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Pattaya A-Go-Go Staff Beat Up Foreign And Hi-So Customers


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Another heart warming Pattaya story

is there any harm warming stories that come from pattaya? i have heard a few people say that pattaya is not a part of thailand anymore.

Pattaya is a part of Issan. I would tell you some heart warming stories about Pattaya but there are too many jerks on Thai Visa that make fun of cripples or handicapped people because they are different than themselves.

dont know where you get your info from but pattaya is NOT a part of issan.

But they could rename the city to Little Issan or Issan Town given the number if Issan girls there.

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After giving this some thought, I have come to the staggering conclusion that these bars are so hooked up with the police ,that they do not fear them in the slightest. Therefore they can do whatever they want. Now I can understand cracking bottles over the heads of farangs who have a bill dispute, this has been going on for years. But even I am amazed at them kicking ass on hiso Thai women... Has some fundamental change occured ??

... fundamental change? ... perhaps we've reached the tipping point ... Thais now realise that they are perfectly safe to target foreign visitors to Thailand, without fear of legal repercusions.

... is there now developing an "open season" on foreigners in Thailand? ... (think Jamaica ... once a beautiful tourist destination ... now a dump)

We will most likely see Vietnam pass up Thailand for tourism and I think the Thais will only have themselves to blame. Vietnam has laws in place to stop any kind of violence against tourists and they don't play around when one of their own crosses the line unlike here where Thais are never wrong. Having traveled through Vietnam and spending some time there I would have to say that the customer service is much better as well. Customer service in Thailand is abysmal period.

From what I read in the article these people did nothing to warrant physical violence.

Can i just ask you why you think the customer service in thailand is abysmal? A country where you can still get a good meal and drinks for you and your tgf for 100bt,i can go to a restaurant or bar and i am served my drink straight away,unlike my own country where you have to stand at the bar for 15min,i have had no problem in hotels,apartment,the gym,cinema and bowling alley. I can honestly say im happy with the service i get,the only time i have been pissed off is when i was at one of the street vendor's getting some chicken and sticky rice and this old thai woman pushed infront of me and got served but the vendor said nothing.

Where have you actually stayed in Thailand? is this a pattaya thing again?

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Can i just ask you why you think the customer service in thailand is abysmal? A country where you can still get a good meal and drinks for you and your tgf for 100bt,i can go to a restaurant or bar and i am served my drink straight away,unlike my own country where you have to stand at the bar for 15min,i have had no problem in hotels,apartment,the gym,cinema and bowling alley. I can honestly say im happy with the service i get,the only time i have been pissed off is when i was at one of the street vendor's getting some chicken and sticky rice and this old thai woman pushed infront of me and got served but the vendor said nothing.

It all gets pretty complicated, and customer service is very variable. You will note when I've commented on it I've mentioned bars and restaurants. At Bangkok Hospital Pattaya for example service is far superior than you are going to find in the U.S. in my experience. Go to just about any motorcycle dealer and take your bike in for an oil change and routine maintenance and they will usually start working on it within minutes and get you out of the place in record time. Again, in my experience, if you need work done on your computer go to Tuk com here in Pattaya to either of the two shops I deal with and you will get exceptional service. Even at the hotel I mentioned next to our condo building the service runs from Bad in the swimming pool area---heath club to exceptional at a restaurant the hotel owns less than one block away.

Thailand is a country of elites who prefer keeping the poor poor and uneducated. Most of the Thais we are dealing with in Pattaya are poor people from Issan. Issan people are looked down upon by the elites right down to their skin color----white skin is in, dark skin is out. I will suggest that a lot of hotel owners, managers, etc come from the elite and owe their position to family connections. In such situations far too often the cream does not rise to the top. To say there is a superiority complex at play here is a huge understatement. The elites are used to getting their way and far too often their members transfer their sense of superiority to their relationship with foreigners. Also, Thailand is ultra nationalistic. Americans tend to be critical of their countries and it seems there isn't a lot of difference in Englishmen and Germans from what I've seen. Thais tend to believe their country can do no wrong and that they are superior to all foreigners. So they tend to be very reluctant to take instruction from foreigners. This all gets funneled into the huge importance they put on face so if you are a foreigner and you own a business you are going to have to deal with that. Also logic which is so elemental to most Westerners is not emphasized here nearly as much. And certainly not when it comes to the education people receive...in Issan especially.

