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Police Crackdown On Foreign Operated Sex Bars


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It is suspected that many of these rendezvous are sexually related, police said

Just suspected?? :):D

Translation: "Foreigners have been operating bars in our jurisdiction, and we haven't been receiving our cut" said some obscure police official.

BTW: I'll KO any Interpol officer that attempts to question, talk to, or bother me. THAT I promise.

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Wait... there is sex for sale? In Pattaya of all places?

Not buying it.

Close the horrid Pattaya scene down....so I can invest in Angeles City....or in some Glass house in Seoul, or some Wan Chai massage parlor in Hong Kong...or a Karaoke in Guam.......Lordie. Is this a REAL article????

Sex for sale in Asia (or anywhere in the world for that matter): what a shocker.

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Are you actually aware that at least 6 bars on Walking Street are owned by the same person? and another 5 by a group of foreigners?

Not to mention a large number of bars owned by a Thai (wife) but backed by a foreigner husband or boyfiriend or owned by a company which is backed by a foreigner!

May i suggest you get out little more often and rather then drinking just read the names on the licenses, yes i know they in Thai, so some Thai lessons would surely help.

Are you suggesting that the names, written in Thai language on the licenses,are those of foreigners?

large number of them-yes. Not sure what the license is for, but "foreigner" names

Every bar has 3-9 licenses hanging on the wall

Then I suggest that before you demand this from other posters you learn to read some Thai yourself and maybe some basics of Thai law.The licenses that you see are all for different items e.g. selling alcohol,cigarettes,plying music etc.

None of those licenses is allowed under Thai law to be in foreign name.

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"Bar fines" are pimping fees, nothing less. These fees go to the bar owner for every time one of his

Bar girls (prostitutes) leaves to have sex with a customer. He is living off the earnings of prostitutes.

and?????????? what is so wrong with that? you take a lady out of the bar , there is one less attractive lady in the bar , so you have less customers...... please explain what you see wrong !

no barfine= no girls in the bar simple!

Not really - little is earned from bar fines. Real money is made through pushing drinks. Hardly a pimp in any form or fashion.

And who pushes the drinks? How much do the ladies earn from the bar? Comeon, a pimp is a pimp is a pimp is a pimp. And he / she draws income through sexual exploitation of people who work in / for the bar. What else is a pimp? :)

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These bars charge a "bar fine" to the customer and let the employee leave for the night or a "short time" usually about two to three hours. It is suspected that many of these rendezvous are sexually related, police said

Gee... you think?????? I'll be darn!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Dam at the Black Pearl we get it done in 1/2 an hour!!!! Faster acting Viagra

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Are you actually aware that at least 6 bars on Walking Street are owned by the same person? and another 5 by a group of foreigners?

Not to mention a large number of bars owned by a Thai (wife) but backed by a foreigner husband or boyfiriend or owned by a company which is backed by a foreigner!

May i suggest you get out little more often and rather then drinking just read the names on the licenses, yes i know they in Thai, so some Thai lessons would surely help.

Are you suggesting that the names, written in Thai language on the licenses,are those of foreigners?

large number of them-yes. Not sure what the license is for, but "foreigner" names

Every bar has 3-9 licenses hanging on the wall

Then I suggest that before you demand this from other posters you learn to read some Thai yourself and maybe some basics of Thai law.The licenses that you see are all for different items e.g. selling alcohol,cigarettes,plying music etc.

None of those licenses is allowed under Thai law to be in foreign name.

And as always there is always 1 in every group that knows it all.

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And as always there is always 1 in every group that knows it all.

Are you referring to yourself now?

If you can give me a simple prove that a foreigner is allowed to have any of the licenses to operate a bar in his name then I will back off and even offer you my apologies.

I'm not gonna hold my breath till you provide the prove.

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It is unfortunate for foreingers, that the Thai laws are designed to put foreign business people out of business by design. This is no accident. The lax attitutes about laws and so forth seem to be a long term lure to invest money and only then do the laws apply to stealing the concerns back. Just as well except that the foreign governments that seem to wink at this type of thievery are every bit as guilty for letting the governement steal from their citizens. It isn't a crack down of illegal activities, it is a crackdown on foreign ownership.

The government's efforts will eventually backfire and result in large scale displacement of marginal workers--since it is clear that intensifying political pressure on foreigners will result in a hostile attitude towards these people, less money will be invested here, less homes built and the economic miracle will collapse, similar to the problems the US face since they encourgaged Joe Average to borrow against his equity and create unsustainable debts, now resulting in economic depression. The Thais will simply chase foreign capital away on a micro level, resulting in the radicalization of their people who will be the first to feel its impact. Then the outcome will be in the streets.

If it ain't broken, don't fix it.

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Crack down on sex bars - wow!! Thank goodness I gave up having sex with bars last week h-m-m-m-m-m :)

I think that will still be legal. You can also continue having sex with convenience stores, shopping carts, shower curtains and tuk tuks.

Edited by YanTree
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I agree that this sleazy business has to stop. It's a tough job but someone has to do it - I hereby volunteer to go undercover and determine which bars are allowing their staff to be used for sexual purposes. God dam_n it I won't stop until every last hooker in Pattaya is exposed. I won't even charge for the photos being the trooper I am.

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Interesting indeed. I think overall if everything is in Thai name there will not be much trouble for foreigners who are indirect owners, but if they own a company or are shareholders or directors and have signing power it could be potential big big mess and even jail time.

This kind of establishments usually pay very little if any taxes, most of it is cash, very hard to check, money goes from foreign hands into foreign hands bypassing tax system and this must not be pleasing to the government. It will be interesting to see what happens but considering the number of bars in Pattaya it would be a big and very time consuming job.

