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Looks like Americans fight most here?


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12 minutes ago, J Branche said:

Sometimes good. But one thing I like about Thai culture is they do Not openly give their unwanted opinion which criticizes or is hurtful

That is one of the negatives of being raised in a country where one is taught to be expressive of your thoughts and opinons.  It was mild before social media but it is now out of control.   In short Americans are not so compliant and many times defiant. It's just the way we have been shaped. 

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15 hours ago, novacova said:

For one, the US is not a democracy, it’s a democratic republic. The electoral college was a compromise of either giving the power to congress to vote for the president which takes the power from the people, or a democratic vote which would create mob rule and disenfranchise much of the people. If the founders chose one or the other instead of compromising with the electoral college process, the US and the world for that matter would be a much different place now and whatever country you’re from would be far worse. Sure beats any other system. 


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1 hour ago, bradiston said:

Well, thankfully that is very far from the truth. Qv Alex Jones and other conspiracy theorists. Musk might let you say what you want up to a point, but if what you want to say is "Shoot all Muslims" even he might draw the line. The US has laws protecting free speech, but also laws curtailing the right to, for instance, incite racial hatred, or any other hatred, homophobic, mysogynistic, religious etc etc. I'm aware many US citizens view these laws as evidence of a nanny state etc etc. but if you've never been the target of such attacks, how the heck do you know what you're talking about? White male? Yeah, right!

Don't be ridiculous, nobody anywhere has the right to incite others to engage in criminal acts. That being said, the police in the United States aren't going to be knocking on your front door because you made a comment on Facebook that caused someone anxiety. Regarding Musk, he can only restrict speech or the press on his private property, not on public property. Take this forum, if it was funded by the U.S. taxpayers then its censors would be more limited in what they could do. However, it is privately owned so they can make the rules. Anyway, right now the British government is going after those who publicly express criticism of its immigration policies, which the majority of the British public are against.

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1 hour ago, sqwakvfr said:

 In short Americans are not so compliant and many times defiant. It's just the way we have been shaped. 

Right! And that is why we still have freedom of speech and the press, unlike our Canadian neighbors to the north and our British cousins across the Atlantic. In fact, the Canadian government is going after Jordan Peterson right now in an attempt to silence him, just as the British government is going after Douglas Murray to silence him.

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5 minutes ago, oslooskar said:

Don't be ridiculous, nobody anywhere has the right to incite others to engage in criminal acts. That being said, the police in the United States aren't going to be knocking on your front door because you made a comment on Facebook that caused someone anxiety. Regarding Musk, he can only restrict speech or the press on his private property, not on public property. Take this forum, if it was funded by the U.S. taxpayers then its censors would be more limited in what they could do. However, it is privately owned so they can make the rules. Anyway, right now the British government is going after those who publicly express criticism of its immigration policies, which the majority of the British public are against.

I'm not being ridiculous. I was just stating there are limits to freedom of speech, in the US like anywhere else. The poster I was replying to seemed to think in the US there were no such limits, but in the UK there were.


 I'm ignoring your final statement. It's a troll.

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Partially, the problem lies with the poor education system and lack of factual information in the public domain.

I had dinner with an old American woman a few years ago. She told me she really hated Obamacare as it was created by that horrible black guy.

However, she really liked the Affordable Care Act.

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1 minute ago, oslooskar said:

Right! And that is why we still have freedom of speech and the press, unlike our Canadian neighbors to the north and our British cousins across the Atlantic. In fact, the Canadian government is going after Jordan Peterson right now in an attempt to silence him, just as the British government is going after Douglas Murray to silence him.

I would rather confront people directly then save face and walk away without resolving the issue. Of course feelings will be hurt but I have been told "TFB". Too Fxxxxx Bad".  

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1 minute ago, oslooskar said:

Right! And that is why we still have freedom of speech and the press, unlike our Canadian neighbors to the north and our British cousins across the Atlantic. In fact, the Canadian government is going after Jordan Peterson right now in an attempt to silence him, just as the British government is going after Douglas Murray to silence him.

You don't have the freedom to incite violence, get that straight, if that's an example of what you mean by freedom of speech/press. The US is no different to any other western democracy. Why do they think they are? Home of the brave etc etc? Clap trap.

