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Thai PM Dismisses US Criticism of Move Forward Party Dissolution


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35 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

Considering Biden and his cronies at the SS, FBI and CIA are doing everything they can to put the opposition in prison or turn a blind eye to an assassination attempt,  I think the Thai government have a valid response - even if you do not agree with them

Wow, the entire U.S. law enforcement and intelligence apparatus is doing everything it can to jail opponents -- they're really bad at it, then.  And this is why the Thais are ignoring the U.S. statement?

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4 hours ago, stoner said:


that's great and all but no one said they wanted to dictate anything. it's called an opinion. 

You have to have a brain to understand that, apparently it is not for that gentleman.

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6 minutes ago, JimG said:

Court rulings!  The USA has it's own problems with Supreme Court rulings, specifically the ruling that said, basically, anything the President did from the Oval Office was 'official' business, and was therefore ok.  And Candidate Trump has said that if he's elected again, we won't have to worry about voting any more.  What the heck?????

What do you mean by "what the heck"? You completely took his words out of context to further your little agenda.

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10 minutes ago, stoner said:


they will soon.


our generation (gen x) is about to take power and things will start to change. might not be very fast but once the old guard dies off there won't be nearly as much of that dinosaur attitude around. holding those views will make you akin to a leper. 

 It is a dream for most younger Thais - everyone hopes you are right. Down with dinosaurs!  

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48 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

I can assure him Thailand is mostly "meaningless" to the USA.

mostly should be replaced with "completely" meaningless to the USA.  Especially when Thailand seems to be following in the footsteps of the other nations surrounding this country towards the Chinese.  Even today we read in the news media of a Chinese plot apparently to take control the government of Bangladesh - (another no big loss for sure).  One would think that Thailand would look to Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia and decide against BRICS but I guess not.  I once heard about a small meeting between the State Dept rep to a particular SEA country with closer ties to the US in those days, and this rep was visiting and the Ambo expressed his feelings about support from the US in his opinion and the State rep laughed at him saying that in Washington, the only person that ever reads the daily briefs about that particular country was HIM and no one else in the US govt could care less about that country.  He said that ambassadors sometimes think that their career depends on their stationed country's success or progress is determined by the ambo when that is totally false and that the ambo is more or less just a conduit between the two nations.

Ambo wasn't too happy to hear this of course, but life goes on.  Here too, the direction of the country should be up to the citizens of this country and they MUST make sure to let their politicians and military realize this.  How they go about THAT, we as expats can only watch, laugh or move on to a safer more stable area if things were to change too much here.  I have gone through some of the changes, I felt safe as I avoided the trouble areas and the same for my local family members.  Have a good Friday!

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So now we know what all the protagonists stand for. They can ban MFP and its leaders but the people know what MFP stands for and hopefully will vote accordingly in the next election with an even larger majority which cannot be ignored or put down.

Wherever you go in the world money talks louder than anything else. As long as the population is living well they will not stand up to the greedy bureaucrats.

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2 hours ago, zepplin said:

The old pathetic dinosaurs just have no idea the scale of the payback come next election, it’s going to be a much bigger defeat than last time, and then there will be a coup, as the Thai people are weak and have little enthusiasm for mass protests 

A never ending cycle of fwits hanging on to the power…shame on them!


Unfair criticism of Thai people.

History shows that mass protesters end up in gaol (without bail) or shot.

Would you really do as you say?

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Despite overwhelming support from the Thai people, the Move Forward Party is to be dissolved and the country is to remain a Monarchist Fascist dictatorship rather than a robust modern democracy.

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