So suppose you are in a restaurant and there is no salt at your table. You call out for it and sure enough a waitress brings you your salt. You come back in two weeks later and once again there is no salt. Now, a logically minded waiter or waitress will assume that customers want salt at their table so they'll make it a habit to bring it to their customers straight off. Same with Parmesan cheese. Also notice how in many restaurants here in Thailand the waitresses and waiters will start clustering together like Quail in the far corners of the room so when you want to check bin you oftentimes have to struggle pretty hard to get their attention. In countries such as the U.S. the service staff is usually much better at anticipating what the customer wants or needs......such as having another glass or water, coke or having his bill presented to him. The American waiters or waitresses if they are at all good, tries to anticipate ahead of time what the customer needs and seems to get to the customer's table at the right time to take care of him. In Thailand the quail are too often hanging out together oblivious to the needs of their customers. I think the American service people have pretty well figured out that if they are attentive to the needs and wants of their customers that they will get rewarded by bigger tips. Then again, in the U.S. comparatively there's a lot more upward mobility. Perhaps the American waiter or waitress knows that he or she can eventually become manager of the restaurant or if it's a hotel get moved into a management position elsewhere. In Thailand if your waiter or waitress is from Issan he or she knows he's getting nowhere. So why should the service people make much of an effort anyway?

There seems to be far too much emphasis here on what you can snap up financially rather than trying to pursue sound business ends aimed at making a greater profit for the organization you are working for. I've often wondered about service charges at many hotel restaurants. These are typically 10 percent and they are charged to the customer along with a VAT. Theoretically these service charges are divided up among the hotel staff--I'm not sure if the maids who clean the rooms share in them or not. Or whether it's just the restaurant employees. But I seriously doubt if the division is fair and I'll have to say that I think the hotel's managers are getting a fair chunk out of it. It is doubtful if the restaurant employees ever get an accounting of what service charges were brought in and what was distributed. If tipping was encouraged and it there was upward mobility in such hotels where a waiter or cleaner could eventually become manager I'd say service would be much improved and ultimately the hotel would make even more money than before. Would I put it past such hotel managers and owners? Well, when I was on the committee of this condo building our ex Thai manager certainly felt it was his duty to grab commissions whenever the opportunity presented itself and I really think that he believed getting these commissions was his solemn duty--and much more so than making sure the building was cleaned property or that security was doing its job so based on personal experience, I'd say.....yes.

Anyway, it's all a very complicated ball of wax. Unfortunately the turds too often rise to the top because of family position, money or that they are paying somebody else to get to these positions in the first place. As someone else here said, Thailand is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Again, it's amazing Thailand and as I've mentioned i personally get extremely good service from our condo staff, from some of the restaurants I deal with and even in some of my favorite bars.

Edited by jackcorbett
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5 years ago I received a very lucrative offer to be a consultant at a high class new hotel in Pattaya. The problem was simple, they wanted to make more money. The first meeting was in the most beautiful managers office that I have ever been in, in a hotel.

They talked for a while. I thanked them for the information and requested a chart of accounts and a complete inventory. I told them I would be back in a couple of days to look at the results.

They were aghast. They told me I did not need that information and would not give it to me.

I needed a starting point. What did they have on hand. The furniture, the food, the linen, the whole ball of wax. Their response told me volumes. I refused the job. The owner was laundering mob money and the manager was stealing from the owner and the whole gang was family.

As I look at the building in Pattaya I am convinced the whole darn city is built on drug money. Hotel occupancy rates don't justify the building. It is illegal money looking for a home outside of a bank.

And that is the reason the service is so bad.

I worked for Red Lion hotels years back and that chain was also mob money. I am used to the system and can see it a mile away.

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How about just staying OUT of the go-go bars? I was just there and walked the red light district in the street for fun with my Thail lady of 3 years but had no desire to actually go into a slutty mafia run go go bar! Trouble is always bound to happen if you put yourself in the situation - duh.

Instead we paid 1000 baht for a room over the water on Koh larn island and got a motorbike for the day for free with the room. If you have a smart and real Thail lady the other thai's will give you good deals and respect you. Nice time.....play smart and have fun.