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6 minutes ago, bradiston said:

You don't have the freedom to incite violence, get that straight

Pay attention! I already clarified that in a previous comment. Also, be advised that the United States is NOT a democracy and was never intended to be, it is a Constitutional Republic with a Bill of Rights. The U.S. Constitution includes various protections for minority rights, ensuring that the majority cannot easily infringe upon the rights of individuals or minority groups. This is a key difference from a pure democracy, where majority rule could potentially override individual rights. Bottom-line, the governments of Western democracies have a history of going after those who criticize them.

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Just now, oslooskar said:

Pay attention! I already clarified that in a previous comment. Also, be advised that the United States is NOT a democracy and was never intended to be, it is a Constitutional Republic with a Bill of Rights. The U.S. Constitution includes various protections for minority rights, ensuring that the majority cannot easily infringe upon the rights of individuals or minority groups. This is a key difference from a pure democracy, where majority rule could potentially override individual rights. Bottom-line, the governments of Western democracies have a history of going after those who criticize them......




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While Americans on this thread are belting each other around the head with their beliefs on who is better at running the USA, they might want to consider this:


You are expats. Your vote in America is insignificant. Your power as a lobby group is not on the radar of either party.


Who do you think is more likely to start messing with your Social Security and Medicare? Who is most likely to improve it, and who is more likely to degrade it?

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1 minute ago, Scouse123 said:


All the hard work had been done by Obama's team, only you could be daft enough to think Trump created that economy and those results.


You are a dreamer, it was done by eight years of hard work by Obama and his team.


Trump walked into a dream economy, but not created by him.



Spot on.....✔️

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8 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:


All the hard work had been done by Obama's team, only you could be daft enough to think Trump created that economy and those results.


You are a dreamer, it was done by eight years of hard work by Obama and his team.


Trump walked into a dream economy, but not created by him.

Obama is credited with stabilizing and reviving the economy after the Great Recession, while Trump is credited with continuing the economic expansion and implementing policies that further boosted growth in the short term. However, the narrative that Trump took credit for Obama's achievements is often debated, with each side attributing the successes and failures to their respective policies.

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20 hours ago, BangkokReady said:


Here's the problem.  The left want to paint anyone who supports Trump as being a fascist, even while they're the ones who are really trying to oppress people.


The loony left literally don't want people to be able to vote for whomever they want, they want to have complete control.


Ironic that someone would call the conservative fascist, given how the left acts.

You are correct, it should be called the Russian disinformation movement.

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14 minutes ago, oslooskar said:

Pay attention! I already clarified that in a previous comment. Also, be advised that the United States is NOT a democracy and was never intended to be, it is a Constitutional Republic with a Bill of Rights. The U.S. Constitution includes various protections for minority rights, ensuring that the majority cannot easily infringe upon the rights of individuals or minority groups. This is a key difference from a pure democracy, where majority rule could potentially override individual rights. Bottom-line, the governments of Western democracies have a history of going after those who criticize them.

So what? The UK and Thailand are both constitutionsl monarchies but with vastly different implementations of that concept. They are also both democracies to whatever extent you believe it worthy to  afford them. The US elects it's representatives via universal suffrage. In that sense it's a democracy, and one they fought hard for and at great cost to themselves. What do you think the slogan "No taxation without representation" meant? The UK parliament taxed the American farmers even though the farmers had no representatives in the UK parliament. An extremely important principle was established in the War of Independence. The UK doesn't have a written constitution. We have a set of laws which parliament is able to amend, repeal,  or add to. That is their primary function. Demos kratia is just greek for the rule of the people. It remains an ideal in most cases, but a worthy ideal, and one worth defending and fighting for. There are many tyrannies in the world. We need to protect democracy from those that would destroy it.

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22 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I think you're wrong

Everything I think about what is going on in the USA is wrong - - I would not have imagined Kamala to be a good choice but I just spoke with a friend in Harrisburg Pa. who said she is setting the place on fire. 


Likewise w/T. who I still cannot understand how he has a following greater than 2%... 

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Every time i hear a commotion at a supermarket till,you can bet your money its a "septic tank"

The last one was in Makro with an American gent berating the 18 year old Thai till girl because the writing on the jumbo box of noodles was too small.

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Last time i was in Hua Hin this yank was shouting about his card not being able to be scanned.

Kept shouting and telling the cashier to come with him to the atm to prove it worked.

The cashier just looked at him like he was a nutter.

He came back in and slammed the money on the counter and went out to his car shouting about the scanner not working.

He could of saved looking himself looking like a complete tool.


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