Any rumors as to when this crackdown would take place in Pattaya? What about Bangkok or Phuket? Perhaps it is just a rumor.

In any case it is a wise course in whatever business to do things legally. Simple testimony from 2-3 witnesses that a foreigner is the real owner could be enough in the court of law to link a person to a business as an indirect owner who receives profits of the business. Also banking history, if money goes to a private bank account of an indirect owner and not into a business account then questions can be asked as to where the money came from, if the money is sent out of the country the same questions can be asked, where the money came from. Very few people keep money in a safe.

I have done a lot of accounting over the years and the money trail tells a lot about any business activities. It can be all added up, analyzed and the heads will roll big time if they really wanted to do it.

Knowing a good lawyer and accountant is always a good idea when you do business.

Honeysun Law and Accounting - protecting you always


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my wiser friends remined me that perhaps many of the posters such as kuffki, coalminer and others....

live and play in areas and locations that are congested and overpopulated with like farangs whose life styles and experiences are reflective of the areas they choose to live.... therefore, they are telling others on thaivisa a true story of their lives....

however, they like everyone else do have their rights to choose to remain where they are.... or they may choose to find a better suited location for their life styles....

yes, as far as we are concerned, we can confirm that thailand offers best value for your money.... LOL

and there are other cheaper places and countries other than thailand.... but after having visited many of these inexpensive countries and tallied up the pros and cons, we conclude that in spite of every inconveniences, thailand is still way ahead of countries such as (deleted....) LOL

mind you, we are not here in thailand because.... that's all we could afford.... LOL

many of us around this province do have disposable incomes in excess of six-figure per month.... and we do sponsor thai students to high sch, univ., trade sch and med sch....as well....

maybe some of you would like to know how do we select to sponsor these thai students.... each individual must be able to repeat 11-digit numbers correctly and he/she must also be able to repeat 7-digit numbers in reverse order, correctly, as well.... similar to some of the international nonverbal tests

yes, and to us....thailand still offers the best overall value for anyone's money.... LOL

kuffki, i really do not have any desire to be anyone's parent, nor even guidance.... LOl

since you stated that you have been in thailand for 6 yrs (?).... may i ask

what have you done for thailand or a thai, on a personal basis....? or

what have you contributed individually to the welfare of thailand or a thai ....? or

what have you freely given to thailand or any thai person without expecting or receiving any favor or anything in return?

we have done plenty of those.... perhaps that is why thai people and thailand are becoming increasingly endearing to us.... LOL

really, you do not need to answer any of my questions at all.... for i do not wish to embarrass you in any shape or form....

but just ask yourself.... what could you have done better just for yourself, your happiness and your future....?

friends.... do as you wish and reap what you seed accordingly.... LOL

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hi raro

what i said, was in response to kuffki's oversimplified statement which imho is entirely misrepresentative and disagreeable....

and for those of us who have been living in thailand for a period of time.... do realize the many many incongruities and disharmonies within thailand.... but we make do.... LOL

raro, did you refer to the spaced out.... quoted texts and paragraphs a few paragraphs before this in post #224.... ?

i truly must admit that i tried several times to erase it over and over again.... but to no avail.... so my humble apology, sir....

but my latter post perhaps would clear thing up a bit.... sorry raro and all.... my humble apology indeed....

Nakachalet, what exactly did you want to tell us? :)
Edited by nakachalet
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Start of 2010, the officials wants incremental on their monthly bribe charges. Nothing more than that. Such a no brainer story.

What a joke...every tourist, expat or nationals in Thailand would know where to look for paid sex. Ironically, I was told prostitution is illegal here...hahaha.

Most bars like these in fact has the word "Bar Fine - 700 Baht " displayed clearly. So if the officials wants to crack down and clean up the city, its just a blink of an eye. Or you can simply type "Where to find sex in Bangkok" via Google, you'd be spending weeks reading about the numerous places to visit.

Be it new govt or old, there is no difference. Every politician or officials wants a piece of the cake.

The day Pattaya, Patpong, Soi Cowboy, Nana, etc has no sex for sale, it would probably be something like the movie 2012. Then again, after all the flood...you'll have it again!

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Currently 1249 ppl reading this; must be a vital issue :)

The barfine model is (in my opinion, and without being a lawyer) a pretty safe legal way of running a bar, and one that would be mighty hard to knock in any court. The ladies are service personnel (you know -- bringing you drinks :D ), and if they want time off, the owner needs to be compensated for salaries paid. And I can't see any law in sight that would dictate that a bar owner has to keep "his" ladies in reign while they're off work...

Let's just not go into top-less, bottom-less & everything-else-less while they're AT work :D .

how about those bars where they lick lollipops while at work, is that kosher?

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Let's assume that the police had a modicum of success. Who would be the losers? A few hundred farangs perhaps, who run their bars behind the scenes. But thousands of Thai's who work in Pattaya in bars, restaurants, hotels and all the other support services would be deprived of an income or have it drastically reduced. The knock-on effect would mean that a huge number of up-country familes would also be deprived of any means of support (how many bar girls DON'T send money home to Mama?) So before the police start their crack-down perhaps they might think about the effect of unintended consequences on their own people. And yes I quite agree about the ease in which farangs may be found compared with Thai's. Thai's often don't live at the address at which they are registered on their family's tabien baan and if the family don't know where they are then it's very difficult to trace them.

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Nakachalet, what exactly did you want to tell us? :)

That he is unable to compose more than a sentence or two before falling into convulsions of laughter?

At no time during the typing of this message did my hands leave my wrists - nor did I mention the word jackass.

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