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Thailand Refuses To Sign Document Of The Swiss 'Peace' Summit

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5 hours ago, Brewster67 said:

all those other countries who were not for one minute fooled

Yeah, they were really many.

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1 hour ago, Brewster67 said:

There is no suppression of political opposition you complete dorkus.

Do you really live with that belief? 

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2 minutes ago, Brewster67 said:

You will have to wade through all the fake propaganda crap that has been seeded by the west.


I'm not going to do your work for you 😉 The only data that seems to pass the sniff test is Navalny's 27% of the vote in the 2013 Moscow mayoral election. Quite the difference from 5%. With his chances of success so low, it adds weight to the question of who poisoned him and to what end.


I'll accept your point about the oligarchs. Perhaps that explains where much of Putin's own substantial wealth comes from (assumption). Also noted is that Putin threw due process out the window if your account of having them imprisoned without giving them any reason is accurate, not that I feel particularly sorry for them


I have an inherent distrust of any "leader" who finds himself able to hold power over a nation for decades, especiallty when laws are changed to facilitate it. Their peers would include Robert Mugabe, Xi Jingping, Hun Sen and Putin himself.



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13 hours ago, NativeBob said:

Openly discussing and approving basic theft show the actual level of education of those "leaders".

Complete absence of knowledge in international laws as well as diplomacy.


The russian money will be used to repair a little bit of what has been caused by your glorious president .

Right so .

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14 hours ago, Brewster67 said:

You saying all the western 'politicians' didn't berate Russia and Putin and that they did indeed talk about peace????

I hope they condemned Putin and Russia. I admit that I didn't follow these "talks" as we are way beyond meetings. WU needs an across the board 3% VAT hike to finance the war.

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13 hours ago, JBChiangRai said:

I'm sorry to disappoint you, I don’t feel stupid at all, I can’t help it if I feel it is wrong for Putin to try and steal Crimea, Luhansk & Donetsk.


I can’t help but feel it’s wrong for Putin to put half a million people in their grave, both Russians and Ukrainians.  

Did you notice the countries who didn’t sign? BRICS aligned?


The world runs on a rules based order, dictators like Putin hold themselves above the law.


Putin is no different to Hitler and what he did with Czechoslovakia in 1938.


This is the 21st century, we should be well past land grabs by now.


Russia has to return all territory stolen since 2014.

Where are the links that were asked for?

2 hours ago, animalmagic said:

We know how it may end, but we do not forget how it started.

 Agreed USA/CIA overthrow of democratically elected government in Ukraine and then backstabbing the 2014 accords. We won't forget and those that don't know will never get it.

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15 hours ago, Brewster67 said:

Well done Thailand for refusing to sign the document of the outcome of the comical 'so called' 'Peace' summit in Lucerne, Switzerland...


They obviously were not going to be fooled that this comical collection of western leaders and low grade civil servants had any intention towards 'peace'.


In fact at no time whatsoever was there any attempt to discuss 'peace'... In fact it was nothing more than a staged platform for OUTGOING western leaders of the so-called free world to stand up on stage and criticise and threaten President Putin and Russia. It was also used as an excuse for the most corrupt politician on earth to continue to beg for money so he can buy more luxury multi-million dollar properties worldwide while he feeds his male (and female) population into a meat grinder for the benefit of creepy hair sniffing Joe Biden and Co.


So well done to Thailand for having principles and all those other countries who were not for one minute fooled.



I suspect you are a Russian, they do and say strange things all the time.

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13 hours ago, BobBKK said:

 Yes, he did. 78% turnout Putin wins 88%. Even if you claim no opposition (which is a lie) people could have stayed home and not voted at all. Sorry to disappoint you with facts.


This should be posted in the cannabis forum under 'what are you smoking now? '

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In Russia, Navalny had almost zero support and was a known fascist and nationalist. It suited the West to elevate him to something else for propaganda reasons. The "Russian March" of 2005 was a bunch of monarchists, fascists and anti-Semitic scum - Navalny proudly attended as he always did.  There were lots of videos about Navalnys actual past, but now they are unobtainable as they have been censored to whitewash him as a 'liberal hero'. He was a great friend of Dmitry Diomushkin, a neo-nazi - again, all evidence has been removed by MSM to protect the image they want YOU to believe.

Having said this - all right-thinking people will be against Navalny's death and poisoning. He was due to be part of a prisoner exchange. He had many enemies, but I think most agree Putin was not responsible for his death. No one knows who did it, but they should be brought to justice.

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16 hours ago, Brewster67 said:

Well done Thailand for refusing to sign the document of the outcome of the comical 'so called' 'Peace' summit in Lucerne, Switzerland...


