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Prosecutions of Fake Electors for Trump Gain Ground in Swing States


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8 hours ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

Again you show that you know nothing about the USA election machine... you call them "fake"... yet there is evidence that this is part and parcel to the "alternate" electors used by BOTH parties... let's talk about something that you actually know about... anything come to mind?


Poor America, you really are in a mess, no morals, no class, drowning in debt, a geriatric president, a moron contender with dementia and a poor education system.........in God you trust (it's about all you can rely on).

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8 hours ago, Walker88 said:

Always amusing to see how trumpers rationalize and justify illegality. The former so-called "law and order Party" has morphed into the "And you thought Popes were infallible Party!", where anything their messiah does---from paying off porn stars while cheating on his latest wife to stealing classified documents and lying about it, to pressuring a State official to alter votes, to calling his goobers to DC on a day involving a simple pro forma certification of an election, to sending his goobers to attack the Capitol, to sitting on his bloated backside and doing nothing while watching a gallows erected on the Capitol grounds and his goobers chanting "Hang Mike Pence"---is kosher (to be somewhat ecumenical with Popes and kosher). Any illegality in the service of their messiah is okay.


In trumpistan, terrorists are "hostages and political prisoners" (you know, the ones who beat 140 cops, sh!t on the floor of the Capitol and rubbed the feces on the walls, smashed windows and doors, and tried to find the VP and SotH to do both severe harm), lies are 'alternative facts', truth isn't truth (Rudy), the 'best economy ever' isn't in the top 70%, and elections are "heads I win, tails you lose".


LOL   "trumpers"

What has this got to do with the topuc ?

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