PS: If you want to know the wonderful couple who has the beautiful quiet rooms on Koh larn Island message me privately. They do not have a website or email.

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How about just staying OUT of the go-go bars? I was just there and walked the red light district in the street for fun with my Thail lady of 3 years but had no desire to actually go into a slutty mafia run go go bar! Trouble is always bound to happen if you put yourself in the situation - duh.

Instead we paid 1000 baht for a room over the water on Koh larn island and got a motorbike for the day for free with the room. If you have a smart and real Thail lady the other thai's will give you good deals and respect you. Nice time.....play smart and have fun.

PS: If you want to know the wonderful couple who has the beautiful quiet rooms on Koh larn Island message me privately. They do not have a website or email.

How about staying OUT of Koh Larn? Because one day there might be trouble there too! I am not a fan of go go bars but still go there many times accompanying friends who are on holiday in Pattaya.

I have never seen any problems and assume and hope that these issues that we hear about are infrequent. But as it is your right to visit places that interest you and your lovely girl I would feel sure that you would also feel that others can make their own minds up!

It is actually called freedom of choice and many people really love this concept. As for people making bad choices it sure does happen and if so you wear the consequences of your choice don't you?

Just ask the people of Egypt and Tunisia if they would like to have freedom of choice. We all know that they and other people do not like being dictated to by others who believe they know better and are of the belief that they are superior. Sound familiar to you?

Just like choosing to ride a motorbike when approximately 10,000 people die each year in Thailand on motorbikes! As they say "up to you"

Edited by tlcwaterfall
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Seems like an interesting topic.

I think it is hard for any of us to speculate what really went down that night unless we were with the party.

Saying that experience leads us to assume many things.

<deleted> would two good looking young men be doing with three 40+ yr old Thai women in Pattaya?

My guess, and it is only a hunch.

These women rolled into this gogo to show these young guys off. Being young money Thai's, they were probably extremely condescending and flat out rude towards the staff.

The staff were eating shit because they were making money, but when a question of money came up, then the game changed.

When you mess with peoples money, connected people. Bad things happen.

Who was going to pay? The manager? What was he going to tell his handlers? He can't handle his corners!

Hell no. He gave the word to stomp those MF'er's and it was on. I bet the girls loved it.

Hiso Thai's no way. Had it been Hiso Thai's, the manager would be in a wood chipper, along with anyone who touched one of those women.

Don't confuse money with Hiso

The comparisons to America don't really make any sense at all. Should drop it.

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Seems like an interesting topic.

I think it is hard for any of us to speculate what really went down that night unless we were with the party.

Saying that experience leads us to assume many things.

<deleted> would two good looking young men be doing with three 40+ yr old Thai women in Pattaya?

My guess, and it is only a hunch.

These women rolled into this gogo to show these young guys off. Being young money Thai's, they were probably extremely condescending and flat out rude towards the staff.

The staff were eating shit because they were making money, but when a question of money came up, then the game changed.

When you mess with peoples money, connected people. Bad things happen.

Who was going to pay? The manager? What was he going to tell his handlers? He can't handle his corners!

Hell no. He gave the word to stomp those MF'er's and it was on. I bet the girls loved it.

Hiso Thai's no way. Had it been Hiso Thai's, the manager would be in a wood chipper, along with anyone who touched one of those women.

Don't confuse money with Hiso

The comparisons to America don't really make any sense at all. Should drop it.

I would imagine the hi so ladies wanted to stay out of the Thai clubs because there are a lot of P4P Thai boys there coupled with middle aged hi so Thai ladies. I don't imagine the ladies wanted to up set their Thai giks. The only place they could think of taking the new rent boys was a go go on Walking street where the Thai men would not or could not go. Since the Thai clubs don't close till 8 AM they were unused to going home so early. Hence the disagreement. By 8 AM at the Thai clubs seems to me everyone is ready to go home. The Thai night clubs in Pattaya that I used to frequent are owned by cops and the owners are there most nights. They were always nice to me.

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Seems like an interesting topic.

I think it is hard for any of us to speculate what really went down that night unless we were with the party.

Saying that experience leads us to assume many things.

<deleted> would two good looking young men be doing with three 40+ yr old Thai women in Pattaya?

My guess, and it is only a hunch.

These women rolled into this gogo to show these young guys off. Being young money Thai's, they were probably extremely condescending and flat out rude towards the staff.

