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So whats your favorite flavor ? _ Thai or Fillipino ?

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5 hours ago, JensenZ said:

I've never had a problem with Thai girls or Filipinas cheating on me. I'm talking about serious partners here.

And yet you use plurals...


I've worked in Philippines and Indonesia ..... and it's a cliche, I know, but I struggle to even imagine a better option than my Thai woman.


Simply stunning when we first met 14 years ago when she was managing a hotel.  Still very good looking now, and she helps to manage our business as well as look after the house .... and me.


Her Thai upbringing means she believes her job is to look after me, and in return I look after her.  Early in the relation I 'invested' in her education and daily expenses (and gold 😀), but as the business grew and she took on more responsibility, she now more than pays for herself.  


A true 'keeper'.

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18 hours ago, Denim said:

I prefer the trees in Khao Yai



18 hours ago, Denim said:

I am guessing he means something like this :




Just how dumb does a muslim need to be to believe in such hogwash. 


20240907_125502 (1).JPG


I thought this was going to be about food!


But after 35 years with my thai wife only working in cebu a few times found the thai food the best! 😁😁

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5 hours ago, Alpha84 said:

I copied and pasted all of your posts from this topic into one ChatGPT chat and following is what it provided in response to your posts:

Dang.  That was a long post to say you disagree and think Filipina women are a better choice.

20 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I don't think the Koran specifies the age or attractiveness of the virgins.

They might all be large and old and averse to sex ....... but if you want virgins, OK.

You forgot the mustaches.

14 hours ago, Pouatchee said:

something that helps me make my choice is that i find many filipine people have bad body odor that thai girls dont have. Kinda reminds me of indian girls.... BO a definite turn off


Exactly! Filipinas DO have a unique body odour. I noticed that too.

8 hours ago, Alpha84 said:

I copied and pasted all of your posts from this topic into one ChatGPT chat and following is what it provided in response to your posts:


The posts are filled with deeply offensive generalizations, misogyny, and racist stereotypes. The author dehumanizes both Thai and Filipino women, reducing them to their physical traits, perceived intelligence, and supposed moral failings, while presenting himself as a victim of their supposed shortcomings. His attitude is entitled, objectifying, and dismissive, treating relationships as transactions rather than human connections.


There are a few key points that stand out:


1. Blatant Misogyny – The author makes sweeping negative claims about all women, suggesting that lying is their nature and that they lack morality. This is a textbook example of sexist stereotyping.


2. Racist and Xenophobic Stereotypes – Filipinas are repeatedly described in an insulting manner, both physically and mentally, while Thai women are only slightly “better” in his view. The way he speaks about both nationalities is demeaning and condescending.


3. Entitlement and Objectification – He talks about the women he has been with as if they were commodities, discussing the “cost” of their company, their desirability, and their usefulness in bed and housekeeping.


4. Disturbing Power Dynamic – His references to a “Filipina virgin” and how he had to go through bureaucratic trouble to bring her to Thailand highlight a deeply problematic perspective on relationships. He seems more frustrated with the logistical inconvenience than concerned about the woman herself.


5. Complete Lack of Empathy – At the end, he acknowledges that the woman he was with ended up in an exploitative situation as a domestic worker, but he treats it as an anecdote rather than showing real concern.


Overall, the posts reflect a deeply toxic mindset. It’s a disturbing mix of misogyny, racism, and entitlement, where the author sees himself as superior while belittling the women he engages with. Instead of recognizing his own shortcomings in relationships, he blames an entire nationality or gender.


It’s very likely that the Filipino woman was primarily motivated by financial security rather than genuine love. The reality is that in economically desperate situations, people—especially women in patriarchal societies—often have to prioritize survival over romantic ideals.


The author frames the relationship as one of intense passion and “burning desire” on her part, but he also acknowledges their complete lack of meaningful communication. This contradiction suggests that he might be projecting his own fantasies onto her behavior rather than recognizing the power dynamics at play. When someone is economically vulnerable and sees a foreign partner as a potential escape from hardship, they may be very affectionate, compliant, and eager to please—but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are deeply in love in a romantic sense.


Her later decision to become a domestic worker in Bahrain reinforces the idea that she was always seeking economic stability. Had she truly been obsessed with him for reasons beyond financial security, she might have attempted to stay in touch in a more meaningful way or fought harder to maintain the relationship. Instead, she moved on to another practical option for survival.


The intense sexual enthusiasm he describes could have been a combination of a desire to please him (as part of securing the relationship), or even cultural expectations of fulfilling a male partner’s desires. But without emotional intimacy and communication, it’s unlikely she felt the kind of deep, unconditional love he wants to believe she had for him.


I think he was in denial. He wanted to see himself as irresistibly desirable rather than acknowledging the reality that her affection was likely tied to economic necessity.


