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Suicide Bomber Attacks Bus Carrying Israelis At Airport In Bulgaria


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The Swedish secret service and Bulgarian officials have denied that Mehdi Ghezali was the suicide bomber who killed five Israeli tourists and two Bulgarians in a bus explosion yesterday, the Times of Israel reports.

I'd say his actual name, ethnicity, and nationality is a trivial detail compared to whether he was Hezbollah or not. Given the success of his attack he definitely was NOT acting without a support organization.

Fair enough, just posting an update on the media reports

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Bet we won't hear a condemnation of the US by Benjamin Netanyahu for cutting him loose. Just stick to his ignoranus attributes of blaming his self percieved enemies as usual.

Speaking of ignoramuses. The US did not send the bomber. Most likely Iran did and they make no secret of being an enemy of Israel. rolleyes.gif

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The Israelis were targeted in Bulgaria because there are lots of Israeli tourists in Bulgaria and they are a soft target in a county with less than stellar security.

The same reason Israeli tourists are under threat in Thailand.

BTW, apparently the suicide bomber was named Medhi Ghezali, a Swedish national of Algerian descent, formerly in Guantanamo. Too bad they let him go. Hezbollah operatives (Iran proxy) can be of many different nationalities or races.

Really ? Another ex- GITMO detainee back on the battlefield killing people.? Bet we won't hear a condemnation of the US by Benjamin Netanyahu for cutting him loose. Just stick to his ignoranus attributes of blaming his self percieved enemies as usual.

Excuse me but it wasn't the US government that just blew up a bus filled with beach going tourists.

It wasn't the Syrian or Iranian governments either.

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The Israelis were targeted in Bulgaria because there are lots of Israeli tourists in Bulgaria and they are a soft target in a county with less than stellar security.

The same reason Israeli tourists are under threat in Thailand.

BTW, apparently the suicide bomber was named Medhi Ghezali, a Swedish national of Algerian descent, formerly in Guantanamo. Too bad they let him go. Hezbollah operatives (Iran proxy) can be of many different nationalities or races.

Really ? Another ex- GITMO detainee back on the battlefield killing people.? Bet we won't hear a condemnation of the US by Benjamin Netanyahu for cutting him loose. Just stick to his ignoranus attributes of blaming his self percieved enemies as usual.

Excuse me but it wasn't the US government that just blew up a bus filled with beach going tourists.

It wasn't the Syrian or Iranian governments either.

If it was Hezbollah or a similar proxy of the Iranian government ... YES, it was. Nobody is saying it was the Syrian government except in the sense that Iran and the Syrian regime are very close allies, so you can stop making that point.
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Bet we won't hear a condemnation of the US by Benjamin Netanyahu for cutting him loose. Just stick to his ignoranus attributes of blaming his self percieved enemies as usual.

Speaking of ignoramuses. The US did not send the bomber. Most likely Iran did and they make no secret of being an enemy of Israel. rolleyes.gif

Hahahahahahah. cheesy.gif

No evidence. As usual. Come up with something new for once. Just once, Please. Isreal has pissed off a rather large portion of the world population. But the likes of yoursef keep on blaming a handful of governments and organisations just because they don't bend over and take it from the US. You and your like have NO evidence. Show me EVIDENCE. Not self opinion or hearsay. I am still waiting on Israel to provide evidence of the Iranian plot to assasinate a Saudi diplomate on US soil. And evidence that Iran was responsible for the bombings in BKK in Feb. Some people are so ignorant it defies belief.

Edited by coma
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Hahahahahahah. cheesy.gif

Who do you think was the organization behind this suicide bomber?

In your previous post i like the use of the word If as it is not definitive. There is world full of 'individuals' that despise Israel and some are more than capable of carrying out such an attack on such a soft target in a low security environment like this. So I am saying that it may not be an organisation. It doesn't have to be an organisation. That is why I stated that it will be interesting to see if anyone claims responsibility.