The staff were eating shit because they were making money, but when a question of money came up, then the game changed.

When you mess with peoples money, connected people. Bad things happen.

Who was going to pay? The manager? What was he going to tell his handlers? He can't handle his corners!

Hell no. He gave the word to stomp those MF'er's and it was on. I bet the girls loved it.

Hiso Thai's no way. Had it been Hiso Thai's, the manager would be in a wood chipper, along with anyone who touched one of those women.

Don't confuse money with Hiso

The comparisons to America don't really make any sense at all. Should drop it.

I would imagine the hi so ladies wanted to stay out of the Thai clubs because there are a lot of P4P Thai boys there coupled with middle aged hi so Thai ladies. I don't imagine the ladies wanted to up set their Thai giks. The only place they could think of taking the new rent boys was a go go on Walking street where the Thai men would not or could not go. Since the Thai clubs don't close till 8 AM they were unused to going home so early. Hence the disagreement. By 8 AM at the Thai clubs seems to me everyone is ready to go home. The Thai night clubs in Pattaya that I used to frequent are owned by cops and the owners are there most nights. They were always nice to me.


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If you hang out in that wretched den of scum and villainy

I'm reading that part of your post as if spoken by Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow. :D

I don't think BOS2BKK would recognise a den of scum and villainy if he fell into one.

Presumably has grown up in a sanitised, manicured, middle class ghetto somewhere and regards that as the minimum acceptable standard.

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jackcorbett has nothing to worry about, he wouldn't get beat up in a bar here as he would of already bored them all to death.


I'll be sure to use my word count feature in WP to put more pizazz into future comments. We can call such future posts "Jack Corbett Lite" in the same spirit as "U.S.A. Today" or "Readers Digest" for those who either don't have the time for more in depth analysis or are a bit lite themselves.

Edited by jackcorbett
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"Trouble" what's your definition of trouble? Trouble here means a beating and trip to the emergency room. I don't think that's what trouble means in any civilized country or you would be the new owner of the bar and the staff would be behind bars.

Good thing there is a rule about speaking English on the forum and not "Pattaya" as it could cause a lot of confusion wink.gif

Speaking of confusion...what are you talking about? "goo thing there is a rule about speaking English on the forum and not "Pattaya"????????????? what

If the joke/sarcasm went above your head ... reread what you wrote and my response.

It went above my head because what you posted makes no sense. Is English your mother tongue? Guessing it's not from your posts.

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An awful lot of attention is being made out of a bar fight where nobody was seriously injured. Are we really going to pretend this doesn't happen all the time in the west or that bouncers/employees don't rough up customers who show disrespect? Bar fights like this would never make the news back home and if they were foreigners who got the beating (or girls on girls fights) it is doubtful the police would put much work into the case. But once again let us pretend Thailand and its people are so terrible.

Pattaya is like a 7 day a week Mardi Gras with probably more bars per square kilometer than most any other place. What makes this story so strange is that it is not an an occurrence that happens multiple times a day..

Anything can happen in any country in the world and most certainly not all Americans believe in fair play. There are pile ons where the victim is ganged but in my experience this is very unusual. Bouncers do strike their customers at times in the U.S. but it is common knowledge that they shouldn't do it. And there are both criminal and civil penalties in the U.S. and they are enforced. Been in three bar fights and seen a few more and not once have I seen the kind of pile ons that are typical in Thailand bars. In most of the U.S. this is considered cowardly behavior whereas many Thai men think this is terrific. Thai guys do not suffer from the social ostracism resulting from their cowardly actions whereas Americans usually (but not always) do. And there are zero consequences from the police.

One personal incident. I had come into an East St. Louis strip club with one of the dayshift girls. I knew the bouncer. He reprimanded the dancer for coming into the club during the night shift, then he told me, "I don't like you Jack." I replied..."I don't like you either Larry." Next thing I know he's punched me in the face and he's shoving me up against the wall. A few seconds later I've knocked him down, and I'm on top of him in the middle of the floor and working him over. Three guys pull me off the bouncer. They pull me over to the door. I'm not fighting back. And they throw me out of the place into the snow. This is pretty typical. I used to hang out in East St. Louis strip clubs two or three times a week. If a customer got too unruly several club employees would grab him, not just the bouncer and they'd toss him out the door. I called this "The bum's rush".