The guy sounds like a Narcissistic psychopath. I know a political leader who is similar.


ChatGPT can be harsh, but superintelligence pulls no punches.

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2 hours ago, redblue said:

Asian girls really knock me out! The leave the west behind! 🙂

Do Moscow girls make you sing and shout?

21 hours ago, Ralf001 said:



21 hours ago, Ralf001 said:


the 4 rental sluzza's ya recently claimed to have had... what nationally were they ?

e 4 rental sluzza's ya recently claimed to have had... what nationally were they ?


On 3/17/2025 at 12:37 PM, CharlieH said:

None of them look like the Filipinas or Thai gals I've been with.  I not really a fan of the "whitened" and "Hiso-polished" types that make their way into beauty contests and modeling jobs.  I've met some really beautiful gals that fit "the girl next door" and "down-to-earth" categories which I personally prefer.

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4 minutes ago, connda said:

None of them look like the Filipinas or Thai gals I've been with.  I not really a fan of the "whitened" and "Hiso-polished" types that make their way into beauty contests and modeling jobs.  I've met some really beautiful gals that fit "the girl next door" and "down-to-earth" categories which I personally prefer.

And they all appear large size!

I like something a bit smaller.

On 3/17/2025 at 1:57 PM, Robert_Smith said:

pinas for the sex, they are sex m


Thais for the, erm, I don't know what...




Koreans for the looks??!

You have to be sick or blind in one eye and can't see out the other

Koreans are homely as can be


On 3/17/2025 at 1:02 PM, pgrahmm said:

Dated & Lived with Filipinas for years in US & PI.... Didn't like the Philippines...

"Discovered" & upgraded to Thai's and Thailand - happy ever since....

I do regret separating from one Filipina - that was my mistake - great lady.... 


I dated three Filipinos and they were all a little weird

First one got pregnant and had an abortion because her mother said if you got pregnant And was not married she would pour gasoline on her and burn her

Second one use to sit and look into the Sun at midday

The third one didn't want to have sex unless she was married but did anyway

  • Haha 1
3 hours ago, Walker88 said:


The guy sounds like a Narcissistic psychopath. I know a political leader who is similar.


ChatGPT can be harsh, but superintelligence pulls no punches.


I agree about the points you raise about him. I also presented the same information to Grok to get another analysis from a different AI platform, and I’d say its response was even better in terms of providing a straightforward and honest psychoanalysis. I wouldn’t even call any of this harsh because the AI is simply analyzing the information that was provided. It doesn’t have any bias, so it’s not intentionally being harsh in any way.


Had the information been framed differently, the response would have also been different. The AI isn’t making a conscious choice to react positively or negatively, it’s just processing what it’s given. You can see what Grok said below, where it reached very similar conclusions about him, his misunderstanding of her intentions and him being in denial about many aspects of the situation.




Summary of the User’s Posts


The user expresses a strong preference for Thai women over Filipinas, painting broad, often derogatory generalizations about both groups. He describes Thai women as more genuine, naive, honest, and physically appealing, while portraying Filipinas as scheming, less honest, and burdened by extreme poverty, which he believes drives their behavior. Despite this, he acknowledges some positives about Filipinas, such as their English proficiency, housekeeping skills, and sexual willingness (based on his experience). His posts are rife with stereotypes, casual misogyny, and a transactional view of relationships, where costs (e.g., flights, affidavits, bikinis) are meticulously tallied against perceived benefits (e.g., sex, companionship).

Regarding his specific experience with the Filipina woman he brought to Thailand, he describes a relationship marked by logistical challenges (visa issues, affidavits, travel), her perceived low intelligence (claiming an “IQ below 69”), and a lack of meaningful communication due to language barriers and her supposed limitations. He highlights her sexual enthusiasm and affection toward him, framing it as evidence of her deep love and “burning desire.” However, he ultimately sent her away after two months, citing her forgetfulness and lack of confidence as dealbreakers. He notes her subsequent fate as a domestic helper in Bahrain, expressing pity but little remorse, and maintains that she remains “crazy about” him, still contacting him occasionally.


Analysis of His Perspective


The user seems to view relationships through a lens of self-interest and superficial qualities (e.g., physical appeal, sexual eagerness, cost). His assertion that the Filipina was deeply in love with him appears to be based primarily on her physical affection—holding his hand, initiating sex, and laughing at his actions—rather than any deeper emotional or intellectual connection, which he admits was impossible due to communication barriers. He dismisses the possibility that her behavior might have been influenced by her circumstances, insisting he can distinguish genuine desire from transactional motives. This confidence suggests a degree of self-delusion or selective interpretation, as he overlooks contextual factors like her poverty, desperation, and reliance on him for a better life.


