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Kiwi Brothers Slapped With 5 Charges For Assaulting Policeman


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Well,  nothing excuses their horrid behavior  ........


revoke their visas,  fine them,  lock them in jail,  deport them.    The Netizens will be wetting their pants again at this.



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1 hour ago, Nick Carter icp said:



    They are from New Zealand , they are 38 years old, they are not "kids"

Only  38 year old Palestinians can be referred to as "kids" 

And young goats.

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I’d reckon these have a long record of social offenses/violence or drugs in their Home of NZ and never should have been let in the country based on criminal checks


One does not come to Thailand and suddenly attack a cop and take his gun, so you and the bloke can go one on one on the ground 

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9 minutes ago, Captain Monday said:

I’d reckon these have a long record of social offenses/violence or drugs in their Home of NZ and never should have been let in the country based on criminal checks


One does not come to Thailand and suddenly attack a cop and take his gun, so you and the bloke can go one on one on the ground 

You'd be wrong then, they have no record from their parents statement

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1 hour ago, NemoH said:

They are entitled rich brats raised by parents who probably did not educate them with common sense, logic, respect n responsibility or dignity. Look at their parents’ comments - did the parents apologize? No apologies. No regrets…

Well said. exactly my thoughts, spoilt rich kids, thinking they can get away with anything 'coz of money. I hope they do some jail time here.

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27 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I am waiting for someone to bring up stories and maybe a police record of these guys from NZ.

How likely is it that two law abiding citizens suddenly behave like that in a foreign country?

How stupid and ignorant do they have to be to think they can get away with that? 

Well, some people can act crazy while they are on holiday. Some people try to jump into their hotel's pool from their balcony.

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105th Job Interviewer in New Zealand: Can you explain this 5-year gap in your resume?

NZ Tourist: I spent 5 years in a Thai prison after breaking multiple laws and attacking a policeman to get his gun, which fired as we struggled, but the bullet didn't hit anyone.


105th Job Interviewer in New Zealand: Why should I hire you in view of this?


NZ Tourist: Because I'm a good person.


105th Job Interviewer in New Zealand: Thank you for coming. We'll let you know our decision soon.

Good luck finding a job!

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A pair of outlaws using there size to do as they please.....

A few years of eating fish heads will trim them down a bit-

How much time will they get? 

Depends on how much fines get paid..... Pay "X" or Do "Y" Time-

Will be great advertisement for respect of the RTP if they do get a few years-


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4 minutes ago, Captain Monday said:

“My boy’s good, he’d never hurt a fly”

said most any murderers mum


Doubt they'd lie about a record to national news when that would be found in about 5 minutes by any NZ news outlet, yes they'll protect and lie about the character but if they had an assault charge they'd more likely not mention anything about the past than say they've never been in trouble in the past

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2 minutes ago, renaissanc said:

105th Job Interviewer in New Zealand: Can you explain this 5-year gap in your resume?

NZ Tourist: I spent 5 years in a Thai prison after breaking multiple laws and attacking a policeman to get his gun, which fired as we struggled, but the bullet didn't hit anyone.


105th Job Interviewer in New Zealand: Why should I hire you in view of this?


NZ Tourist: Because I'm a good person.


105th Job Interviewer in New Zealand: Thank you for coming. We'll let you know our decision soon.

Good luck finding a job!

Meh, they can always get a job in their dad's company.

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