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Trump lied 22 times in his acceptance speech.

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7 minutes ago, Hamus Yaigh said:

Here are some clues for you. I only list twenty but there on more of course:


In Donald Trump's acceptance speech at the 2024 Republican National Convention, several key points were either exaggerated or lacked factual support. Here are the top 20:

  1. Strongest Economy in History: Trump claimed he built the "greatest" and "strongest" economy in history. While the U.S. economy was strong, other periods had faster growth and more significant job increases (Voice of America).

  2. COVID-19 Travel Bans: He described his administration's restrictions on flights from China and Europe as "travel bans" and claimed they were implemented "very early." In reality, these measures came too late to significantly mitigate the virus's introduction (FactCheck.org).

  3. Wide Array of COVID-19 Treatments: Trump exaggerated the effectiveness of treatments like convalescent plasma, which has not been proven to save many lives (FactCheck.org).

  4. Biden's $4 Trillion Tax Hike: He falsely claimed Biden plans a $4 trillion tax hike on almost all American families. Biden's tax proposals mainly target high-income earners and corporations (FactCheck.org) (FactCheck.org).

  5. Biden's Response to Riots: Trump accused Biden of condemning rioters only after the Democratic convention, though Biden had condemned violent protests multiple times before that (FactCheck.org).

  6. $35 Insulin Cap: Trump claimed credit for capping insulin prices at $35. While there was a pilot project under his administration, a permanent cap was implemented under Biden (FactCheck.org).

  7. High U.S. Taxes: Trump often says the U.S. is one of the highest-taxed nations. However, the U.S. tax rate is relatively low compared to other industrialized countries (Voice of America).

  8. African American Youth Unemployment: He claimed 58% of African American youth are unemployed, a misleading figure that includes those not seeking work. The actual unemployment rate is lower (Voice of America).

  9. Latino Poverty Increase: Trump stated that two million more Latinos are in poverty than when Obama took office. While the Latino population has grown, their poverty rate has actually declined (Voice of America).

  10. Homicide Rate Increase: He highlighted a 17% increase in homicides in large cities as the largest in 25 years without noting that the overall rate is much lower than in the 1990s (Voice of America).

  11. Iran Nuclear Deal: Trump claimed the Iran deal gave Iran $150 billion. This figure is disputed, with the actual amount likely much lower and tied to Iran accessing previously frozen assets (FactCheck.org).

  12. China Trade Deficit: He claimed to have significantly reduced the trade deficit with China. While it decreased slightly, it remains substantial (FactCheck.org).

  13. NATO Funding: Trump claimed credit for getting NATO allies to increase their defense spending by $130 billion. While some countries did boost spending, the increase is not solely due to his efforts (FactCheck.org).

  14. Veterans Choice Program: He took credit for the Veterans Choice program, which was actually signed into law by President Obama in 2014 (FactCheck.org).

  15. U.S. Energy Independence: Trump claimed the U.S. achieved energy independence under his administration. While the U.S. did become a net exporter of energy, it still imports significant amounts of oil (FactCheck.org).

  16. Southern Border Wall: Trump boasted about building a substantial border wall, yet only a fraction of the planned wall was completed during his term, much of it replacing existing barriers (FactCheck.org).

  17. Middle-Class Tax Cuts: He claimed to have implemented significant middle-class tax cuts. The 2017 tax cuts primarily benefited corporations and high-income individuals (FactCheck.org).

  18. Employment Gains for Minorities: Trump often highlights employment gains for minorities, which were part of broader economic trends predating his presidency (FactCheck.org).

  19. Drug Prices: He claimed drug prices dropped significantly under his administration. While some prices saw reductions, many others continued to rise (FactCheck.org).

  20. Military Strength: Trump stated that he rebuilt the military to the greatest strength ever. While defense spending increased, the military's relative strength compared to historical periods is debatable (FactCheck.org).

These points highlight areas where Trump's speech either misrepresented facts or exaggerated his administration's achievements.

Or they highlight where his political opponents gaslight or have a contrary opinion. For example, Look at the one about homicide. Tell us how its a lie to say that the homicide rate has increase, when it has. Oh, I get it, context.


All of your examples are Democratic talking points

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Just now, Mazungu said:

Trump also lied when he said he didn't have sex with Stormy Daniels. 

Do you have anything that supports that? His word against hers. 