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Hahahahahahah. cheesy.gif

Who do you think was the organization behind this suicide bomber?

In your previous post i like the use of the word If as it is not definitive. There is world full of 'individuals' that despise Israel and some are more than capable of carrying out such an attack on such a soft target in a low security environment like this. So I am saying that it may not be an organisation. It doesn't have to be an organisation. That is why I stated that it will be interesting to see if anyone claims responsibility.

So many flaws in your argument.

1. A pattern of recent similar attacks/attempts linked to Hezbollah (Iran proxy)

2. History shows similar suicide bombers against Israelis are supported by a terror organization

3. Taking credit or not taking credit is irrelevant in cases like this. Did Israel take credit for the nuclear scientist hits? Of course not.

If you are saying that the general public doesn't have 100 percent rock solid proof that this attack in Bulgaria was sponsored by Hezbollah or another Iran proxy, I would agree with that. In war situations you don't always get 100 percent rock solid proof of anything.

Edited by Jingthing
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The experts say that most likely it was sanctioned by Iran.

What experts are these? The unnamed US spokespersons quoted on the Israeli website Jingthing linked to? John"Bonkers" Bolton, who has been ranting on Fox News today that we should start bombing Iran now? Benjamin Netanyahu? If Netanyahu told me it was raining i would look out the window and double check. If these unnamed US spokespeople wanted to protect innocent Americans from acts of terror, they would be better employed turning their attention closer to home. Denver Colorado for example.
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By that logic it rather seems that Israel has that prior knowledge or how can it be that they came up so quick with someone to blame?

Its more likely the work of a lone lunatic who did it for whatever reason.I doubt its state sponsored terrorism. If Iran is building atomic bombs as alleged i would expect that their alleged long arm in the proxy war against Israel would come up with something that is a more sophisticated plot.

Oh really?

Guess you missed the arrests in Kenya, as reported in the Independent on July 4;

Prior to their arrest on 19 June, the suspects had toured sites including the Israeli embassy in Nairobi and a golf course in the coastal city of Mombasa, as well as the British High Commission, according to Kenyan police sources.

Believed to be members of Iran's secretive al-Quds corps, Ahmad Abolfathi Mohammad and Sayed Mansour Mousavi subsequently led authorities to a cache of high explosives.The two men have been charged with illegal possession of 15 kilograms of RDX, a chemical previously used in the 2006 Mumbai train bombings and 2010 Moscow metro attacks. They are due back in court in the Kenyan capital Nairobi later this month.

The Iranians have been implicated in every terrorist attack or attemot thereat since the Iranian was tossing grenades in Bangkok or a implicated in the attempt to blow up the wife of the Israeli consul in India.

Corection. Newspaper Independent is UK based. My apologies.

Edited by geriatrickid
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The experts say that most likely it was sanctioned by Iran.

What experts are these? The unnamed US spokespersons quoted on the Israeli website Jingthing linked to? John"Bonkers" Bolton, who has been ranting on Fox News today that we should start bombing Iran now? Benjamin Netanyahu? If Netanyahu told me it was raining i would look out the window and double check. If these unnamed US spokespeople wanted to protect innocent Americans from acts of terror, they would be better employed turning their attention closer to home. Denver Colorado for example.

The Israeli website is Haaretz newspaper, a left wing Israeli newspaper favored by the Israeli intellegentsia. It's a great source for Israel related news and there is always lot of information and commentary there that is VERY critical of the Israeli government.
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By that logic it rather seems that Israel has that prior knowledge or how can it be that they came up so quick with someone to blame?

Its more likely the work of a lone lunatic who did it for whatever reason.I doubt its state sponsored terrorism. If Iran is building atomic bombs as alleged i would expect that their alleged long arm in the proxy war against Israel would come up with something that is a more sophisticated plot.

Oh really?

