your prefered form of goverment LOL

10 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If Trump begins the destruction, bring it on.

And trump is the your prophet who will lead you to your promised land. Me thinks you are grasping at straws.  


13 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:


PC is a term your side likes to throw around in an attempt to marginalize an idea as seemingly for reasons of getting along (politics) correct, where it is factually incorrect.  

To say "Politically correct (PC)" in the absence of meaningful debate  is a meaningless term . It implies that something might seem politically correct but is factually Incorrect, without giving a reason why. 

A catch all for perceived grievances .No longer does one needs to think. simply throw around meaningless terms such as PC and Woke 

I will give you this though , Democracy is dead in this environment, because democracy requires independent thought, and I see non from the right. just meaningless terms. . You do not want to kill this form of democracy so that you replace it with a better form , because "Better" is a subjective term. What you want is to kill it and replace it with a form of goverment that is democratic in name only. ,

What is a shame if that I am afraid you will understand nothing of the above. 

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The whole family is rotten opportunistic windbags;


"When the former president looked finished, Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner kept their distance. Now he is the Republican frontrunner, they’re once again by his side"


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