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Someone asked what honest news stations that report real news are left in the United States.  There are not many.  Real America’s Voice is the best followed by Newsmax.  Most others are owned and operated by lying Democrats.

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2 hours ago, kimothai said:

Only 22 times?!!  The Democrats have been lying about the "empty suit" running the country (America) since he took office.  Those lies have got to be in the thousands by now.

Too much Kool Aid and Rabbit hole nonsense old chap!!

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2 hours ago, xylophone said:

Or perhaps it's because they don't like compulsive liars, grifters, people who steal from charities and set up fake "universities", is definitely a misogynist and who bankrupted over 10 companies, thereby financially impacting the everyday working American – – ever thought about that?


I'm not an American and I'm not a far left or a far right type person and I do like what the Democrats have done, not so much the Republicans, however it is so easy to dislike Trump and what he is, because he stands for everything I and many other people, don't like one iota.


If trump is the best alternative to an ailing Biden, that America can produce, then God save America.

Thank God we not all Americans. 😄

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12 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

Do you have anything that supports that? His word against hers. 

What if it was just a Bill special with dress spurts and cigars? Then it wouldnt be sex according to the Dems.

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17 minutes ago, Yagoda said:

All of your examples are Democratic talking points

Perhaps just concentrate on the facts listed from factcheck.org? In general, FactCheck.org is considered a reliable source of unbiased fact-checking information. Its funding sources and mission statement suggest that it is committed to impartiality and accuracy in its reporting. This may help to get past the stigma of reading biased opinionated news feeds?

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9 minutes ago, Mazungu said:

Oh by context you must mean facts. 


A new report from the FBI shows that the U.S. homicide rate has come down from its pandemic peak. In 2022, the government agency counted 6.3 homicides per 100,000 of U.S. population, down from 6.8 in 2021 - the equivalent of a fall of around 6 percent.


In 2020, for example, the U.S. murder rate saw its largest single-year increase on record – and by 2022, it remained considerably higher than before the coronavirus pandemic. Preliminary data for 2023, however, suggests that the murder rate fell substantially last year.


Violent crime dropped by more than 15% in the United States during the first three months of 2024, according to statistics released Monday by the FBI.

Oh you believe the FBI figures do you? Are they accurate and complete? Have their been any problems with reporting crimes recently? 


Its called critical thinking. You aren't from the states clearly

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Just now, Hamus Yaigh said:

Perhaps just concentrate on the facts listed from factcheck.org? In general, FactCheck.org is considered a reliable source of unbiased fact-checking information. Its funding sources and mission statement suggest that it is committed to impartiality and accuracy in its reporting. This may help to get past the stigma of reading biased opinionated news feeds?

It's only considered a "...reliable source of unbiased fact-checking information." to the left.

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Just now, Hamus Yaigh said:

Perhaps just concentrate on the facts listed from factcheck.org? In general, FactCheck.org is considered a reliable source of unbiased fact-checking information. Its funding sources and mission statement suggest that it is committed to impartiality and accuracy in its reporting. This may help to get past the stigma of reading biased opinionated news feeds?

"Funding source and mission statement suggest..."


I dont need a fact checker to tell me the facts. Im retired and have Google.



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7 hours ago, Will B Good said:


Plus the tax dodging millionaires looking to get even richer.



No they are with the DNC and holding back their money for Kamala 

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It used to be if a person told one big  lie their career was over!   Now look at this World.   So sad.  I can't believe how many people posting comments on local trump news articles say their financial situation was so much better under trump.   

Overall it shows how poor the education system has been these past 30 years in America.   

I think the only hope for America to heal is if Trump loses by 10-20% .   I know Biden is losing it occasionally but the president isn't the " decider" like they used to be.  A good president has lots of advisors and smart people around them.  I fear the group of all the "best people", who get fired if they disagree, or quit when they got a conscience , trump would appoint.  Basically the positions would go to the highest bidder or those with the longest brown tongues.  

I think the election comes down to who is going to turn out more, the women who have lost rights vs the people who want racial discrimination plus the evangelicals who want the US to be ran religiously. 

Edited by Elkski
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Please do not pay attention to Leftest lies.  Review for yourselves the 4 year Trump administration policies vs. Biden’s now.  Biden ended all Trump immigration restrictions allowing millions of undocumented immigrants to enter the U.S. illegally.  With that came massive amounts of illegal drugs and fentanyl that killed hundreds of thousands of people, child trafficking, sex trafficking, terrorists being admitted, they even flew ISIS members in.  They refused to close the border and still do!  One executive order reversal that Biden put in place is all it takes!  
Do not watch CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, or read the Washington Post or New York Times.  All of which are biased Leftist news outlets.  Try looking on YouTube for Real America’s Voice, Newsmax, and read a publication called The Epoch Times for real news.