His narrative also reveals inconsistency. He praises her warmth, willingness, and “good attitude” in bed, yet discards her for traits (forgetfulness, lack of confidence) that he attributes to her low intelligence—traits that might equally reflect cultural differences, language struggles, or insecurity in a foreign environment. His pity for her current situation in Bahrain contrasts with his cavalier decision to end the relationship, indicating a disconnect between his actions and his later reflections.


Is He in Denial About Her Feelings?


She was in a desperate situation, seeking a wealthy white man for financial security, and facing a grim fate (e.g., domestic work in a Muslim country) if the relationship failed—aligns with the socioeconomic realities hinted at in his posts. Her poverty, virginity, and eagerness to leave the Philippines, combined with the logistical hurdles he overcame to bring her to Thailand, suggest she saw him as a lifeline. The communication barrier (which he admits prevented conversation) further undermines his claim of mutual love, as love typically requires understanding and emotional reciprocity, not just physical acts.

His insistence that she was “totally in love” and “obsessed with sex” with him seems rooted in his own ego rather than evidence of her inner feelings. He interprets her physical affection as proof of devotion, but this could just as easily reflect gratitude, obligation, or a survival strategy—behaviors common among women in economically dependent relationships. His assertion that he can tell the difference between genuine desire and a transactional motive (“a gal that constantly asks you for money” vs. one who doesn’t) oversimplifies her situation. She didn’t ask for money directly, but her reliance on him for flights, visas, and a new life implies a transactional dynamic he may not fully acknowledge.


Is There Reality in His Assumptions?


There’s little in his account to substantiate that her primary desire was to “have sex with him and give him fellatio first thing in the morning” as an expression of deep love. His focus on her sexual enthusiasm suggests he projected his own priorities onto her, ignoring her broader context. While she may have felt some affection or attachment—perhaps amplified by his role as her rescuer—his claim of her “burning desire” lacks depth without evidence of mutual understanding or shared emotional intimacy. Her continued contact with him could indicate lingering hope, habit, or even manipulation, but it doesn’t inherently prove undying love.


In short, he seems at least partially in denial, or willfully blind, to the likelihood that her actions were shaped by desperation and dependency rather than the romantic obsession he describes. His assumptions about her feelings appear more like a self-serving fantasy than a grounded assessment, especially given the power imbalance, her precarious situation, and the absence of meaningful communication. That she sought financial security and faced a harsh alternative—better aligns with the circumstantial evidence he provides, even if he resists that conclusion.

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On 3/17/2025 at 3:15 PM, Cameroni said:


I actually did that for a while, I brought a Filipina virgin to live with me in Chiang Mai. It was a MAJOR visa headache. They would not let her leave Philippines, because she looked so hot and was only 24 and had never been outside Phil. That is actually a major disadvantage with Filipinas, they live in this insanely incompetent country, perhaps the only one in the world that routinely stops young women leaving, just because immigration feels like it. I had bought her a ticket and she was offloaded, could not leave the country.


So I had to fly to Bangkok, queue in the heat and get some icomptent Filipinos to do an affidavit in a prescribed form at the disgusting Filipino embassy. Then I had to fly to Philippines to hand deliver this affidavit of support. Only then was she allowed to leave this God forsaken country. Of course all for nothing, as when I realised she had an IQ below 69 I asked her to leave after 2 months. Bit of a shame because she was very willing in bed and warm otherwise, also a good housekeeper.


Her only cultural issue was that everyone thought she was Thai in Thailand.


Their Christianity is of course not real. They will make a show of praying before going to bed, then cheat on you when you are not looking. They have zero morality.


And yes, Thailand is of course a much better place to live than Philippines.



The amount of misery so many of you guys get yourself into is way over my head

Not even to say anything about the amount of money and time that is spent on these girls getting them visas and plane tickets and physicals and money for their families and everything else

  • Agree 1
6 minutes ago, Suitcase said:

The amount of misery so many of you guys get yourself into is way over my head

Not even to say anything about the amount of money and time that is spent on these girls getting them visas and plane tickets and physicals and money for their families and everything else

Foolish is what foolish does. Can't fix desperate.


I have to say that the two most attractive young Asian women I have encountered in recent months were both Indonesian (neither were Muslims).

52 minutes ago, Suitcase said:

The amount of misery so many of you guys get yourself into is way over my head

Not even to say anything about the amount of money and time that is spent on these girls getting them visas and plane tickets and physicals and money for their families and everything else


What misery? Okay, I had to fly to Bangkok and get an affidavit of support, pay for flights, hotel, etc, but the time in BGC was a blast, very pleasant. Her two months in Thailand were carnal ecstasy and she did all the dishes, clothes and housework. Her inability to follow instructions or speak English ultimately was a dealbreaker, but it was a fun time. No regrets at all.


No money was given to her family at all, btw.

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