So Larry's a thug.

Yep. The whole sequence of episodes was hilarious. Art Mowe was the owner of the club, which was called C-Mowes. He was in the pen for I think it was income tax evasion and he put Larry in charge. But while Art was in prison Larry embezzled a substantial amount of money. I wound up getting barred from the club for one year for knocking Larry down, then Larry's embezzlement was uncovered, Art got out of the pen and I was reinstated and subsequently had several good conversations with Art.

Edited by jackcorbett
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After giving this some thought, I have come to the staggering conclusion that these bars are so hooked up with the police ,that they do not fear them in the slightest. Therefore they can do whatever they want. Now I can understand cracking bottles over the heads of farangs who have a bill dispute, this has been going on for years. But even I am amazed at them kicking ass on hiso Thai women... Has some fundamental change occured ??

... fundamental change? ... perhaps we've reached the tipping point ... Thais now realise that they are perfectly safe to target foreign visitors to Thailand, without fear of legal repercusions.

... is there now developing an "open season" on foreigners in Thailand? ... (think Jamaica ... once a beautiful tourist destination ... now a dump)

We will most likely see Vietnam pass up Thailand for tourism and I think the Thais will only have themselves to blame. Vietnam has laws in place to stop any kind of violence against tourists and they don't play around when one of their own crosses the line unlike here where Thais are never wrong. Having traveled through Vietnam and spending some time there I would have to say that the customer service is much better as well. Customer service in Thailand is abysmal period.

From what I read in the article these people did nothing to warrant physical violence.

Can i just ask you why you think the customer service in thailand is abysmal? A country where you can still get a good meal and drinks for you and your tgf for 100bt,i can go to a restaurant or bar and i am served my drink straight away,unlike my own country where you have to stand at the bar for 15min,i have had no problem in hotels,apartment,the gym,cinema and bowling alley. I can honestly say im happy with the service i get,the only time i have been pissed off is when i was at one of the street vendor's getting some chicken and sticky rice and this old thai woman pushed infront of me and got served but the vendor said nothing.

Where have you actually stayed in Thailand? is this a pattaya thing again?

I don't "stay" in Thailand, I live and work here in Phuket. I have lived in Bangkok and CM as well. I wouldn't know about customer service in bars as I don't drink and am already married so find no reason to go to them.

I'm talking about customer service in places like department/ grocery stores etc not street vendors. If you have ever been into Powerbuy looking for something then you will most likely know what Im talking about - 6 staff all hanging out together sitting on the couch watching the tv, try asking for something and without standing up or even looking away from the tv "don't have, finished" . Most stores I go to here in Phuket operate like this even the bigger dept stores like Central n ot uncommon for the staff to all be sitting out of view of the customer having a converstaion or exchanging music on their mobiles. "Don't have" of "finished" ends the converstaion. Doesn't seem to ever be an attempt to find out when they will get more stock in or "can I take your # and call you when we get more" nahhhh that would be too much work.

For the standard tourist here for two weeks I guess you wouldn't mind or even notice but if you live here it becomes tiring and a bit of a joke.

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It went above my head because what you posted makes no sense. Is English your mother tongue? Guessing it's not from your posts.

Wow, I am baffled that I need to explain this but ....

You wrote: "Trouble" what's your definition of trouble? Trouble here means a beating and trip to the emergency room.

1) Because this is a thread about a happening in Pattaya one would assume when you say "here" you mean Pattaya.

2) Because you are saying the word "trouble" in Pattaya means something completely different than anywhere else in the world it could be taken as an indicating there is a "Pattaya" language

Hopefully this better helps you to understand the obvious joking sarcasm in my reply about it being good there are rules on the forum about speaking English and not "Pattaya" to prevent us all from getting confused when people use words such as "trouble"

If it gets you less upset in the future I will try to be more serious in any reply to you and simply point out that you are wrong and trouble is not defined anywhere in the world solely as; getting beaten and sent to the hospital. But because I thought the real definition of "trouble" was known to you and you were simply exaggerating... I responded with some light sarcasm which you seem to have taken personal and for that I apologize if indeed your feeling were hurt.