The Democrats have run a catastrophically failed administration and all they have left to run on is defaming and bashing Trump.  They claim he’s a convicted felon.  That was a setup of a Biden appointed judge and a biased jury in NYC.  They cannot run policy and that’s all that matters. During Biden’s tenure there was nothing but violence and treasonous policies.  They have no good policies. Ask yourself this: If Trump is a convicted criminal and has committed so many crimes, then why is he not in prison and so much more popular according to presidential polls than Biden?  Enough said!

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8 minutes ago, stuandjulie said:

Congrats on the best wild, nonsensical, deluded post of the whole thread ! Completely brainwashed by the orange misogynist. 

Well, lets see. Here is the post complained of, wth my comments:


"Do not listen to these lying piece of <deleted> Democrats![Typical invective, like "deplorables"]  Biden has destroyed [hyperbole]our country with open borders [do you deny it isnt], higher taxes [technically he is correct], incredible inflation[checked out a hearty repast at Mikey Ds lately] involving us in wars [reasonable folks cant disagree about the efficacy of us being involved in Ukraine?], and constant lies about President Trump [russia russia russia, you see even loons here still spouting it].  CNN is a totally biased news station operated by Democrats as many stations are [do you deny bias in the news media].  They do nothing but feed Thai people misinformation!  They even tried assassinating Trump as a last resort [finally, a touch of the lunacy you so desperately seek, although some transparancy from the government would be nce] after weaponizing our government and falsely accusing him with a corrupt justice system, corrupt judges and even corrupt juries![ Some hyperbole, but tell us do you approve of Judges Marchan and Chutkin]  The American people know it and that’s why Biden is trailing in all polls and WILL LOSE the election in November!  Biden is a brain dead old fool that they are trying to replace as their candidate.  They have no hope of winning unless they cheat, like they did in the last election[are you contending that the last election was clean, completely?].  The entire Democrat Party needs to be dissolved!  DO NOT listen to their lies about President Trump!"


So there you have it boys and girls. An inarticulately written screed that contains mostly truth  and reasonable, justfiable opinions is "wild, nonsensical, deluded" and the result of the poster being brainwashed with the customary insult against Trump.


The debate techniques of the Democrat/Leninist party are lies,insults and screechng because they cant win on any other grounds.

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6 hours ago, nickmondo said:

cant wait for November when Donald is re elected in a landslide victory.

the sooner that geriatric, brain dead idiot Biden is out of the way, the better.

You Democrat supporters can say what you like...........you are all idiots.

MAGA..........lets have a brilliant leader of the Free World again...........vote TRUMP.

    Trump might win in 2024 but no way will it be a 'landslide victory'.  Let's remember that he lost by 2.8 million votes in 2016 and did even worse in 2020--as a sitting president--losing by a horrendously embarrassing 7 million votes.  In both elections he could not even garner 50% of the vote.   No 'landslide' with the voting for Trump in either election.  Far from it.  Likely the same in 2024.

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5 hours ago, renaissanc said:

Trump wasn't convicted of rape. 

That fact has absolutely no bearing on whether he did or not.  Try again.

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6 minutes ago, newnative said:

No 'landslide' with the voting for Trump in either election.  Far from it.  Likely the same in 2024.


did you not see the john king thread about this ? they might be projected to have the biggest rep victory in a very long time if not historic. 


in a few days the whole election will be thrown into chaos....so lets wait for that first. 

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1 minute ago, Nick Carter icp said:


   Is there anything remarkable about his busted ear ?

They are only disappointed that he wasn't killed. 


And what difference does it make if it was a nick or whatever. These morons actually believe this was somehow staged. 

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5 hours ago, kimothai said:

Only 22 times?!!  The Democrats have been lying about the "empty suit" running the country (America) since he took office.  Those lies have got to be in the thousands by now.

Too much Kool Aid and Rabbit hole nonsense old chap!!

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1 minute ago, Yellowtail said:

They are only disappointed that he wasn't killed. 


And what difference does it make if it was a nick or whatever. These morons actually believe this was somehow staged. 


   And if Trump were to say something similar , they would accuse him of lying 

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