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Trump Positions More Like Communism Than Capitalism

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In a provocative guest essay published by The New York Times, Jeffrey A. Sonnenfeld, president of the Yale Chief Executive Leadership Institute, contended that many of former President Donald Trump's economic initiatives share more in common with communist principles espoused by Karl Marx than with the capitalist ideas of Adam Smith. This bold assertion has sparked significant discussion as Trump seeks a second term in the White House.

He criticized Trump's economic policies, including proposed universal 10 percent tariffs on all imports,




Let's look up Karl Marx's view on tariffs. 


From ChatGPT


Karl Marx had a nuanced view on tariffs. His stance was largely influenced by his broader economic theories and the context of the economic and political situations of his time.

Criticism of Capitalist Tariffs: Marx was critical of tariffs when they were used in capitalist economies to protect the interests of the bourgeoisie or capitalist class. He saw them as a tool that could be used to manipulate trade for the benefit of the capitalists at the expense of workers and consumers, leading to higher prices and less economic efficiency.

Support for Protective Tariffs in Developing Economies: On the other hand, Marx acknowledged that tariffs could play a role in protecting infant industries in developing countries. This view aligns somewhat with the ideas later formalized by economists like Friedrich List, who argued that developing economies might need to implement protective measures temporarily to build up their industrial base and compete with more established economies.

Political and Economic Context: Marx’s views on tariffs cannot be fully understood outside of his overall critique of capitalist economic structures and his advocacy for socialism. He believed that while tariffs could sometimes be justified within the logic of a capitalist economy (like protecting nascent industries or retaliating against economic aggression from other nations), they ultimately perpetuated the inequalities and inefficiencies of capitalism.

In summary, while Marx was generally critical of the capitalist use of tariffs for protectionist and nationalist purposes, he recognized that under certain conditions, tariffs could be a necessary tool for economic development in less advanced economies. His ultimate goal, however, was a move towards a socialist society where such mechanisms would be rendered obsolete by the planned and equitable distribution of resources and production.




Joe Biden put tariffs on EVs from China and kept all of Trump's tariffs in place. 

Edited by TedG
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13 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Over a year old Whataboutary.


The US economy has changed dramatically in the more than one year since that article was published.





Why is it Whataboutary?  

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2 hours ago, Social Media said:

"The MAGA [Make America Great Again] die-hard voices that have Mr. Trump's ear often share more in common with the far left than with the traditional Republican Party," Sonnenfeld wrote.



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7 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Don't think it is journalism but an op-ed piece whereby the writer presented very strong and informed opinion for his proposition that Trump is more communist than capitalist in his policies. 

You make a good point. Some of his policies are bizarre, at best. But do not expect a calm and reasoned response from his devotees. They are very defensive and share some of their Master's level of intolerance. 

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15 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

You make a good point. Some of his policies are bizarre, at best. But do not expect a calm and reasoned response from his devotees. They are very defensive and share some of their Master's level of intolerance. 

The whole Maga movement share some common features of communism. Stalin condemned abortion, Mao burn books and raised views at odds with historical events. Communists are also intolerance of dissents. 

Edited by Eric Loh
wrong word
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8 hours ago, candide said:

Interesting comment. 

However, the reality is just that Trump implemented tariffs because it was a simple enough policy for him to understand it.

'yes, but zero recognition of the damage (lack of knowledge) to the US pricing structures e.g. forced to fork our billions to subsidise the agriculture sector.

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1 hour ago, NORDO said:

Who gives an EFF?    Nothing you or I can do, either pro or con with the situation.  This is very simply Journalism at its whore-mongering worse.  An attempt of sensualism to garner profits and viewers.  


Within the realm of the propaganda war that has become the basis of almost everything presented to an ever more manipulated digital audience you are correct n the sense that it is not worthy of even an EFF. But with consideration to the numbers of those who eventually lay bets on one puppy or the other and then wait to learn if an institution called the Electoral College counts in favour!

Monetarism/Corporatism is the latest face of any promoted  system of authoritarian dictate.





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1 hour ago, simple1 said:

'yes, but zero recognition of the damage (lack of knowledge) to the US pricing structures e.g. forced to fork our billions to subsidise the agriculture sector.

That seems to be the same all over the world.

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6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Here is what Trump has done for America!: Only 13 Presidents failed to get re-elected. Only 5 Presidents failed to win the popular vote. Only 4 Presidents have been impeached or resigned. Only 1 President has ever been criminally indicted. And only ONE President has done ALL FOUR. -

DJT didn't lower taxes (He deferred them) -

He didn't get Americans that healthcare coverage -

He did not unite the USA, he divided it -

He didn't lower prescription drug prices -

He didn't get roads or bridges built He didn't decrease the deficit -

He didn't end the opioid crisis -

He made over 250 visits to his golf clubs costing us taxpayers $150 million -

He didn't revive the coal industry -

He didn't make covid-19 'disappear' He didn't make Mexico pay for the wall 

He is ranked the worst President in history 

He added $2 Billion a month in tariff costs to the American consumer

He has a net-negative jobs creations for his administration 

He decreased corporate taxes, passing the tax burden to the workers 

He added $ 7.8 Trillion to the deficit - a full 25% of the total deficit 

He incited an insurrection against our government 

He is the only president to never achieve 50% approval. 

He didn't put "America first" and he sure didn't "Drain the Swamp... 

He left office with the worst job numbers of any President since the Great Depression with a net job loss over his term 

He is the first former president to be a CONVICTED FELON (34 times). 

The presidency is very much about character. Trump is a lowlife convicted felon.


Ouch!the felons followers ain’t gonna like the facts!face it republicans you have been had ditch the albatross 

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I nearly spit my trail mix out all over my desk. 


Typical bait & switch Propaganda by the team who persecutes & prosecutes

 their  political opposition party members!

So indicative of Hitlerism, Stalinism and Maoism.


To top it off the bottom source is a 2018 piece! Pre Ny city all dem concocted conviction .




Edited by riclag
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20 minutes ago, HalAndLois said:

>"These Trump positions share more in common with Karl Marx than Adam Smith,"


Ain't nobody buying that.  Just another hatchet job from another leftist published by the same leftist rag that claimed Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation (whatever that is).  

So your remark brings to mind the word Propaganda! I first learned of this term in school , history class , pre  WW 2 ,under Goebbels.


He was a master at manipulative news, just like the left is!

Trump is hitler and now he’s taunting communist tripe !

Its a election year in case you didnt notice!


“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over”.Joseph Goebbels




Edited by riclag
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