Edited by Nisa
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I am not sure what level of customer service should be expected from from a seedy bar in the country's Sodom and Gomorrah city in the heart of a red light district where disease, crime, drugs, child molesters and prostitutes are common. dry.gif

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It went above my head because what you posted makes no sense. Is English your mother tongue? Guessing it's not from your posts.

Wow, I am baffled that I need to explain this but ....

You wrote: "Trouble" what's your definition of trouble? Trouble here means a beating and trip to the emergency room.

1) Because this is a thread about a happening in Pattaya one would assume when you say "here" you mean Pattaya.

2) Because you are saying the word "trouble" in Pattaya means something completely different than anywhere else in the world it could be taken as an indicating there is a "Pattaya" language

Hopefully this better helps you to understand the obvious joking sarcasm in my reply about it being good there are rules on the forum about speaking English and not "Pattaya" to prevent us all from getting confused when people use words such as "trouble"

If it gets you less upset in the future I will try to be more serious in any reply to you and simply point out that you are wrong and trouble is not defined anywhere in the world solely as; getting beaten and sent to the hospital. But because I thought the real definition of "trouble" was known to you and you were simply exaggerating... I responded with some light sarcasm which you seem to have taken personal and for that I apologize if indeed your feeling were hurt.

Thanks. Don't quit your day job. I don't think you will make it as a comedian :blink:

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I am not sure what level of customer service should be expected from from a seedy bar in the country's Sodom and Gomorrah city in the heart of a red light district where disease, crime, drugs, child molesters and prostitutes are common. dry.gif

So what little piece of paradise in this world do you live in? i would be like to know? Lets discuss where you live

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I am not sure what level of customer service should be expected from from a seedy bar in the country's Sodom and Gomorrah city in the heart of a red light district where disease, crime, drugs, child molesters and prostitutes are common. dry.gif

That is clearly not the issue or the problem. There are bars in Bangkok that make anything that goes on in Pattaya seem like girls finishing school exercise and yet they have great customer service.

One Frenchman used to (he is not there anymore and the place has gone downhill) offer a money back guarantee. Any old timer at Soi Seven will attest to the fact that Pattaya is quite tame.

Many bars in Asia used to check guns and drugs at the door in a safe and they were always returned politely when one left the bar.

Sleaze and perversion is not the problem. Sleaze and perversion exist with great customer service.

Tourist area is the problem. No repeat business is the problem.

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The only thing that made this news is that the Thai women were involved. In Pattaya gang beatings of farang are almost a daily occurrence. A Thai walking by holding hands with his girlfriend won't even ask what happened? They will just add a couple of kicks, and then walk on. The police take no notice, the farang is laying on the ground after multiple kicks to the head wondering, What just happened? Every time I have seen it happen, it was for the most trivial of matters, and ejaculated into a fight long before any farang would expect. Which is why they don't remove themselves. Most people will remove themselves when they sense danger. I said fight, I shouldn't have said beating, because they are always beatings. As soon as one Thai hits a farang, every Thai with in eye sight jumps in.

What is really funny is. The Mayor is pushing hard to make Pattaya a family destination. Yet gang beatings are a daily occurrence in Pattaya, and especially on walking street. All the shopping malls in the world aren't going to draw families if they see this sort of thing happening with immunity. Those men that were beaten will go home and tell everyone they know that Thailand and Pattaya is not a safe place to go. In fact dangerous. What family man is going to want to bring his family to Pattaya after hearing that?

He he he, yes I did. I must have misspelled it, or made a typo and spell check caught it. Guess I didn't look close enough at the suggested word. Lesson learned.

"Every time I have seen it happen, it was for the most trivial of matters, and ejaculated into a fight long before any farang would expect. Which is why they don't remove themselves."

:lol: :lol:

haha did you mean to say escalated into a fight??? haha "ejaculated into a fight" ? sounds messy

He he he, yes I did. I must have misspelled it, or made a typo and spell check caught it. Guess I didn't look close enough at the suggested word. Lesson learned.

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I am not sure what level of customer service should be expected from from a seedy bar in the country's Sodom and Gomorrah city in the heart of a red light district where disease, crime, drugs, child molesters and prostitutes are common. dry.gif

That is clearly not the issue or the problem. There are bars in Bangkok that make anything that goes on in Pattaya seem like girls finishing school exercise and yet they have great customer service.