Guess you missed the arrests in Kenya, as reported in the Kenya Independent on July 4;

Prior to their arrest on 19 June, the suspects had toured sites including the Israeli embassy in Nairobi and a golf course in the coastal city of Mombasa, as well as the British High Commission, according to Kenyan police sources.

Believed to be members of Iran's secretive al-Quds corps, Ahmad Abolfathi Mohammad and Sayed Mansour Mousavi subsequently led authorities to a cache of high explosives.The two men have been charged with illegal possession of 15 kilograms of RDX, a chemical previously used in the 2006 Mumbai train bombings and 2010 Moscow metro attacks. They are due back in court in the Kenyan capital Nairobi later this month.

The Iranians have been implicated in every terrorist attack or attemot thereat since the Iranian was tossing grenades in Bangkok or a implicated in the attempt to blow up the wife of the Israeli consul in India.

Some people don't want to face the truth. One has to wonder why. (Not too hard to figure that one out.coffee1.gif )
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I don't quite know what to make of this report;

Ahmadinejad described the attack as “a response” to Israeli “blows against Iran.” “The bitter enemies of the Iranian people and the Islamic Revolution have recruited most of their forces in order to harm us,” he said in a speech reported by Israel’s Channel 2 TV. “They have indeed succeeded in inflicting blows upon us more than once, but have been rewarded with a far stronger response.”He added: “The enemy believes it can achieve its aims in a long, persistent struggle against the Iranian people, but in the end it will not. We are working to ensure that.

Ahmadinejad’s speech was interpreted in Israel as asserting that the Burgas bombing was a revenge attack for the killing of Iranian nuclear scientists, for which Iran has repeatedly blamed Israel.

THe drums of war beat louder.

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John"Bonkers" Bolton, who has been ranting on Fox News today that we should start bombing Iran now

To be frank, I have always considered your political posts to be so full of untruths, inaccuracies and conspiracy theories as to not even be worth considering, but if you can provide a link to a reputable source that quotes John Bolton saying that, "we should start bombing Iran now", I will have to start taking your posts more seriously.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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John"Bonkers" Bolton, who has been ranting on Fox News today that we should start bombing Iran now

To be frank, I have always considered your political posts to be so full of untruths, inaccuracies and conspiracy theories as to not even be worth considering, but if you can provide a link to a reputable source that quotes John Bolton saying that, "we should start bombing Iran now", I will have to start taking your posts more seriously.

John Bolton quote from earlier this year

"So I think this is going to a very, very difficult year, and I think, quite honestly, half-measures like assassinations or sanctions are only going to produce the crisis more quickly. The better way to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons is to attack its nuclear weapons program directly and break their control over the nuclear fuel cycle."

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By that logic it rather seems that Israel has that prior knowledge or how can it be that they came up so quick with someone to blame?

Its more likely the work of a lone lunatic who did it for whatever reason.I doubt its state sponsored terrorism. If Iran is building atomic bombs as alleged i would expect that their alleged long arm in the proxy war against Israel would come up with something that is a more sophisticated plot.

Oh really?

Guess you missed the arrests in Kenya, as reported in the Independent on July 4;

Prior to their arrest on 19 June, the suspects had toured sites including the Israeli embassy in Nairobi and a golf course in the coastal city of Mombasa, as well as the British High Commission, according to Kenyan police sources.

Believed to be members of Iran's secretive al-Quds corps, Ahmad Abolfathi Mohammad and Sayed Mansour Mousavi subsequently led authorities to a cache of high explosives.The two men have been charged with illegal possession of 15 kilograms of RDX, a chemical previously used in the 2006 Mumbai train bombings and 2010 Moscow metro attacks. They are due back in court in the Kenyan capital Nairobi later this month.

The Iranians have been implicated in every terrorist attack or attemot thereat since the Iranian was tossing grenades in Bangkok or a implicated in the attempt to blow up the wife of the Israeli consul in India.