They obviously were not going to be fooled that this comical collection of western leaders and low grade civil servants had any intention towards 'peace'.


In fact at no time whatsoever was there any attempt to discuss 'peace'... In fact it was nothing more than a staged platform for OUTGOING western leaders of the so-called free world to stand up on stage and criticise and threaten President Putin and Russia. It was also used as an excuse for the most corrupt politician on earth to continue to beg for money so he can buy more luxury multi-million dollar properties worldwide while he feeds his male (and female) population into a meat grinder for the benefit of creepy hair sniffing Joe Biden and Co.


So well done to Thailand for having principles and all those other countries who were not for one minute fooled.



I have read a few things in my time, but that statement is total B*LL*CKS. Much as I appreciate you are entitled to your opinion, but please try to remember, so am I. Just as an aside, Who fired the first shot?

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3 minutes ago, Surasak said:

I have read a few things in my time, but that statement is total B*LL*CKS. Much as I appreciate you are entitled to your opinion, but please try to remember, so am I. Just as an aside, Who fired the first shot?

 Ukrainians in Donbas - next!

15 hours ago, Brewster67 said:

Trudeau looked like a 10 year old when he did that.... Everybody laughed at him.


The most low grade leaders in the world exist right across the west.

They seem to exist everywhere in the world, I cant think of one leader anywhere who has integrity and a genuine will to serve his/her people, the world is being ruled by sociopaths kept somewhat in check by a patient civil service.

4 minutes ago, Celsius said:




I see four ways (it would be good to have a poll on this):

1/ Ukraine loses
2/ Russia loses 

3/ USA elections change the focus and a compromise is negotiated
4/ USA escalates and we have WW3

11 minutes ago, animalmagic said:

Russia/USSR has never overthrown democratically elected governments, usurped power in foreign countries or interfered in another country's internal politics and democratic processes?  You can't accuse one side without acknowledging the sins of the other.


What are you smoking?


Crimea? Luhansk/Donetsk?



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42 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

Are you a homophobic ranter?

What if he is? He is just as entitled to his views as a homosexual participant in a pride march, let's have a level playing field for everybody.

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3 minutes ago, JBChiangRai said:


What are you smoking?


Crimea? Luhansk/Donetsk?



I don't smoke.....I was being sarcastic.  And you've missed out quite a few others!

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13 hours ago, BobBKK said:

77% TURNOUT - they could have stayed at home OR spoiled their paper OR voted for the Communist. I happen to know Russians broadly support Putin - I would say around 80/85%.

It is true that Putin has a high level of support in Russia. He lifted Russia off of its knees and rebuilt the economy, not surprising he is popular. You know who also did this? Hitler.

Both of them went on to destroy any political opposition, and started to threaten and annex parts of what they considered 'their' old empires. They then went on to try open warfare.

Bob needs to find out how corrupt Russia's military complex is, ever wondered why they have failed to crush Ukraine? Most people expected that the Russian onslaught would overwhelm Ukraine in a couple of weeks. In reality Russia was fighting a war using obsolete weaponry, incompetent leaders and WW2 tactics. Yes, they are learning how to fight a modern war, but the Russian military industrial complex has been so successfully looted that they are incapable of producing tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, artillery or warplanes in any significant number. Russia will run out of armoured vehicles in about one year, artillery a bit longer. The other question is do Russian people realise how many men they have lost in their blind frontal assaults, 90% of which fail? About 500,000 casualties so far.

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12 hours ago, Brewster67 said:

He gave the Oligarchs NOTHING..... Do you even know where the oligarchery came from???..... It came from the collapse of the USSR in 1991 when all those state owned factories and warehouses and industries became vacant and armed gangs started to mobilize and walk into them claiming ownership..... That happened for 9 years before Putin was even elected.... What was the first thing Putin did when he came to office?..... He had the lot of them rounded up and thrown into prison where he let them stew for a few weeks without even knowing what they had done wrong, then one by one he had them marched into his office and told them he was demanding half of everything or back to prison they go.... EVERY one of them signed. All that was put into government ownership for the people.... but hey, I guess you have been successfully propagandised by the western media.


Hang on - Putin rounded up the people who had illegally enriched themselves to an unbelievable extent and then said: "You have been naughty. But you can keep half of what you have stolen"?  "Слава СССР"!


11 hours ago, Brewster67 said:

for the world's most toxic nerve agent, it never seems to ever kill anyone (see Skrippals affair) where 3 people in the UK also survived contact with it but hey... It made great propaganda for idiots out there with low IQ.


You can tell Dawn Sturgess's family that novichok "never seems to kill anyone".

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