One Frenchman used to (he is not there anymore and the place has gone downhill) offer a money back guarantee. Any old timer at Soi Seven will attest to the fact that Pattaya is quite tame.

Many bars in Asia used to check guns and drugs at the door in a safe and they were always returned politely when one left the bar.

Sleaze and perversion is not the problem. Sleaze and perversion exist with great customer service.

Tourist area is the problem. No repeat business is the problem.

If their seats are still full then I am guessing repeat business is not a problem for "them" wink.gif

And if i go to a place for "sleaze" I personally like that to be the atmosphere and not a clean perfectly polite establishment.

As for my original statement about Pattaya we can use it for areas of BKK too .. just replace the wording to say "Sodom and Gomorrah II"

Edited by Nisa
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I am not sure what level of customer service should be expected from from a seedy bar in the country's Sodom and Gomorrah city in the heart of a red light district where disease, crime, drugs, child molesters and prostitutes are common. dry.gif

That is clearly not the issue or the problem. There are bars in Bangkok that make anything that goes on in Pattaya seem like girls finishing school exercise and yet they have great customer service.

One Frenchman used to (he is not there anymore and the place has gone downhill) offer a money back guarantee. Any old timer at Soi Seven will attest to the fact that Pattaya is quite tame.

Many bars in Asia used to check guns and drugs at the door in a safe and they were always returned politely when one left the bar.

Sleaze and perversion is not the problem. Sleaze and perversion exist with great customer service.

Tourist area is the problem. No repeat business is the problem.

If their seats are still full then I am guessing repeat business is not a problem for "them" wink.gif

And if i go to a place for "sleaze" I personally like that to be the atmosphere and not a clean perfectly polite establishment.

As for my original statement about Pattaya we can use it for areas of BKK too .. just replace the wording to say "Sodom and Gomorrah II"

Tourist areas don't have repeat business on a daily basis. They have new business from new tourists who don't know how bad the place is. This eventually catches up with the operators but not in the short term and Thailand is all about short term thinking.

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I am not sure what level of customer service should be expected from from a seedy bar in the country's Sodom and Gomorrah city in the heart of a red light district where disease, crime, drugs, child molesters and prostitutes are common. dry.gif

That is clearly not the issue or the problem. There are bars in Bangkok that make anything that goes on in Pattaya seem like girls finishing school exercise and yet they have great customer service.

One Frenchman used to (he is not there anymore and the place has gone downhill) offer a money back guarantee. Any old timer at Soi Seven will attest to the fact that Pattaya is quite tame.

Many bars in Asia used to check guns and drugs at the door in a safe and they were always returned politely when one left the bar.

Sleaze and perversion is not the problem. Sleaze and perversion exist with great customer service.

Tourist area is the problem. No repeat business is the problem.

;) There's a new Frenchmen there and they still offer the money back guarantee but yeah it's really gone down hill (from what I've heard :whistling: )

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A big part of the problem is drugs and it's not pot or opiates; it's ya ba.

If the owners of the bar allow employees to ya ba up to stay skinny and if they allow bouncers to ya ba up because they double as pushers things go down hill rapidly.

I don't think it is any secret who are the main suppliers and that the delivery system is by motorcycle. This creates a mob link.

Since Khun ** went from opium to heroin to ya ba the chain of command and distribution network has remained the same.

This is where the money comes from to pay the Walking street rents and build the new hotels.

Only a strong man with an enlightened view of his countries future can save the situation. Someone like Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore.

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jackcorbett has nothing to worry about, he wouldn't get beat up in a bar here as he would of already bored them all to death.


I'll be sure to use my word count feature in WP to put more pizazz into future comments. We can call such future posts "Jack Corbett Lite" in the same spirit as "U.S.A. Today" or "Readers Digest" for those who either don't have the time for more in depth analysis or are a bit lite themselves.

For my part I apologise, didn't mean to come across as nasty, and it was in response to your first post in the thread which did seem to be a touch verbose. However in your following posts you do seem to talk sensibly and factually. Best wishes to you, and I look forward to more of your posts in the future.

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This bar - SuperGirl A-Go-Go (Walking-Soi Diamond) - is in my very short black list for a long time and I hope never visit it again because of the bad personnel and security guys, their bad attitude to the customer.

Not surprised to read this story.

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