Corection. Newspaper Independent is UK based. My apologies.

An arrest in Kenya of believed to be members of Iran's secretive al-Quds corps is the evidence that Iran is behind the bus bombing in Bulgaria?

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I don't quite know what to make of this report;

Ahmadinejad described the attack as “a response” to Israeli “blows against Iran.” “The bitter enemies of the Iranian people and the Islamic Revolution have recruited most of their forces in order to harm us,” he said in a speech reported by Israel’s Channel 2 TV. “They have indeed succeeded in inflicting blows upon us more than once, but have been rewarded with a far stronger response.”He added: “The enemy believes it can achieve its aims in a long, persistent struggle against the Iranian people, but in the end it will not. We are working to ensure that.

Ahmadinejad’s speech was interpreted in Israel as asserting that the Burgas bombing was a revenge attack for the killing of Iranian nuclear scientists, for which Iran has repeatedly blamed Israel.

THe drums of war beat louder.

What kind of report?

That a Israeli news source, Channel 2 TV, spins a story that puts the blame on Iran?

Don't waste your time with it, focus on real investigation results.

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John"Bonkers" Bolton, who has been ranting on Fox News today that we should start bombing Iran now

To be frank, I have always considered your political posts to be so full of untruths, inaccuracies and conspiracy theories as to not even be worth considering, but if you can provide a link to a reputable source that quotes John Bolton saying that, "we should start bombing Iran now", I will have to start taking your posts more seriously.


But this is hardly news is it. Mr Bolton has a lot of form when it comes to beating the drums of war in Iran. As for the rest of your post, i don't do 'conspiracy theories', although i do accept the fact that those with your tunnel visioned point of view on all matters to do with the Middle East, find it a convenient phrase to rubbish anything that questions and throws doubt on your beliefs. As any perusal of my posts will show, i am no lover of Islamic terrorism, quite the opposite. But then, i am no lover of terrorist acts wherever they take place, and by whom, be it Israel, Palestine, Syria, Libya etc. There is where i think we differ.

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I don't quite know what to make of this report;

Ahmadinejad described the attack as “a response” to Israeli “blows against Iran.” “The bitter enemies of the Iranian people and the Islamic Revolution have recruited most of their forces in order to harm us,” he said in a speech reported by Israel’s Channel 2 TV. “They have indeed succeeded in inflicting blows upon us more than once, but have been rewarded with a far stronger response.”He added: “The enemy believes it can achieve its aims in a long, persistent struggle against the Iranian people, but in the end it will not. We are working to ensure that.

Ahmadinejad’s speech was interpreted in Israel as asserting that the Burgas bombing was a revenge attack for the killing of Iranian nuclear scientists, for which Iran has repeatedly blamed Israel.

THe drums of war beat louder.

What kind of report?

That a Israeli news source, Channel 2 TV, spins a story that puts the blame on Iran?

Don't waste your time with it, focus on real investigation results.

The Israeli media is referring to an interview given by Ahmadinejad to France 24. I believe you can find it on their website.

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I am very surprised by the directness of Ahmadinejad's statement.

I'm not, Iran actually desires war due to the insane twelvers who are in charge there. As for what John Bolton said, I don't see why it should be controversial as he only spoke the glaringly obvious truth.

P.S Golden tinfoil hat award for anyone still thinking Iran was not behind the bombing in light of Ahmadinejad's statement.

Edited by Steely Dan
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I am very surprised by the directness of Ahmadinejad's statement.

I'm not, Iran actually desires war due to the insane twelvers who are in charge there. As for what John Bolton said, I don't see why it should be controversial as he only spoke the glaringly obvious truth.

P.S Golden tinfoil hat award for anyone still thinking Iran was not behind the bombing in light of Ahmadinejad's statement.

Yes I agree Iran is involved but I don't see what they gain by being so open about it. Which makes me wonder if a more overt war may be coming soon.
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