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Can Coming To Thailand Make You Bisexual?


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OK....I'll make you a deal.Watch the Miss Tiffany contest next spring, broadcast on mainstream Thai TV, and then tell me those beautiful girls don't turn you on....and that they are "just blokes with makeup on a dress".

A lot of men go for ladyboys PRECISELY because the look and often act as pretty girls.

If you like ladyboys, then your a homo/bi.

A ladyboy is just a bloke with makeup on and a dress.

Simple as that.

I am not gay, so I will not watch it.

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Attraction of a straight man to a ladyboy is generally heterosexual. Doesn't make him bisexual.

I beg to differ.

Me too! So what your saying is that it is not a homosexual act if you are receiving oral sex from another guy?
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Ladyboys are men pretending to be women. Heterosexual men do not want to sleep with other men no matter what costumes they are wearing.

Wow Ulysses . . . unless you are deliberately trolling, that is one of the most close-minded statements I've heard on TV for a long time.

If you had any understanding of the psychology of "Ladyboys" etc. you'd realize how inane that statement is. A majority of them are 'women' in a 'mans' body, essentially to the point of being born with the wrong body parts which surgery now allows them to correct.

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People who go to Thailand, and elsewhere in Asia, have left their homes, where they would not be so free to try new sexual experiences. I still believe those who do have been gay all along, only hiding it, and / or suppressing it through their "normal" lives back home.

Once they arrive in places like Thailand, they can let themselves go.

Personally, I have no desire other than for women, period.

With that said, some lady boys can be quite attractive. However, it doesn't matter to me how they dress up, they are still guys underneath it all. If you are a guy, and choose to be with a lady boy, there is only one word that describes you - gay.

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Attraction of a straight man to a ladyboy is generally heterosexual. Doesn't make him bisexual.

I beg to differ.

Me too! So what your saying is that it is not a homosexual act if you are receiving oral sex from another guy?

Its just facts.

People like to distort facts in their favor. Usually homo/bi men will state otherwise on these facts.

Its like dressing up a pillow as a woman and saying the pillow really is a woman.

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I think you'll find that two, not all, of the gay forum posters are posting in this thread and we haven't distanced ourselves from anyone. We're justing pointing out that ladyboys aren't gay.

Lady boys are men attracted to men.. How can by any stretch you not consider the ladyboy gay ??

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What upsets me about such discussions is when so many deny to be "gay", as if it was something to be ashamed of. How pathetic and homophobe is that? Because many men are afraid to admit their orientation, a guy who looks like a chick is the perfect cover then? Same applies for ladyboys, who pretend to be females, come up with some 3rd gender bs just to avoid being classified as gay? Unless they are transsexual, which is a different can of worms and has nothing to do with orientation...

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About the gay forum, transgender people and topics for/about transgender people are very welcome and fit with the forum. Heterosexually identified men attracted to ladyboys are simply USUALLY not gay. Unless they are which would fit in the rarer cases of gay identified men who like ladyboys. Confused?

Well my gay buddy and his boyfriend came out from Holland.. First night on Bangla, they bar fine a pre op LB..

So obviously not so clear cut.

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I have three good friends who are in to the ladyboy thing to various extents. One guy (Aussie) will go out of his way to look for ladyboys when he comes to Thailand; another (Yank) has had the very occasional 'hook up' with them; and the third (Indian) simply likes talking to them. All of them are very heterosexual... lot's of 'real' women in their lives, and they probably chase skirts more than the average guy. But the Aussie is the most 'diverse' and even 'deviant' in his tastes, followed by the Yank. So I suspect that this phenomenon is more about the thrill of difference / novelty / deviance / kink than it is about sexual orientation. To each their own...

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The issue here is semantics and labels, obviously if you are a man and you want to experience intimacy with male genitalia , you are not strait, maybe not "gay" in the old school definition. Nature creates many variables, culture creates many stigmas, Thailand creates many possibilities, enjoy.

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I have three good friends who are in to the ladyboy thing to various extents. One guy (Aussie) will go out of his way to look for ladyboys when he comes to Thailand; another (Yank) has had the very occasional 'hook up' with them; and the third (Indian) simply likes talking to them. All of them are very heterosexual... lot's of 'real' women in their lives, and they probably chase skirts more than the average guy. But the Aussie is the most 'diverse' and even 'deviant' in his tastes, followed by the Yank. So I suspect that this phenomenon is more about the thrill of difference / novelty / deviance / kink than it is about sexual orientation. To each their own...

Well they are bi.

Nothing wrong with it, people seem to just having a problem with excepting it.

I think it has more to do with what people will think of you because of what it is perceived in the west.

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OK....I'll make you a deal.Watch the Miss Tiffany contest next spring, broadcast on mainstream Thai TV, and then tell me those beautiful girls don't turn you on....and that they are "just blokes with makeup on a dress".

A lot of men go for ladyboys PRECISELY because the look and often act as pretty girls.

OK but for every one 'miss tiffany entrants' theres 10 like


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[so obviously not so clear cut.

Ouch !

One of Lou's finest:

Holly came from Miami, Fla

Hitchhiked her way across the USA.

Plucked her eyebrows on the way

Shaved her leg and then he was she - she said:

Hey Babe, take a walk on the wild side,

Said hey honey, take a walk on the wild side.

I hear this song in my head everytime I walk into Obsession, or Cascade, or Romeo, or ...........

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A friend of ours has come to Thailand for the first time ,i have known him for years ,he was married and had kids plus loads of girlfriends ,he came on holiday and all he seems interested in is Ladyboys

A friend of of ours?

Who are the others?


Known him for years?

Then you should know Why he has a wife no longer; and kids no longer; and loads of girlfriends no longer.


Was married?

I deduce that he was divorced and had his heart ripped out through his sphincter; had everything he ever owned, owns, and will own snatched away from him.


Had Kids?

I deduce that he had his kids yanked away from him by Social Services, was slapped with a restraining order, is paying through the nose for them, and can only see them as long as he is being watched by the social service nazi.


Plus had loads of Girlfriends?

I deduce he no longer has the financial means to spend money on these cows in order to maybe get a kiss at the end of the evening. I also deduce that these loads of girlfriends had reason to no longer be interested in him - a.k.a. a man with no money and stripped of his dignity.


Came on Holiday?

I deduce this means getting away from it all (i.e. the above), translated: seeking escape from the norm (a living, nightmarish Hell) - trying something new that does not bring up the memories or trigger the fears and pain - seeking solace, etc.


Of course, you have known him for years, and yet you choose to bait us with this question of him being interested in transexuals. What I mean is, I do not think you area very good friend if you disregard the implied issues that got him to the point of behaving like this, and then blab to the world that it vexes you. you should not have to ask if you have known him for years, and the events leading to this?

Why not say that your friend made some bad decisions in life and got severely burned by every female he had known, and was left in such a state that he was willing to try anything - even once just - to get a little compassion, love and satisfying mutual sexual activity; without all the sordid baggage that comes with intermingling with, in all likelihood, the domestic Amazonian females who own him?

I may be wrong in my deductions, but shame on you for focusing on your long-time-friend's journey to seek happiness, and questioning his choices; in addition to not providing more details as to why, perhaps, he would do these things that leave such a long time "friend" like you in the dark.

Are you even suppportive of him, or are you one of those friends that hang around and draw energy from people without ever replacing it? And who are the others in on this mysterious ordeal? Whay are you all so anal about it and leaving him out of the picture whilst going behind his back to ask for the answers? All you will get here are people's opinions. You'll get the truth from him.

Nice one, mate.

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While not caring one way or the other and having nothing whatsoever against ladyboys ,they are not women ,biologically they are still men ,unless they have a womb and can have children.

So women who have had hysterectomies and have fake boobs are now men?

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I have a theory that straight men who fool around with ladyboys (pre-opp, with their equipment intact, but after a breast job) are acting out latent gay tendencies. The fact the the guy looks like a woman, and has breasts, adds legitimacy to the act. "Well, she has boobs, so it was not entirely gay". "He certainly did not look like a guy". It is a guy. No getting around that. You just had sex with a man. He may have been pretty, but it is a guy! Let's not fudge (no pun intended) the issue here. The bottom line, is that when you sleep with a ladyboy, who has his package, what happens to that package during sex? What percentage of these "straight" men who have sex with them leave the package alone? What percentage are on the receiving end? There is no argument in the world you can make, that denies these facts. I have no problem with a man doing as he pleases, as long as he is not hurting anyone. But, let's be honest about this whole topic. Let's call a spade a spade.

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Attraction of a straight man to a ladyboy is generally heterosexual. Doesn't make him bisexual.

No it makes him GAY

No, bisexual is the most likely concept. A blending of both genders chosen.

If he does not go for gay men,

but still goes for women and sometimes ladyboys,

bisexual is the only conclusion.

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All depends were you on the receiving or giving end......I mean were the ladyboys.....not judging again...just asking?

Well i dont know which end he was onbiggrin.png as i didnt like to ask ,but whatever end he seemed to have had a great time and says he is coming back , as to him being gay i dont think he is ,even i can look at some ladyboys and think they are attractive ,but must admit i have never wanted to go with one as what they have down below i already have myself and the attraction of women was they had what i didnt ,if you get my drift.

Are you sure the ladyboys in question were pre-op? If they were post op then they are woman irrespective of whether they were once men.

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There's another point you probably haven't considered. Your friend may be into anal intercourse and oral sex - something ladyboys excel at - and there's no risk of pregnancy.

Hammer. Nail. Head. I think that sentence is the most obvious answer to the OPs question. Maybe he ain't getting "any" back home.

And some might argue that anything beyond missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation is sexual deviance.

Being that the "missionary" position is not "natural", anyone using that position must therefore be a deviant, as we should be doing it "doggy" (yeah, just like the animals that we truly are). (PS: The "missionary position" had nothing to do with "missionaries" either.)

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This subject would be fantastic for a documentary on Thailand and tourism. There was another article recently about Ladyboys being allowed to dress as girls for a graduation ceremony at a school or university. Where else in the world would this be allowed or happen? It would cause an uproar in every place I can think of, except in Thailand. If the moral constraints of society are relaxed, people will do a lot of things they secretly want to do, like have sex with a transgender, where if they did so openly in their own country they would be labeled or attacked, mostly likely.

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If bisexual is the wrong term, then if:

[1] heterosexual - attracted to a member of the opposite sex.

[2] homosexual - attracted to ones own sex

[3] bisexual - attracted to both sexes

is there a term for a man that is attracted to both women and ladyboys (knowing full well that they are in fact genetically men) ?

A friend asked me this a couple of days back whistling.gif


[4] trisexual - attracted to both sexes and ladyboys


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